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Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist
THREAD BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11979 Views
Talk Talk
I love this book!!!!I love the kinda book that makes u think, or has intresting twists. I read this book in May.. Its took me four days to finish it becuase I couldnt put it down. I hate reading books...
THREAD ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21783 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
England is culpable today: ULSTER!!! And according to your rationale that makes you guilty (or half guilty). This is how stupid your argument is - ok to take Texas back - don't you get it - Te...
THREAD Sexual BiologyWhy are guys so shy to be nude in front of other guys. Clearly it all cant be about the size.
8 Posts • 9936 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Ravenclaw 1) Size? Is it because it has been brainwashed to society that if a guy does not have a big penis he is not good in bed? Size is not everything, a lot of women wouldn't give a rats ars...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23091 Views
Religion Forum
"As far as Islam is concerned, it categorically rejects and condemns every form of terrorism. It does not provide any cover or justification for any act of violence, be it committed by an individ...
THREAD Society & SociologyCuteness- inborn or bred?
29 Posts • 7517 Views
Psychology Forum
Any girl would be more loved if she was beautiful vs. not as beautiful. That's reality But what is beautiful? Most people don't live up to their beauty potential because they follow the c...
THREAD Philosophy and Skin Cream?
8 Posts • 3703 Views
Philosophy Forum
Philosophy is now used to sell "Skin Cream" in adds! I found this stuff looking up the word "philosophy" on Google. It completely blew my mind. This is the address if anyone wants...
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44066 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'll drink to that... As Chris said, solving the problem of the world should start with you. When you sit and try to come up with a solution for the worlds problem you might as well get imbibe...
THREAD Top 10 People you wouldn't mind seeing dead
0 Posts • 3832 Views
Talk Talk
1. Cory Taylor's father 2. Pat Robertson 3. Jerry Falwell I have a short hate-list. *if your son happens to be named Cory Taylor (because I'm sure there's more than one...
THREAD Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16876 Views
Psychology Forum
I think everyone shoudl be given a chance to at least see what each career holds for them by taking different subjects in vocational high schools. They have that chance. If people let others influe...
THREAD Soccer!
41 Posts • 32755 Views
Talk Talk
Football is not to bad to watch I've played little soccer - it seems quite enjoyable- the worst parts of the game is the offside rule, all the rediculous diving and the sometimes horridly slow pa...
THREAD Random QuestionsFirst kiss.
37 Posts • 9245 Views
Talk Talk
my first kiss was something out of a dream. it all started on a cold winter night when a bunch of my friends and i went out sledding. And then we all went back to "his" house. It was so...
THREAD spiders
42 Posts • 10547 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
i have thought long and hard. i have family whos mothers dated many men. all were cruel and unloving, they would touch and fondle. but the mother would not believe. all of them but one. yet she didnt...
THREAD Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15043 Views
Philosophy Forum
okay, you are too fast for me... to edit your post...before I could finish mine... dingleberry...~smil es~ I agree with you about the fact that some women do claim to be... "bi", mer...
THREAD help me
19 Posts • 6202 Views
Talk Talk
I know, they just arent willing to accept that there might be something else. Man i guess you are right, truth is simple, but the proving part is hard. i dont want to prove its the truth, well i dont...
THREAD Relationships & Loveboyfriends that lie
17 Posts • 5967 Views
Psychology Forum
Can you honestly tell me that at the point you were either in the situation or decided im going to cheat you didn't think or feel it was wrong if the answer to this is yes then you're a sociopath....
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51799 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
patrons will beat and rape prostitutes and refuse to pay them because they can, what can she do about it? But if it was legal, if they beat and rape them and refuse to pay, it could get reported to...
THREAD DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141031 Views
Psychology Forum
*grin*I have been thoroughly enjoying myself alone and it is great until someone that is not like me makes me think I need to be surrounded by people all the time. It goes in my brain and makes me que...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityPrejudice
4 Posts • 2955 Views
Philosophy Forum
Prejudice as a stereo type meant to protect survival is understandable, not all snakes are poisonous, but many are, fearing snakes is reasonable. Social prejudice also has its place, blacks fearing t...
THREAD God in Religionlife, Gods doing?
8 Posts • 3034 Views
Religion Forum
Why? Who said? The best argument I've heard from people who believe they're so informed of their creator is that " look at the universe, it's perfect, something had to of created i...
THREAD Wearing your seatbelt
32 Posts • 12385 Views
Talk Talk
*chuckles at firebird's link* i do feel pretty stupid sometimes when i dont wear my seatbelt. but like Em, the damn thing chokes me, im very short so it literally goes across my neck and i feel l...
THREAD SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13195 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What proof is there that all this footage is even real? And how do you know that some of the injured people weren't killed be Iraqis? War crimes will always occur because some people enjoy hur...
THREAD Disturbing mirrors
28 Posts • 7491 Views
Philosophy Forum
That's a pretty good way to explain the debate of freewill... Zato the easiest way i've found in beginning meditation is to close your eyes sit comfortably, light some incense play some amb...
THREAD Society & SociologyStupid people complaining about stupid things!!!
27 Posts • 15767 Views
Psychology Forum
That's no worse than those who smoked cigarettes and then sued the tobacco companies for cancer. What do you think will happen to you if you inhale smoke all day long. I don't think it w...
THREAD Gender PsychologyHow are women more discrimated against than men?
4 Posts • 3337 Views
Psychology Forum
If i understood you right, then i totally agree with you. I mean i think it was a great idea, the idea of feminism, but i also agree there is no need for it anymore at least in europe and america i gu...
THREAD ElectionsUnbelievable Bigoted Ad Released By Repulicans
3 Posts • 3801 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
How is this bigoted? Marriage is defined in each person's mind however they define it, and it's not up to one party or the other to determine the 'true' definition of marriage....
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