Tagged > Mood sadness problems feelings restart |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91129 Views Philosophy Forum |
My views on death. I have a few. 1. Some believe, you rot in the ground. Rot and are eaten by worms and flowers grow from you and nurish the earth. 2. (Though, I really, really, really doubt this theo... |
Does baked-in bias (ideology) always win?
8 Posts • 2930 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can our civilization survive much longer if our citizens fail to become more intellectually sophisticated? Presently it is apparent to me that few citizens have any idea of the problems that we face.... |
PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7203 Views Psychology Forum |
In a way I was going for that. Success being the key to over-coming my insecurities due to not wanting to be steered from the path I have set as my goal.
Things like the fear you describe, those ha... |
Should the US become the next major empire?
40 Posts • 8257 Views Philosophy Forum |
i do believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions, i however have my own problems with the US, but i would not go so far as to say it is evil. The capitalistic government does one really good th... |
Rehab & AddictionMedication for depression?
25 Posts • 13221 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Medication for depression is bad IMO. It stops people from really trying to solve their problems and instead go the easy (and lazy) way out by taking drugs.
Our brains are very complex, fragile and... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 159973 Views Talk Talk |
Lucky, I'm jealouse! I want to grow my hair out and then curl it. It seems like it's much easier for guys to just let their hair grow and look good, but with girls, it's a lot harder an... |
Weird ThingsThree weird things you're grateful for.
33 Posts • 10509 Views Talk Talk |
My ipod touch though I tend to play gangster rap that makes me feel all gangsta, or sad songs that make me cry. So I am greatfull for the fact that I DO have feelings.
For my Pit Bull though she to... |
Free Will
60 Posts • 15135 Views Philosophy Forum |
you're too smart for 21-you remind me of me at that age when I was much smarter than I am now.
Dont pay too much attention to internalization-it could lead to health problems.
And You are corre... |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87297 Views Psychology Forum |
as my friend puts it, i am a "sarcastic bastard" and hes right on mostly. i usually dont lay it on to thick until ive known a person for a while. i love people who are witty and sarcastic, t... |
War & TerrorismSo...
9 Posts • 4352 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You know what really sucks about wars in general?
Whatever the feelings of the people of a natioon, the leader will do what they see fit for the country. Even at the expense of their own people. Ev... |
Relationships & LoveIs it really rude and bad behavior to assume in American custom?
4 Posts • 3525 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm Asian and my boyfriend is American. He often gets really mad at me because of my 'assuming' as he calls it. But I don't understand him fully. Like for example when I said, &quo... |
Politics: How They Corrupt Education
14 Posts • 7241 Views Talk Talk |
There are a bunch of problems that would come along with different styles of teaching, including your example of the ones who can't teach. The point is though, what we have now does not... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12235 Views Psychology Forum |
Ideally, I should not allow this to affect my perception of my own feelings as being valid. Ultimately, I must constantly look within myself and somehow learn to trust that my feelings are indeed genu... |
112 Posts • 27031 Views Talk Talk |
Jesus drank soda- it's in the bible! I bet if you asked him he would not recomend a vacation to Isreal either- look how things ended for him....
But seriously I think things will get wors... |
24 Posts • 6599 Views Talk Talk |
Is it helpful?
This is similar but kinda off topic, but it is important to me and somewhat related, but sealed government documents, and the ability to effectively (sometimes, if it is even true) c... |
Silent Hill
3 Posts • 2416 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I got lucky and was personally able to enjoy it, I concede that there were moments of painful line recital, and a somewhat unsatisifying ending, but the imagery, mood, and finally some fresh death sce... |
some shit of mine :)
11 Posts • 3785 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Look, people's feelings are going to get hurt, but if you want real criticism you take the good with the bad.
What you guys are referring to is an opinion at best, it wasn't even critici... |
ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6706 Views Religion Forum |
Show me the time two popes resided...there was a time when one was considered heretic, so they voted on another, however the one voted in the second time stood down...
UNTIL they sorted thru... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21977 Views Religion Forum |
Where we run into disagreement is the need for a 'finite container.' And once you think in terms of finite, then you must have something outside of that. There is no 'outside.'... |
Emotions & FeelingsFeelings
2 Posts • 2207 Views Psychology Forum |
What are they and why do we have them? And instead of having different thoughts and different brains, why didn't God didn't make our thoughts the same? |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views Religion Forum |
but I get upset with myself when I think I have offended someone.
Can't say about others but I wasn't offended. This is a place where people can voice their feelings & point of view (h... |
What is Heart Break ?
5 Posts • 7442 Views Talk Talk |
It's all in your Mind. Think about it...your heart is just another organ in your body...when you have those feelings of "heartbreak," your heart isn't actually in any kind of pain.... |
Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82888 Views Psychology Forum |
lol i dont think he was saying all women do that Kindred. Maybe he's just not met the right kind of girls.
I do understand that it is hard to meet women that are not so defensive that they pla... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
ok so the logical are depressed and the faithful are happy? no no, many "logical" people find great happiness in life as do many "faithful" people have great sadness. its more a ma... |
winter frost
1 Posts • 3519 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
my sadness grew too strong
can't control it anymore
feel like i don't belong
another day i'll not endure
this empty life's a waste
shattered dreams all is lost
hold a gun aga... |