Yes, I would say some high-fitness women ( i like that term ) do it just to improve their bodies in a very superficial way. They become very image-obsessed just like other girls but take it to another level because not only are they naturally good looking, now they have well chiseled bodies and have become the highest commodity.... but i really believe this is the minority...
Then there's the naturally average looking girl who takes up something like crossfit... she probably had huge insecurities with her body like most women growing up and now this is a way to unleash her womenly power and feel a new sense of confidence.
I will add also that women in high fitness are working out with very fit men all the time too so the demeanor of these men rubs off on them... usually these guys are pretty decent, above average athletic, medium income people that love the lifestyle of staying healthy... and so the women, trying to gain approval of the man, takes on the healthy living lifestyle which becomes almost a philosophy for life itself...
I would say a similar amount of work ethic goes into a variety of different types of actions, and so if you pointed out one a woman engages in that does NOT make her more attractive to men, then I would say "perhaps that is true".
I'm not quite sure what you mean... a women that commits all her energy to lying on the couch and eating isn't going to be very attractive.... but say, a women that commits her energy to being a writer but doesn't exercise or at least not to a high degree...she's not going to empathize with a man's natural aggression as well as the women that exercises to a high degree does... she experiences an outlet for aggression and she get to experience how a man gets his aggression out in a physical way as well... not just sexually or through dialoging... so connecting on this level may be important to a relationship...
There's also the idea that women may feel inferior to men in the beauty department... and a fit women may try to get in the best shape possible to win the approval of the beautiful highly aesthetic male... a women that is really into fitness will start to become more observant of aesthetics and appreciate and/or feel inferior to a beautiful male or want to share in that beauty as a couple.
My dilemma so far is finding a girl who is really into fitness but understands that it's only a base... a lot of time, girls ( and guys) become complacent even with this and never try to develop themselves spiritually, or they feel because they've worked so hard in the gym they aren't obligated to read and research anymore...