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Tagged > Improving life
THREAD IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27622 Views
Religion Forum
*roll* Are you the only person in the world who hasnt read about the Crusades? Read the life of Muhammad and how he legislated his followers to behave. How many women did they rape and towns they...
THREAD EconomyWar on the Euro?
4 Posts • 2973 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The T-shirts sold on this website..first go free enterprise...are confusing to me. Are they trying to say the Euro is some how better than the dollar in anything other than its market strength? Becaus...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17037 Views
Religion Forum
I have always wondered where muslims who say 'do you belive what they say on TV' are from, because i live in the UK and almost everything about Islams which is on TV is actually in their fao...
THREAD Life & DeathThe meaning of life
30 Posts • 8324 Views
Philosophy Forum
My meaning of life is quick: To fully appreciate the dualities this world has to offer in nature and in humanity, and to find a suitable balance between them to succeed in this political world with bo...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55417 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have yet to finish your essay ekiump, it's been busy at work. However what I have read, all I have to say is it is possible to see life through more than one perspective. I do it all the time....
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22578 Views
Religion Forum
I have belief in spirit & God's existence, but what others believe is up to them. I will debate with others about it as I would other beliefs to which people subscribe but I have no desire...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8539 Views
Psychology Forum
I just forgot to say take chances and stop caring so much, care but dont go overbord, start enjoying life, stop looking for ways to destroy it, I dunno, Im just a guy talking about something girls go...
THREAD WE owe it to ourselves
9 Posts • 3360 Views
Talk Talk
This is a great idea, but it can't possibly work as a full-scale model for living life. The very nature of it deems it impossible once too many people "escape" from society.
THREAD StoriesA Short Story By Awakendwraith
12 Posts • 4488 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
u must form your own vision about the most fundamental things in life...religion,death,personal relationships...and ur vision must be solid.this (does not mean that it must not change but it can impro...
THREAD Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18612 Views
Religion Forum
I only think that things such as werewolves and vampires are just tales that got passed around as entertainment and as a way of keeping people in line. But I do like hearing stories about them....
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43020 Views
Religion Forum
In the OT, angels visited Abram, he talks with them, argueing for the life of Lot. Yet, GOD is unchanging then how could GOD change the intent & actions unless that was the intent to begin with? D...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167867 Views
Psychology Forum
yes, sord of, but u dont realy want to kill ur mom, come on trust me u woudnt want to. u might not no but ur mom loves u very much u just dont know it. she gave u life and u should respect that, excep...
THREAD Life & DeathLife on other planets?Yes ot No
9 Posts • 3190 Views
Philosophy Forum
I just want to see some opinions on this subject or some evidence on why or why not. My personal opinion is Yes there is,the universe is like never-ending right... so what makes us think our one small...
141 Posts • 31159 Views
Talk Talk
I'm cynical of 'Life is a journey.' Only fools take this trip. I (innocent child) wasn't asked, but forced (no choice) by Breeder parents into this Hell. *mad* - Death Ticket to Hell
THREAD Can reason be humanized and remain reasonable?
4 Posts • 2195 Views
Philosophy Forum
Reason comes from understanding. Rationalizatio n comes from comparison, and brings irrationality with it. No theory or philosophy will ever be able to describe what is. There is only one answer to...
THREAD Psycadelic Ether Trip
17 Posts • 26900 Views
Philosophy Forum
i'm with steph on this one . You're not doing shit for the sake of enlightenment or the experience, you're just doing it to get insanely fucked up. Life is here for experimentation, yet...
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59330 Views
Philosophy Forum
no. its not hate, its love for his wife. have you ever hated anyone. did you kill them. "Now you answer my self defense question" sry i didnt see that. the timing was off. no. 1 murder does...
THREAD Life & DeathLife Accomplishments
18 Posts • 5449 Views
Philosophy Forum
To keep my family happy and to die without regrets. That is truly a good accomplishment. If I may add to that is to be true and honest with everyone in my life. To be open-minded and self-aware...
THREAD Raison d'Etre
10 Posts • 7443 Views
Philosophy Forum
live to eb the best. live to retire as early as possible. with all the free time 24 hr a day, then life really begins. marragie and family are shackles, trust me. selfisness and self benefit is th...
THREAD God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19618 Views
Religion Forum
I agree we need to question things in spite of how scary the answer may be. Maybe I was unclear but that's what I was trying to say. I have no faith in myself because I know that when I try I ult...
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13831 Views
Talk Talk
After metal giant and I had our little clash of quips we came to terms that he felt that eating the lowest lifeform possible was morally correct. I however felt that all life was equal and you should...
THREAD Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11594 Views
Philosophy Forum
Learning too is a natural human instinct, u can say it allows us to survive, so there is your link with reproduction. However, we learn precisly because we want to get rid of the notion that the sole...
THREAD Religion & HumanityApostasy
4 Posts • 2591 Views
Religion Forum
You still have free will. To be able to answer your question, you and I would need to know more about Islam's belief system and values. Islam and Judaism obviously value being a part of the group...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40705 Views
Psychology Forum
the bibles problem with homosexuality is it inhibits the only meaning of life to expand the kingdom of heaven. you cant expand withoutthe ability to bear children, that is our job. to multiply and f...
THREAD DepressionFed Up
13 Posts • 10477 Views
Psychology Forum
Before I used to feel as if I was too crowded which got me very frustrated and sometimes for no reason, so I'd spend many hours by myself, pushing away everybody out of my life. But during that t...
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