Ethics & MoralityEuthanasia is wrong
4 Posts • 3398 Views Philosophy Forum |
Two German scholars Karl Binding (jurist) and Alfred Hoche (psychiatrist) wrote 1920 the book called "Die Freigabe der Vernichtung Lebensunwerten Lebens" ("Allowing the Destruction of L... |
SocietyAre We Responsible Caretakers of this Planet?
10 Posts • 3739 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are We Responsible Caretakers of this Planet?
I am inclined to think that each human generation must consider itself as the steward of the earth and therefore must make available to the succeeding... |
Pascal's Wager
8 Posts • 3622 Views Philosophy Forum |
your are wise beyond your age phacops.. yes i do apologize for what seemed like an attack at KGB, i only meant that he re-stated someone elses idea that could possibly have deeper meaning
jaker i h... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38015 Views Psychology Forum |
Awesome post rollergirl! I'm curious, where did you get that information (source of the email)?
#2 pretty much says it. There's definitely a strong correlation between "provokative&q... |
16 Posts • 4655 Views Philosophy Forum |
Reciprocation 'give and take'
One of the most widespread and most basic norm of human culture is embodies in the rule for reciprocation. This rule requires one person to repay, in kind, what anoth... |
Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16974 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, I mean no one can imagine what other dimensions would be like, but there could be various dimensions of time (perhaps in some other universe), like moving sideways, up down etc. Like maybe time... |
StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8622 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Stay away from me, I'm unjustified, impermanent.
Retracing footsteps spiraling down to the city-underground. I feel nauseated...I light a smoke and think that I should read the prescription note that... |
Physics & CosmologyUniversal consiousness
22 Posts • 6081 Views Science & Technology Forum |
yes, maybe there are properties of matter that aren't fully confined by the laws of physics, but we cannot perceive these. Maybe there isn't a universal law that allowed that leaf to flow. W... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5995 Views Philosophy Forum |
sorry iron i took a shower and before you posted I thought I worded by points very poorly so i edited it.
"You need more faith in the human spirit's ability to survive and thriv... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12246 Views Religion Forum |
"You may eat the fruit of all the trees except this one. Pretty cut and dry."
Actually, there is plenty of room for a grey area, firstly, obviously they could eat from the tree, god did n... |
Life & DeathThe balance of life
3 Posts • 2955 Views Philosophy Forum |
Reading a thread by countalucar regarding the happiness balance, I 'concluded' that everything in life is balanced in a similar way. For every happy person, theres somebody equaly as sad, fo... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30339 Views Religion Forum |
"Everyone that has ever lived, is living, and will live, before humans ultimatly go extinct (as they must, according to the physical laws of entropy) will probably amount to a cosmic blip on the... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36653 Views Philosophy Forum |
You can't define reality. 0r 'The Meaning of Life' for a matter of fact. We as beings, human beings, must understand that everything is a just. Perhaps some things just WON'T have... |
33 Posts • 10055 Views Philosophy Forum |
Do you have any passions, pursuits, such as the truth as you mention?
What about the limits of human potential? Seeing information from senses and experiences that offer more truth beyond our limitat... |
112 Posts • 27049 Views Talk Talk |
so i drink mountain dew and coffee.... does that make me a Moy? or a Ban perhaps? *roll* *sleepy*
who likes custard? *raises hand* mmmm custard
have i mentioned how cool everyone at UGN is? well... |
HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12205 Views Science & Technology Forum |
4. u dont get it. being born alive is not a characteristic of most marine organisms. being born alive is a characteristic of marine mammals hence a link
BTW, this particular statement won't... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainThe Face Tells the Story (of the Mind)
6 Posts • 2300 Views Psychology Forum |
It is true that the face is a mirror of the emotions inside of someone but that goes for every muscle in the body. Because for some odd reason nudity is shameful we've all been conditioned to thi... |
ChristianityA Little Quiz
34 Posts • 10490 Views Religion Forum |
So the raining frogs is what you desire to point out that their were other (pagan) religions, which bore striking similar> as stated their God was a half human/half form. The GOD of the Jews had no... |
ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18263 Views Religion Forum |
Petri, The life of Jesus is the perfect example of what & how we should live, the spirit is our helper, who directs our lives toward that Truth (if we are willing). Human life is full of error, pe... |
Please read
15 Posts • 3594 Views Philosophy Forum |
even if it could by empirically shown that an infinate number of possibilities, and thus choices, exist, it would still not begin to prove that human beings are free to chose from among them. just bec... |
The Miracle of Creation in DNA
1 Posts • 3122 Views Philosophy Forum |
The progress of science makes it clear that living beings have an extremely complex structure and an order too perfect to have come into
being by coincidence. This is evidence to the fact that livin... |
Un-caring me.
11 Posts • 3473 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't really see it as a bad thing just an honest thing. Most people that care just pity the other person and leave it at that. They usually don't do anything about it. They love reading a... |
Theory of the Man-Machine
12 Posts • 9510 Views Philosophy Forum |
"If and When the Machine's we make day to day and use day to day begin to exude this 'conscience ' who's the one to say it is Living?"
There'll be a debate, and whe... |
7 Posts • 3006 Views Talk Talk |
Not specifically moving objects with the mind, but in a more general sense of the word Telekinesis - influencing physical matter with brain waves.
Is this possible? Has it been documented? Either b... |
EconomyChina: Our new best friend
7 Posts • 3256 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
China executed more people in the last three months than the rest of the world did in the past three years, the human rights group Amnesty International says.
http://news.bbc.co.uk /1/hi/world/asia-... |