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Tagged > Jersey hell
THREAD God in ReligionOny one God created this entire World
12 Posts • 4798 Views
Religion Forum
Hey didn't you know... Jesus wasn't a white man or a black man or yellow man or red man. He wasn't just Jewish by descent and he didn't play favorites with races. Jesus was bron...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17037 Views
Religion Forum
"And hence, allows the enslavement of everyone else." Actually not - you should look into it. "You are ignoring the other 1500 years in which the Church constantly was the justifi...
THREAD SocietySocial Engineering
15 Posts • 3583 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Public education in America began as a way to produce workers who were skilled enough to do certain jobs. The 'enlightened' angle was just sort of a rebellious byproduct cleverly slipped in...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12208 Views
Religion Forum
This discussion will never end between people. No matter how many of the logical people try to prove that their is no such thing as god. Exactly who here is trying to prove this? Not me. If I must...
THREAD War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89169 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This is world war 3 from a non active military 18 college students perspective. so first lets get the countries with which side they would probably fight on. (allied) united states, united kingdom,...
THREAD GovernmentIsrael
6 Posts • 2756 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
In a recent publication of U.S. News and World Report, David Gergen wrote an editorial titled "An Unfair Attack". In the article he issues a rebuttal to an article written by John Mearsheime...
THREAD SpiritualityI need absolute Proof
26 Posts • 9810 Views
Religion Forum
"Dumbteen, this is not a debate about 'what if's' I am in need of where aetheists get their beliefs, or rather lack of belief. I need to be shown why they disbelieve. " I se...
THREAD GovernmentPlans for George W. Bush Presidential Library
29 Posts • 8664 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
WTF? lol When did I encourage Leftwood to be unbiased? And when did I say that I am not biased? WTF is wrong with you sophists? At least the teenager could present an argument, even if it was based...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25113 Views
Religion Forum
Well I'm glad you found some decent info on evolution. Some of your statements on how human genealogy and why weren't new life forms appearing seemingly contradicted evolution was quite misl...
THREAD Alan's Philosophies
17 Posts • 7148 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hye, since this is a philosophy thread, I figured I'd actually post something on philosophy. I consider myself a Christian Existentialist, which to most people is contradictory, but whatever....
49 Posts • 13330 Views
Philosophy Forum
"What are the postive uses of the mind? There aren't any" "MIND" is an illusory reflection of cerebral fidgeting. It comprises all the random, uncontrolled thoughts that bu...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41975 Views
Religion Forum
If romans were worried about christ and christianity then they wouldn't be too fond of Jews either, they are both based off of the laws of abraham and moses. *confused* Rome society (like the USA...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33456 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Jacker, you are entirely missing our point. We aren't saying that body scanners can not provide a sense of security, as far as preventing things onto planes. If anybody ever said that body sca...
THREAD ChristianityChristianity, Religon / Spirituality
2 Posts • 2333 Views
Religion Forum
The following is a response I made in another site to somebody supposedly Christian justifying gay bashing by using old testament bible verses, and all the usual smoke and mirror subjectiveness of any...
THREAD GovernmentDid you know Liberia was an American disaster?
0 Posts • 355 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
To provide more background. Liberia was an English colony for a long time until the Americans won it over from the British after kicking their asses once again at the start of the XIXth century....
THREAD Relationships & LoveBreakup E-mails
0 Posts • 2893 Views
Psychology Forum
Dear you, I'm writing you to tell you a story. A story which, if understood correctly, won't be a tragedy or a comedy. There once was a soul, lost inside of a human being but somehow it w...
THREAD Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 7037 Views
Religion Forum
Example is obvious..if we did not have religion..and we had no moral ethics...where would we be?? The innate 'essence' of men is SELF. The world revolves of only what WE know...OURSELV...
THREAD Just For FunSarcastic Horoscopes
20 Posts • 49634 Views
Talk Talk
CAPRICORN (December 22 -January 20) You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are basically chicken shit. There has never been a Capricorn of any importance. You should kill yourself....
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39595 Views
Philosophy Forum
I gotta stop coming here. Y'all get me so caught up I get nothing else done! I'll just address one thing at a time and maybe not all. I may have to stop reading for today because I too must...
THREAD I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7728 Views
Talk Talk
(note that i haven't read any of the responses on this thread before writing this). i just don't understand why this seems to be such a partisan issue. im normally pretty liberal about th...
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18052 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I fill with pride every time my grandfathers walk into a room, because they served in WWII. I feel the utmost respect for those around me, friends and family and aquaintances, that have, are, or will...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29248 Views
Religion Forum
If there is no right answer to any one person's belief, then all would be right. But, if any one person had the belief that their faith was the only true faith and that all other faiths were wron...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57864 Views
Religion Forum
OKCITYKID - "So the new testament is not the word of God but the old testament is, is that what you are saying? I can almost agree with you. Certainly a letter that Paul writes to Timothy could n...
THREAD GovernmentTop Eight Reasons To Impeach Bush
15 Posts • 4884 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
US-led forces killed 37% of civilian victims. Most of that was done by the bombing, not the soldiers. Soldiers are trained to take orders and on deployments you don't have access to the news,...
THREAD computer-illiterate parents
5 Posts • 4384 Views
Talk Talk
it's a quiet evening at the rollergirl household... lovebirds are tweeting contentedly after a bath under the kitchen sink faucet. kazaa calmly performs illegal activities while unsuspecting poli...
  80    81    82    83    84    85    86    87    88  
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