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Tagged > Insane religion
THREAD ChristianityShaytaan - Iblis
4 Posts • 2299 Views
Religion Forum
I have noticed that we do an awful lot of talking about God, is he there, is he not, is he racist ect.... But what about shaytaan, or Satan, Iblis is his name in Islamic tradition for all those who di...
THREAD Commonsense Australian Politics
15 Posts • 3112 Views
Talk Talk
Imagine if this was said about Jewish Zionists or Christian Extremists etc etc. It is of course the only way to even attempt being fair about it. But then of course to stop extremists and terro...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17038 Views
Religion Forum
Christianity has only very recently become a peaceful religion. 100 years ago it was used as the excuse to conquer and exploit black Africans. All of Christendom was for almost 2000 years under despot...
THREAD God in ReligionWhat do you think about God?
14 Posts • 3462 Views
Religion Forum
DEFINITIONS Belief: [ind]t o have confidence in the existence of something, without absolute PROOF. Creation: [ind]--- the world; universe. [ind]--- the original bringing into existence of the...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33957 Views
Religion Forum
okay I promised myself I wont talk about such big stuff cuz it makes my head boil and my thoughts get in my way, but... I dont believe in god. I believe in myself, in what I can do. You could say that...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
Decius, it sounds like you should take your nose out of your book and take a long look around in the world "we" live in not the world you live in. It isn't all peaches and cream and jus...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21547 Views
Religion Forum
I will agree that Jesus stands out - I will not agree that Christians follow him, I will agree that Christians think they are saved by him, yet they do not follow him. I believe that if you follow...
THREAD Society & Sociologycults
4 Posts • 2256 Views
Psychology Forum
I would disagree that there is any limit on the size of a cult (scientology anyone?), the definition of a cult is usually in it's practices. The word cult is generally used in place of sect to in...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17204 Views
Religion Forum
Let me put it this way, science would not exist without creation, and neither would the thought process of man. Nothing would exist. Religion is a formed bond we have in our way of worshipping the...
THREAD Science vs ReligionReligion AND Science/ Relgion OR Science
6 Posts • 3354 Views
Religion Forum
"To insist that the world is meaningful at its deepest level only if it is animated by the self-same personal, indubitably HUMAN principles that govern our own personal lives seems to me to be am...
THREAD ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21772 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Xris, man you spend to much time soaking up government propagada. Get out more, maybe go to some foreign countries, then you may see all they tell you, is not the truth. The only biggotry comes from...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15608 Views
Religion Forum
I think the question is easy to answer. The "world", or society rather, needs a safe haven to believe in when they die, so they choose religions that will benefit them in this respect. It ma...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40566 Views
Religion Forum
Atheist religions by far have the kinder record as far as wars and atrocities are concerned. The mono-theistic beliefs are especially prone to acts of genocide and war in their endless attempts to wip...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsPieism
30 Posts • 11572 Views
Religion Forum
Godblessyou, first I want you to go and look up the word sarcasm. And while you are there look up irony too. Dont worry, Ill still be here when you get back.... ....Now, that you understand the...
THREAD BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11975 Views
Talk Talk
actually it is based on historical fact. no, there was no person named langdon or girl named sophie that endured a wild adventure through history. that was the entertainment part. the author is a prof...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24604 Views
Philosophy Forum
Interestingly enough Cynic-Al, some of the most influential Christians I have ever met were brought up in families that were non religious or even completely against religion. I am certain of God'...
THREAD GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14673 Views
Philosophy Forum
the only set definition ive ever heard for god is that he is beyond anything we can imagine, so basically in the 5th or 6th dimesnion. but as for the actual existence of god there seem to be 3 scho...
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13840 Views
Talk Talk
Gentlemen, please! Decius, I like the way that Cynic-Al questions everything put before him. Obviously I side with you with regard to the points you made (they were all new to me!), but his perspec...
THREAD God in Religionwhy is there no God
4 Posts • 2604 Views
Religion Forum
oh well let play devils advocate. Literally. 1 they believe science has explained away god. some 'expert' has said this and so they believe it. (surprising conclusion given the number of...
THREAD Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19101 Views
Religion Forum
Its difficult to give up, for one simple reason; humans are highly advanced curious species, who require the regular intake of knowledge and stimulis in order to carry out a rather meaningful and/or s...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
wrote this message as a reply directly to Lady Tazman for what she said this morning, but then decided to share with all... Thank-you so much for being a voice of reason amidst the din of idiots!!...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67556 Views
Philosophy Forum
Just thought that the words to "Imagine" by John Lennon fit well in with this topic... Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Im...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15608 Views
Religion Forum
There is a Christian lady who sits accross from me at work. Making sure we all believe in Jesus so we will go to a better place. I think she is nice and I think it is cute. But sometimes she will do t...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhat is religion?
40 Posts • 10570 Views
Religion Forum
I don't know why there have to be divsions in the understanding of life. Life is not only quantum mehanics and relativity, not all about cause and effect. But science stops at how, it doesn'...
THREAD Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16243 Views
Religion Forum
It could be that the religious fanatics have killed more than the non-believers because there's just more of them. Athiesim is kindof a new idea. I'm sure there were people long long ago who...
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