About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
I found this site a month ago when searching for sarcastic quotes on Yahoo.
I'm a 17-year-old high school senior, but I'm also working towards an associates degree at the same time. I ta... |
Kallenites, x-liberals, and Neocons, oh my!
19 Posts • 7260 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Phil, you do exist! Thought you were a paid flunkie who hits 'send' every few minutes.
Ungrateful Bastard? If you feel the need to tell people to leave the country when their opinions do... |
Society & SociologyExcerp: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
34 Posts • 12837 Views Psychology Forum |
Man can repair and restore things that have been made by man himself. Car, Computer, Aeroplane, Rocket - if anything goes wrong with these things man can repair and restore.
Man cannot repair and r... |
PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15220 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
"You, Andrew Marvell" by Archibald MacLeish
And here face down beneath the sun
And here upon earth's noonward height
To feel the always coming on
The always rising of the night:... |
The Numbers of Destiny...
1 Posts • 1687 Views Philosophy Forum |
Imagine the statistics of the events of the Universe...
Each person, everything they may or may not do...
When and where things get done even when planned...
However, yes it's a huge number... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25005 Views Psychology Forum |
i had the weirdest dream last night
and i think i might forget it if i don't write it down somewhere
i was in this building that was half on water ..... huge building kinda reminded me of my... |
Intelligence, Memory & Brainintelligence flaw - Chomsky
5 Posts • 3172 Views Psychology Forum |
Ah, for clarity, it would seem, I am required to ask more clear questions.
What do you feel chomsky, and any others you wish to name, are saying or doing that is anti american?
I'm used to... |
Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25121 Views Religion Forum |
My view in this thread is a mix of logical reasoning and speculation.
For our universe to exist, it is 'necessary' for us to exist. If we disappear, POOF so does this universe.
Why? Becaus... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29198 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I do not think indians are in any way better then us. They harm their environment like we do (they wiped out every large mammal on the American continent). The only difference is that they don't... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21775 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Honestly, its POSSIBLE, that if we turn Iraq into a middle eastern Taiwan that that would fight terrorism.
But I think its more likely that Bush what is good for his class, rather then really fight... |
42 Posts • 10543 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
No, they're pretty good.
There is a HUGE lack of poetic devices, but it seems raw.
A little anyway.
There is a lesson in raw poetry.
Never use words unless they are needed.
and pe... |
The light bulb is on finally
5 Posts • 2568 Views Talk Talk |
Booky you are correct on most your points sorry for not reading over your post carefully enough I assumed when I shouldn't have. I also do not understand Gandhi very well and I again assumed when... |
Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16352 Views Religion Forum |
I tend to agree with those whom say man will be the initiating [offending party] look at those geniuses/ idiots. Suppose that huge rock floating in space has a core material of volatile nature so they... |
29 Posts • 8394 Views Talk Talk |
no one has really given the X-Box its due props; let me be the one to do so.
I started off with a PS2, it was fun but then my love for it was tainted by another. The seductive, sleek, everaddictive... |
GovernmentPolitical Views, Obama, Glenn beck, Palin, Alex jones
10 Posts • 4171 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No one ever said we shouldn't learn to terraform, that's literally the most important thing as a species we could ever do. Ever. Only problem is there are a few things out there that we can... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9208 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't see how making food cheaper for the low income class as wrong?? That is something awesome in the world. Not all people can find jobs. It would be nice to get cheaper food if you lost your... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20628 Views Psychology Forum |
Spicesoup- Im am amazed that you have the strength to pull through in the way you have described. I think that must have taken enormous amounts of strength on your part. Im glad you are no longer lett... |
Which bands did you grow up on?
9 Posts • 2671 Views Talk Talk |
I feel ya on this one Oblivion! Me and my younger sister used to listen to all that crap, N'sync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears. A little while before that my older sister had an Ace of Base ta... |
The Sky Lord
4 Posts • 3341 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Enchanted by the moonlight
Possessed by the stars
A wanderer beneath the skies
Compelled to walk alone
And in between the narrow ways
That wind along between the trees
He walks with hands rais... |
BooksThe Perks Of Being A Wallflower
22 Posts • 105926 Views Talk Talk |
I usually hate this kind of book, but Perks is one of my all time favourites. Coming back from what abluesmurf01 said about the poem perfectly describing Charlie, I agree with that completely and had... |
StoriesA Short Story By Awakendwraith
12 Posts • 4491 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
there are some things that i wanted in there that i left out.
like at first i had an inscription on the foot of his bed that had five rules the he should live his life by, but i couldnt think of 5, o... |
LawJuveline Criminal - Parents or Kid?
0 Posts • 4363 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
For the longest time I believed that behaviour was solely learned. Only after sitting in classes and reading up on genetics did I consider the possibility that traits like aggression may be geneticall... |
StoriesA Short Story By Awakendwraith
12 Posts • 4491 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Interesting concept here. I am a huge fan of short prose.. Authors who are talented enough to tell a story with a supported theme in a short format while equally displaying the story eloquentl... |
BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10578 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"Back and forth back and forth...back to my un-answered post, does anyone know whether they can't just inject the diminished nutrients into the plants?"
I don't know about that, b... |
IslamContradictions in the Quran
62 Posts • 17121 Views Religion Forum |
The huge difference being, Muhammad was illiterate and spoke a sort of poetic Arabic only known to scholars. Supposedly, that's the miracle.Well that would be consistant with (some) Christian bel... |