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Tagged > Hypothetical question
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyAbusive Mothers
2 Posts • 5284 Views
Psychology Forum
The 'kill mom' thread is pretty extensive and I wanted to read more stories about people with abusive mothers and what forms of abuse they encounter. I came across this yahoo answers page ti...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15596 Views
Religion Forum
Sorry about the name misunderstanding Firebird.... Understanding religion requires the study of man, his cultures and belief systems which drive his ideas, superstitions, values and beliefs. I'v...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30276 Views
Religion Forum
"No - nor was it God's!" So, you are saying, that it is just for me to go to prison if my dad steals a car? " God created Adam and Eve. They were created good and death did no...
THREAD GovernmentSecurity Council members deny meeting Kerry
13 Posts • 3582 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Well, belittle me if you like, but I re-read it and I still don't feel you answered my question, but if the lying point was the only one, how can you vote for Bush? Besides the party thing, which...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8926 Views
Philosophy Forum
Now I really feel left out of the discussion. So you didn't answer my question but you nay not have seen the movie? Now I could tell the plot then ask again but I will ask again another way. We...
THREAD Cheater or not
14 Posts • 4193 Views
Talk Talk
I beleive it is in our nature to look and if it is not we will continue to look anyway. To me looking is just that there can be a lot of 'satisfaction' (for lack of a better word) in looking...
THREAD God in ReligionLoving, Kind, Forgiving, Blessing God?
35 Posts • 9763 Views
Religion Forum
Oh, and here is a question. According to the bible, the universe revolves around man, or god's intentions with man, right? Ever heard the term egocentric? And its commonality, as well as ev...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30276 Views
Religion Forum
U know, in almost all the books 'natural' things such as rain etc are reffered to as 'and God sent down the rain' etc. If God is 'everything', then it wud make sense. If...
THREAD ChristianityCatholic Churches feel grim
18 Posts • 6620 Views
Religion Forum
If you loved and respected your father then your son will love and respect you. If you fought against your father, your son will fight against you. Concerning his feelings about God, in most cas...
THREAD Free Will
60 Posts • 15124 Views
Philosophy Forum
Right, it can never be proved, but in any case, nothing in this world can be completely proved. The brain is evidence. You can feel and see it. A 'lifeforce' however, is next to a myth. R...
THREAD Control?
3 Posts • 2501 Views
Philosophy Forum
what do you think controls us? if we control ourselves then how do we control? if our brain helps control what we think or do... then what controls that. id like for you to ask yourself that question...
THREAD ElectionsRon Paul for President
14 Posts • 5380 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I am no expert on this issue and have curiosities of my own, but what I've gathered thus far on the point is that... Question: What is his policy/perspective on controlling monopolizing corpor...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57836 Views
Religion Forum
Its old but the best. Look into the sky. There are stars but more darkness. The stars make pretty patterns and they stand out because they are less numerous. The darkness is everywhere and dull. But i...
THREAD Mind Within or Mind Without
4 Posts • 2425 Views
Philosophy Forum
Interesting question. But does the mind contain our soul as well? Anyway that aside, I actually believe that our mind which is a complex interaction of chemical and electrical information carried...
THREAD DepressionSeasonal Affective Disorder?
2 Posts • 3162 Views
Psychology Forum
Lethargy...I've heard the word but never knew what it meant. So I looked it up and now I do. And yeah, that's how I'm feeling. I understand what you're saying. I used to let mys...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63979 Views
Religion Forum
You denied using mockery, that was your lie. Then you trivialized it when cornered. You have no credibility. Uh no, I'm infamous for mockery here, why would I deny it? I asked for examples to...
THREAD ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6701 Views
Religion Forum
I agree the Pope was great indeed. One thing that stands out to me about him was the fact that he so graciously forgave the man who tried to assassinate him, the world could learn a great lesson the...
THREAD ConsciousnessI Got A New Theory on the Human Mind
31 Posts • 10177 Views
Philosophy Forum
The deal with problems is how best to define what is being encountered. An ill-defined situation cannot be solved as it makes little or no sense. The better the true representation the more it can be...
THREAD Random QuestionsYoung love
25 Posts • 6670 Views
Talk Talk
i think love depends on the person. if your someone who says i love you so you can have sex. then no thats not really love. (atleast not to me) love is something that means more. the person that you...
THREAD Habits & Behaviorcan't cry anymore
12 Posts • 32381 Views
Psychology Forum
haha...being not able to was one of my question too, as i had the same problem as well. I guess my explanation is thru psychology, crying is a expression for alarming others for help, it w...
THREAD BiologyScience versus Instinct
37 Posts • 11614 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I think it's just that since we're sooooo sofisticated and intelligent now[/sarcasm], when the close evidence of the 2% difference is shown to us it seems like you're lowering them down...
THREAD For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11694 Views
Psychology Forum
I believe you musnĀ“t kill individuals who will be missed by others, since you are harming more people than you really wanted. If te person will not be missed than you can kill her, after knowing she...
THREAD HomosexualityGay Marriage
9 Posts • 6384 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I guess I can see the point of the religious and if they wish to corner the word marrige so be it- as far as that goes I don't give a damn being non religious that is there bussines to decide rel...
THREAD DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141005 Views
Psychology Forum
*grin*I have been thoroughly enjoying myself alone and it is great until someone that is not like me makes me think I need to be surrounded by people all the time. It goes in my brain and makes me que...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36619 Views
Philosophy Forum
This simiply brings up some of the worst theories I have ever heard. This about this question that is asked..."Are We Real?" Answer me this. Can you use any of the five senses that have be...
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