if somebody thinks they are a hedgehog presumably you give them a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out themselves. - Douglas Adamas
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Tagged > Huge trees
THREAD ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12635 Views
Art Forum
I love building forts. Huge blankets draped over chairs that were dragged over to the living room from the dining room, pegs and books to stick it all together, pillows and rugs for padding, a torch,...
THREAD Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10979 Views
Talk Talk
I guess it made me realise that even though they may be 30, 40 years older than me they aren't a new species. I forget that they were young and many still are, at heart, You young whipper sna...
THREAD JokesClean fun...
24 Posts • 8931 Views
Jokes & Games
A Redneck & His Mule Bessie! Clyde, a farmer in Alabama, decided his injuries from the accident were serious enough to take the trucking company (responsible for the accident) to court. In...
THREAD GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30268 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
*warning, I am typing on a really crappy keyboard, so through out this post I am most likely missing letters such as g,h,v,t,y,r,u,or n, or anything else for that matter. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, of a h...
THREAD HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12205 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I have taken a lot of interest in this subject. One just has to take a look at a naked erect human alongside the three other apes to know some powerful environmental forces made us what we are. Fi...
THREAD A bit of common sense
13 Posts • 3620 Views
Talk Talk
'The problem is not hierarchy, its abuse of power, torture, war, murder, rape, drugging, and genocide. Its about people accepting a government that lies so they can't know the truth while ac...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33462 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Obama even admitted and took responsibility for the event <finally someone does that> saying it was an intelligence problem. If they had done things right they would have stopped him. Guess w...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWorship 101?
5 Posts • 2957 Views
Religion Forum
I've always detested the word worship. Because no god I'd ever even respect would be so vain and shallow. So I found it very interesting when a semi famous researcher in england expressed...
THREAD Bright Eyes
2 Posts • 2242 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
"At The Bottom Of Everything" So there was this woman and she was on an airplane and she's flying to meet her fiancé sailing high above the largest ocean on planet earth and she...
THREAD ElectionsOfficial Launch of Ron Paul 2012 Campaign
3 Posts • 2707 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ron Paul Blasts GOP Establishment In Dramatic First Campaign Video Debt ceiling struggle takes centre stage in Congressman's blockbuster trailer Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com July 14, 2011...
THREAD ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21775 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Yes the French were too harsh and yes the Versailles treaty crushed the Germany economy. But lets not forget that Europe could have prevented WWII and stopped Hitler instead of appeasing him. "...
THREAD The possible truth behind the novel Norton hears a who by the author and genius doctor Suess.
2 Posts • 2200 Views
Talk Talk
The possible truth behind the novel Norton hears a who by the author and genius doctor Suess. A life is a life no matter how small. This is the main theme behind Norton hears a who. For those o...
THREAD Movie ReviewMusings on a 'Zelda OOT' Movie
1 Posts • 3311 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Whenever I talk to people about Zelda, I bring up the notion of what a Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time movie would be like. Every Zelda fan I talk to about it, disagrees with me that it could be adap...
THREAD What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6589 Views
Philosophy Forum
Something else that Could happen... really really briefly: Okay angels come and take your soul, you are questioned in the grave about three things, islam, muhammed and the quran. Fail to answer cor...
THREAD EconomyEuropean Union VS United States of America
7 Posts • 21150 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Having lived 25 of my 60 years in Europe (until late '98), I find the comparison silly. Europeans live in 'country-states' that have been supporting people for over 1000 years in a pret...
THREAD 'Absolute perfection'…
13 Posts • 9798 Views
Philosophy Forum
By perfection we intend... what do we intend? Oh.. yah, we intend... the absolute of a cause, like perfect beauty, like perfect love, like perfect intelligent, like perfect real, perfect mind, perfect...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhat type of women do men want?
3 Posts • 7987 Views
Psychology Forum
Yes, I would say some high-fitness women ( i like that term ) do it just to improve their bodies in a very superficial way. They become very image-obsessed just like other girls but take it to another...
THREAD Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7017 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
It was deathly quiet (appropriately enough) and the midnight air smelt sweet and fresh with just a hint of the salt of the sea, which stuck in the back of my throat and my nose was red raw from all th...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25121 Views
Religion Forum
if we didn't go to war they wouldn't have to use them. IN reference to strapping bombs on children...? EXCUSE ME...WTH DID I JUST READ??? YOU ARE EXCUSING THIS BEHAVIOR BECAUSE WE ARE FGH...
THREAD Legacy of Kain series.
10 Posts • 2673 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Regarding my favorite game ever, I would have to say the Legacy of Kain series is by far my first choice. This series of games began in about 1996 over a decade ago, back on the fist playstation. (...
THREAD What does buying the stairway to heaven mean?
11 Posts • 46929 Views
Talk Talk
I've had a look at the lyrics for a while now. To me its either about nothing or its about growing out of materialism and looking for something else, spiritual or meaningful. I'll add some t...
THREAD ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13761 Views
Religion Forum
wow - what an angry post! Are you really comparing Christians to Nazis? Have you really actually read the bible, really or are you just completely against organised religion in any form what so eve...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58960 Views
Religion Forum
DANG!! My post was freakishly long! DumbTeen--"I was going to agree with OkCityKid but I think you've got a very good argument there. Although we don't need to accept bizarre beliefs...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16817 Views
Religion Forum
responses to ethereals comments: Again, I mess up on semantics! grr! Sorry, I guess I should have put "fornication" instead of "sex". I was typing quickly. I don't look d...
THREAD PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7204 Views
Psychology Forum
These confident people around me always ended up being someone who liked/enjoyed to manipulate with me. It's like.. I lost my own self when around them. I liked what they liked, I believed and ob...
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