Tagged > Mood sadness problems feelings restart |
8 Posts • 3671 Views Talk Talk |
Heh... I have no REAL friends, and I probably will never have one. If its a really good friend like you do almost everthing together, then try to work out your problems. If you lose them, you wont fee... |
Stoned in love, but not with you.
10 Posts • 3071 Views Talk Talk |
A main issue with your situation is honesty and respect. Do you respect yourself enough to be honest to yourself? It seems you do because you have clearly told yourself that you know... |
Emotions & FeelingsSimple Human Emotions
4 Posts • 2767 Views Psychology Forum |
So i was watching a discovery channel special on sex and it said that people like people who are fit because that shows that they are fertile so that got me thinking, if attraction is simply a functio... |
Random QuestionsYoung love
25 Posts • 6680 Views Talk Talk |
Theres some interesting points you made about love Code.
I can see allot of what you're saying, but I don't really agree with your final analysis.
Ive experienced the infatuation kind... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22578 Views Religion Forum |
i get a feeling like when i was young like, i dont know how im or anything is here (and i care have feelings of fear) so there must be a god warm person right....... but espescially around recently i... |
Aching in my Chest
6 Posts • 3694 Views Talk Talk |
I think you should talk to her and let her know how you feel. You can't keep these feelings inside forever.. It's not healthy. I'm sure if you have a talk with her, you will undertand h... |
Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7976 Views Philosophy Forum |
I am enjoying this conversation.
Firstly I would really like to clear up a misunderstanding. That was not my tone saying "hoping." You assumed negatively of me instead of assuming that I... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31946 Views Psychology Forum |
That's just the physical part
My Dream guy:
a guy who loves music, who has a good singing voice, nice skin, intellectual, respects all women, funny, a guy who's not afraid to communicate... |
PoetryMy attempt at poetry.
16 Posts • 5308 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Ah if only it was this simple...
The Man and The Boy
There was a boy, sitting at a creek,
His mood somewhat bleak,
A travelling man pondered,
And over he wondered,
"Why do you sit and c... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32919 Views Philosophy Forum |
"You seem to trust every source of your information, I do not, I have learned that humans lie and take that into account. "
I do not trust every source of information. I am highly dubious... |
258 Posts • 67395 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I have just written what I believe to be by far the best poem I have ever written. It is lyrical and littered with litterary device, but, in order to fully appreciate it, I feel I must elaborate on my... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44055 Views Philosophy Forum |
What I'm stateing here is that the reality of all existence is more than we can fathom. Things might be more than happenstance , but then again they may not. And since we can't say for sure... |
God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10016 Views Religion Forum |
that makes perfect sense.. its just very hard to describe for where we se the words "heart" "soul" mind brain etc.. theres distincitve feelings we can knida relate..
tans |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17729 Views Philosophy Forum |
That is great!
When I first started dating my lady I was so in love with her every day felt so awesome! this happiness spilled out all over the place_ I will never forget those feelings at times I fe... |
Warm Fuzzy Things...
15 Posts • 4980 Views Talk Talk |
Warm fuzzy feelings, HMMMMMMMMMMMM......
Ok, when my kids say I Lve You for no reason
When I get a kiss from my grandkids.
Listening to children laugh.
Spending time with my animals.
FAMILY is... |
Life & DeathLife is becoming a bore
13 Posts • 4843 Views Philosophy Forum |
I know how you feel man. You don't want to look back on your past because you dare not. I just bury my problems which means that every few months i break down. this isn't the best option. My... |
Law & GovernmentCivilization and government
26 Posts • 7832 Views Philosophy Forum |
OHHH NOOOO!!!! What will we do without overpopulation problems???? We would be screwed if we lowered the amount of air polution due to less people driving. And what about all of those natural recorces... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16863 Views Psychology Forum |
To Photar:....Maam I understand all of that....i'm saying it's about a balance...man is wrong for putting hisself above women, and women are in the same wrong because they are putting themse... |
Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21542 Views Religion Forum |
u say not all religions are equall, but the problem is very one finds thirs better. Even i find my pagan life and works better then... say christianity i belive in god but not the one u believ in, i f... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16863 Views Psychology Forum |
That has nothing to do with it. That is related to the amount of kowledge one must acquire. It's social injustice that women have to work harder to reach high levels because they have to battle s... |
Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineHomemade Toothpaste
8 Posts • 9405 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I've been using plain 'ole baking soda for about a year now. I can't say my teeth are any whiter or any less. I haven't had any problems with cavities but I also haven't been... |
51 Posts • 72633 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I can live without it, but it is so wonderful to be able to have SEX, BE HAPPY AND WITH THE PERSON THAT LOVES YOU IN RETURN. I am lucky to have that now and forever. However, sex doesn't make a r... |
Relationships & LoveIn love with two Men
10 Posts • 28013 Views Psychology Forum |
Excellent points kitten,
If you haven't told either of them of these feelings than you don't love either, you are being selfish and it will bite you in the ass.
The grass is always gre... |
PhotographyOriginal Photography Post
74 Posts • 30639 Views Art Forum |
Hey Mindfield, what do you know about the pyramid?
Given all your points of the obvious, to those who know the area, monuments and nods to the historical and or continued feelings and ideologies o... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17729 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe in the 'soul' and reincarnation, and therefore I think the possibility of two 'souls' meeting one another again in another life is totally feasible.
Do I believe in 'soul mates' – no.... |