Tagged > Mood sadness problems feelings restart |
War & TerrorismLegitimacy of Iraq War: US dollar verus the Euro
0 Posts • 3701 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
so are you saying that only a small dent would be made... when weighed out with the majority of factors concerning macroeconomics.
what about that huge national debt... all that jazz they keep thro... |
Sexual BiologyI like sex but have trouble Orgasming
17 Posts • 17689 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
ive had a boyfriend type person in my life for like 2 years now, and we have sex fairly often, ok alot and soemtime i think im addicted lol, but its been a long time since i was able to achieve orgasm... |
Sexual PsychologyA submissive woman
3 Posts • 4608 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
OK, I don't know where to start, this is about a woman being submissive but not in the terms weknow today, but, in the terms women were seen in the past.
It may seem I am talking as if I was i... |
Lower the legal drinking age to 18
5 Posts • 3946 Views Philosophy Forum |
For some reason, I think lowering the drinking age to 18 would be benificial for the fact that It might lower the rebellious teenagers that have to wait til 21.
but at the same time, people around... |
14 Posts • 3836 Views Talk Talk |
Then perhaps instead of smelling the roses you need to wake up smell the coffee. As I said the world is an ugly place too. Perhaps you need to see exactly how ugly it can be before you get angry enoug... |
Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17064 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yes indeed, the illusion of a free will within an individual is their own individual reality. Such feelings of control are illusions; we are just ignorant of all the irresistible forces acting upon us... |
SpiritualityFaith: innate or not?
6 Posts • 6000 Views Religion Forum |
Where are you coming from???? My gosh!! Are you this angry just because I didn't take your answer as the answer of all answers? Come on.
I assumed your coping mechanism was the answer to your... |
Habits & BehaviorPerfectionism
17 Posts • 14067 Views Psychology Forum |
I never thought of it in that way. It did feel conditional to some extent. I would hold negative feelings if I failed until the next time I met my standards again.
Everyone has standards placed on... |
How do we know?
60 Posts • 16502 Views Philosophy Forum |
I forgot to add one thing, that yes, as john said, before sleeping, just confide to god all of your deepest feelings, and I assure you, that you will immediantly become peaceful and will be relieved o... |
Ethics & MoralityThe moral hand, a complete and coherent ethical theory
4 Posts • 3557 Views Philosophy Forum |
You are an exception in this category, and what is irrational here is that you expect that everyone can be rational too. That is not so; if it were, the world would not have so many problems. I am not... |
Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9329 Views Religion Forum |
The ideas of many religions are about the same and generally just another pursuit of controlling the masses. The problem typically occurs when you have individuals pursue extreme, skewed views of said... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46357 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
it is something of a mystery to me. of course homosexuality has been something known throughout the ages. it is probably, i believe, both nature and nurture-a big picture. maybe, i feel, there is an u... |
Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29854 Views Jokes & Games |
..and then once your wish is granted , you will suffer from on-going back problems (as a result of having to give your many friends 'lifts' all the time). And a time will come when you just... |
Quiz for Generation X
4 Posts • 2678 Views Talk Talk |
Hello All! My name is Tina Owens and I am doing research to see if Generation X (18 to 34) feels or thinks that being in control of your mind is important in everyday life? I am 34 years old by the wa... |
Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9191 Views Philosophy Forum |
According to me you have to live your life as a human being, expressing your emotions in various ways. But to be human, you need to have emotions. We call ourselves 'human' because we believe that we... |
Artworkart thread
8 Posts • 4677 Views Art Forum |
I love the creativity with the RX - using the glass and the meaning behind it. But I would like to know the meaning behind this artwork. I know RX is representing negativity, but I want to know why th... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77250 Views Psychology Forum |
im not angry. i just think it is stupid of you to hold someone in such high regard max. poser was doing a fine job promoting himself and his band long before you showed up, he doesnt need silly little... |
To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7372 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thanks for the understanding, Awakening.
I've never been sure about marriage or kids. Neither appealed to me. When I tell people this, I get surprised looks. I felt pressured at one time (by p... |
Human Nature & EmotionSacrifice and Love
4 Posts • 2869 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've been in a couple relationships over the past few years and it struck me that the more I give my heart away the happier I feel but at the same time the I feel less attached to the relationshi... |
DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141019 Views Psychology Forum |
Hi Ericka,
You seem so distressed and I hope I can help you. Basically, it sounds like you are overwhelming yourself by trying to be like other people when you are not. If you're someone that prefe... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27249 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
"Homosexuality's origin is unknown"
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heterosexuals friend...Hetero!
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ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5576 Views Religion Forum |
However, if a Christian does it because he fears going to hell, it is not freedom. He/she is not acting with personal choice. This is because the fear of going to hell does not give you the choice to... |
Emotions & FeelingsConerning emotions and feelings.
6 Posts • 2832 Views Psychology Forum |
Does everyone who has emotions have to always assign meaning to them, like belief? If we took every thought into critical thinking we would go insane. A thought without meaning is just a thought until... |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12978 Views Religion Forum |
I understand exactly what you are saying. And hopefully soon you will too. *lol*
Sorry, I'm just in a good mood.
But if you can look beyond the religions at the messages
Dude, did you... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62729 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Silently many of us here in Oklahoma wonder - and they had some kind of drill going on the day of the bombing here as well.
And Clinton was president at that time, while I don't like Bush, I b... |