God can do anything. That doesn't mean He always does everything. How narrow minded it is to think that God must always exert full power with every move. The question in and of itself is a mockery of God so why should He dignify it with a response?
I'm afraid it is your response that is a mockery, but a mockery out of context and off the subject leading nowhere with no reference to your own point.
No one had said God needed exert any level of power, you bring an out of context point with no justifiable reference as to its relevance.
The narrow mindedness shown here is your own in that you act as if you addressed the question, which you did not, and then as a mockery of God decided you knew God well enough to determine that the question you avoided was a mockery of him, and finally futher insulting yourself and him in addressing the unadressed question as not even worthy of man to ask of God, as if you again knew God so well to make such an assertion.
You're thinking inside the box. What if mankind simply cannot fully understand God?
Perhaps you should keep that in mind when next you speak for God.
The real question is can man outsmart God? The answer is simply no. If God made a boulder that He could not lift then we would fry our brains trying to understand it, because a lot of the things of God are far beyond our comprehension.
And you can of course validate your assertive speculation with what? Your own lack of understanding? Where does that leave you an authority on the ability of others, let alone of God's?
People accept the idea of being connected to nothingness but they will violently oppose the idea that there is a God in control.
Who says that the only thing we can be uniformly connected to is nothingness? If God is the source of all energy in the universe that is shaped and directed, then we are not connected to nothing, but instead connected to God.
I find it very sad that so many others, perhaps yourself included, have deemed it blashpemy to call ourselves Gods or God, as we are all obviously connected it seems to me a far more likely reality.
Be it as bacteria in the bowels of God, figments of his imagination, an extension of himself, his children, or any other form that probably exists somehow somewhere.
If infinity is the reality, then all things are both true and false, exist and do not. For all infinite possibilities are mandatory, including nothing.
Contradiction, paradox, this is reality.
As for the question of God's all powerful status, it is a question of the logic we use to describe and therefore understand to the best of our ability, your calling it a mockery is pointless, we know we don't know or understand everything, thinks for acting like you do while explaining you do not captain obvious self contridiction.