You've brought up some interesting things here.
Paradise is not lost, it is to be found, here on earth while you still are in the flesh.
This is what Ive always believed. Whats with the idea that this entire existence is just some "test" to decide if we will live an eternity of agony and torture or one of pure bliss and ecstasy? And if god made us, then why not just make people worthy of living in his heaven and be done with it? Why create a hell and create people so he can throw them into it to be tortured for all time?
What if this was all there is? Wouldn't it be wise to enjoy what we have here and now? And even if you ascribe to religion, you are told to marvel at the miracle that is this world god made. Maybe in doing so you will find heaven here and now.
I like the idea that heaven is actually within us. And that all we need to find it is on this planet.
What I hold from this is that in order to reach freedom you got to personalize your relation with god and get to know him one step at a time through yourself, there should not be 50 or 100 of religions there should be six billion ones cause I don't think that god is to be found in a book in a strangers face but within and the only path into that is by questioning your existence, be 'self-vigilant' as Chris D's quote says.
I agree. I think that if there is a god then his relationship is between you and him. After all, he is all seeing and all knowing. So he doesn't need angels or priests or any other third party as a go between to communicate with you.
And the one place that you are truly you is in your heart.
So its best to search for god in your own life. In yourself.
And when he communicates, it will be through you, from inside you.
And I have the belief that if you throw a child into the wild he will eventually form an idea of god and believe in his existence. The idea of god is maybe part of our nature.
Of course it is. Its in our nature because we are complex animals. We think about things and try to work out what makes them tick. This came about in order to survive in a harsh world. By analyzing everything around us, we have become the dominant species on the planet.
And it is natural to eventually come to the point where we begin to analyze our very existence.
And it leads us to ask if there is any higher power. Any reason for our being here.
And naturally since we cannot find any evidence of a creator, we decide that if there is one its like ourselves, since we can relate to that.
Also, it is natural to want to feel safe. To feel protected and to feel no matter what horrible things in nature confront us- we have a higher power to protect us.
It is that feeling we have when we are a child, that our parents protect us, that they know all the answers. That everything you ever want to know can be explained.
Unfortunately when we become adults ourselves, we come to the horrible realization that our parents are not all seeing, all knowing, all powerful. And it leaves us feeling weak and powerless again.
I think for many adults this is too horrible to face. So they turn to religion and this gives them the all knowing all, seeing, all protecting adult figure to watch over them again.