Tagged > Mood sadness problems feelings restart |
Human Nature & EmotionHappiness
58 Posts • 13910 Views Philosophy Forum |
People believe that the meaning in life is to be happy. But in writing my own philosophy I find that being happy comes at too much of a cost for the important things going on around us. The whole worl... |
Random QuestionsYoung love
25 Posts • 6680 Views Talk Talk |
okay ive have always wondered can you be in love at the age of say.. 15.. i was looking at a thread created by oblivion and he was asking when can you say you love so and so.. okay im 18.. and its lik... |
2 Posts • 2839 Views Philosophy Forum |
Too much controle over something like eating could turn into anorexia, but you don't realize it until it's too late, and even then, you still might not see that it's a problem. But I ag... |
When I feel pain, I....
20 Posts • 7157 Views Philosophy Forum |
To help me cope with emotional pain- I clear my mind, and think objectively. I usually go for a long run (about10-20km), have a shower, sleep, meditate or listen to music. They all help me relax and d... |
About You / IntroductionsHow's it going?
5 Posts • 4415 Views Talk Talk |
This is true. You've got to hand to Orwell. He really saw something happening to us as a species. I think we'll collectively be able to break the addiction if we realize that this isn't... |
The Smashing Pumpkins
5 Posts • 2184 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I know we're just like old friends
We just can't pretend
That lovers make amends
We are reasons so unreal
We can't help but feel that something has been lost
But... |
Human Nature & EmotionWhere did love come from?
5 Posts • 3613 Views Philosophy Forum |
love as in the conception of unexplained "feelings". Things we feel without understanding towards anything, as in objects or people.
if we think of ourselves as divine, then love is our d... |
8 Posts • 2582 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
There's something wrong with the average state of parenting these days. To help perpetuate it we have fake experts like Dr. Phil instilling a victim complex in the parents of "bad kids."... |
Rehab & AddictionI need a cigarette
18 Posts • 19394 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
when the day is done when all the cacophony of the world has come to a halt you realize im smoking? it gives you a point when all you think about is the toxin going in to you and slowly killing you th... |
EconomyEducate Yourself About Money
34 Posts • 10003 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The first videos were difficult to follow and the solutions they came to for this problem would just create other problems. Give government the power to issue credit instead of a central bank? Yah, th... |
PerceptionStrength and weakness
11 Posts • 3957 Views Psychology Forum |
and also don't be a hermit. when you don't want to be treaten like that show something valuable. it is very good for a you to converse with the persons that may involve to your problems........ |
PoetrySecret poems
21 Posts • 14509 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I look at you and my anger rages like an ocean..Avast sea of wasted feelings.And precious time.
Hurt by the things ou say and do to me. And the things you don't think i hear..Or yo... |
2 Posts • 2878 Views Talk Talk |
Okay I have a problem I yearn to follow a specific not so 'coacher' religious spiritual path it calling me it has been for some time now and I fear for my friendships if I choose to follow I know that... |
Human Nature & EmotionCan you choose to be happy?
12 Posts • 16592 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm a massive stress head. But I don't stress excessively about things that are of little importance. Things I stress about are more serious big issues, perhaps issues that I don't have... |
a new code processor
11 Posts • 2885 Views Philosophy Forum |
-Because our points of reference are different. You will never see the world through my eyes and therefore never see exactly what I see.
If we were able to convey those points of reference and thos... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23898 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am not as strong in politics.
I do understand the concepts however. ;)
It was Americans, who completed & used the A-bomb first. It was Americans, who started the arms race and who produced... |
RelationshipsSoul Mate?
30 Posts • 9804 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
If I may rabble on about my personal feelings......
I am at peace with my self. I have delt with "not needing one now".(hard to do). I am at peace with the direction of my life. However... |
Relationships & LoveI'm 14 and in love, so what?
26 Posts • 9240 Views Psychology Forum |
Yep, and with that intensification of good feelings, so does the bad intensify.
It is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all
This is true for all of m... |
Gender PsychologyWhy was The Pill Developed for Women and Not Men?
6 Posts • 3461 Views Psychology Forum |
Wasn’t there talk of a male pill not that long ago but then there were problems? I’m not informed but I think the reason is just down to it being technologically easier to achieve.
Fo... |
Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18722 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"Furthermore, even if global warming were to occur it would benefit most nations."
Ecological instability can only f*** us up. I don't care if its too Cold up here in Britain (where I... |
Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6752 Views Talk Talk |
Maybe this kid is hurting so much inside because he isn't loved and he isn't noticed and he isn't in control of his life and his feelings, killing an innocent animal manifests how blood... |
ConsciousnessI Got A New Theory on the Human Mind
31 Posts • 10190 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ooh look, what's that just flown by the window? Oh yeah, it's "The Point" followed by the wrong end of "The Stick", go chase, go on, go chase, there's a good little... |
Musical Consistency
0 Posts • 1814 Views Psychology Forum |
hmm my taste in music has changed. I don't listen to any of the same music as when i was 10-13ish. My style has completely changed. I am thinking this happened because when i was 12 i had severe... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16812 Views Religion Forum |
I believe that when we die, we go to wherever we feel we deserve to go.
For instance if we harbour feelings of guilt upon death then we would put ourselves in our own hell. If we feel we've been... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14837 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Education works in Europe at least.
I mean, private education only exacerbates class lines. It removes equality of opportunity and makes social mobility more difficult. Besides that, it creates a q... |