War & TerrorismAtomic bomb
3 Posts • 2170 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The United States won the war with Japan and established 20 years of world dominance and stabilty because of one reason---the atomic bomb. The Vietnam War could have been won with the bomb, but victor... |
Workout RoutinesWhat do you do to keep fit?
9 Posts • 5879 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I work out at the gym now as my friend has paid a year's membership for me, though when I didnt get this I had to be creative.
I train 6 times a week. So during the week I would train straight a... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12677 Views Religion Forum |
Bush has a God-given right to rape other countries. Pagans have no rights. You all spit on the very flag of freedom which allows you to spill out such blasphemous opinions.
By all means they should... |
War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 88832 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"I have an itching suspicion it will involve Korea.
Not very many people know it, but America is still technically at war with them, with either of them giving up at the border mark."
Ko... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62216 Views Jokes & Games |
Questions Not To Ask In Foreign Lands
'Are you magically delicious or just angry and drunk? This beer is black- did a leprechaun crap in it?'
'Can I get a side of Freedom Fri... |
30 Posts • 9987 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm dating a fellow now who I have known since I was 8, and we just recently got back from going on vacation together.
The thing I find most amazing about him is that our relationship is almo... |
EconomyPetro dollar and Iran war
24 Posts • 9992 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)
People think the nuclear ambition of Iran is the reason for Iran war. That is only right on Israel's part. For US part, it is petro-dollar.... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11325 Views Talk Talk |
The impression I get from mindfields is
She appreciates beautiful short stories and art that reflect her ambitions in life. Keeping up with daily news, she is always aware of international events and... |
Ailments & DiseaseHair Regeneration Using Stem Cells
3 Posts • 3444 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Scientists are learning so many amazing things about stem cells and what you can do with them. It's very realistic that within the science of stem cells lies the future of human health.
Scient... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Subconscious Focus…
5 Posts • 2888 Views Psychology Forum |
Some things do not depend on the conscious aspect, but at other levels of consciousness.
We do not only feed and work with the conscious mind, but also the subconscious, and unconscious.
When you wo... |
I need sleep..
14 Posts • 3604 Views Talk Talk |
Yeah especially when you get off of HW 36 going to a concert, make one wrong turn and end up in some desolate, shitty industrial place where the roads are all dusty and there's no one in sight. A... |
War & TerrorismMy Views
20 Posts • 7498 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Leftwood, I'd rather the US not be anywhere. But if the warmongers MUST be somewhere at all times, might as well direct them to regions that would correlate with their arguments so we wouldn'... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29128 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"GOD's promise is to fulfill the need , not the greed. "
He's often not even fulfilled that promise.
" That I may have use or poceesions doesn't make me rich in the m... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27539 Views Religion Forum |
"Again, Jesus changed those laws.
Unless you are Jewish, and do not believe in the Christ whom was here in the flesh, then of course, it would make sense."
Christ did not come to bring equ... |
StoriesShort story on vampires: Part 1
25 Posts • 7113 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
[ind][ind][ind][ind][ind][ind] [ind][ind][ind][ind][ind][ind] [ind][ind][ind][ind][ind]Part Five.
As Maxamillian guided his latest lamb through the winding gravel path surrounded by bushes and tree... |
AnimalsCanadian Lynx
1 Posts • 5478 Views Science & Technology Forum |
New animal discovery for me - never heard or seen any images of this unusual and elusive feline.
The Canadian Lynx finds it's home amid dense forests areas across northern Canada and Alaska,... |
ChristianityMITHRA! (pt. 2)
31 Posts • 9008 Views Religion Forum |
i agree with you. you shouldnt believe because i told you so. in fact, i dont think you could believe on that presidence. listen scott, i know everyone thinks i'm an idiot, and who knows, maybe t... |
GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14034 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There's nothing wrong with invading Iraq, if it is to spread capitalism and democracy it is an inherently good thing as it replaces something far worse, Saddam.
However, this invasion has not re... |
ChristianityA Dedication To pat robertson
9 Posts • 3920 Views Religion Forum |
dont know, makes money for him, but probably provides jobs for the locals. not the best way to help i admit, there are other jobs they would probably prefer, and production of some sort would be more... |
Random QuestionsRandom Questions
32 Posts • 15083 Views Talk Talk |
In my CD player? don't own one. But I have an iPod. It's full of mainly Linkin Park songs, two from Evanescence, one from Staind, two from Lifehouse, one from Bon Jovi, and the Pink Panther... |
Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7755 Views Religion Forum |
Lying to people to get their money isn't just unethical - it's illegal.
It's called fraud.
Unless it's a religion doing it. Religion has the unique right to lie about wha... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29128 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I disagree completely. I think you need to look at historical facts to make a judgement on capitalism. As the economy gets bigger, more and more complex jobs must be done by those who were of the work... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12677 Views Religion Forum |
'Iraq is not about oil, nor was Afghanistan, we went there to free the Iraqi people.'
An important question many people seem to forget, did the Iraqi people ASK us to 'free' them? What give the rig... |
4 Posts • 3530 Views Science & Technology Forum |
After reading some facts on these 'raptors' as they are commonly known, that video is misleading about the size and appearance of Velociraptor's. They are much smaller than depicted in... |
Aesthetics & BeautyThe Art of Zen
18 Posts • 7823 Views Philosophy Forum |
In my japanese class we've been discussing the art of zen and its origins in japan. This way of thinking got me very intrested and made me realize several things about myself and what Zen is all... |