Keep your head up and your eyes forward... The hell with yesterday! - sweetpea3295
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Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist
THREAD IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 77113 Views
Religion Forum
Do you think that there's a lesser degree of rape in Muslim countries because of this? I'm trying to think of reasons how their style of dress would benefit them. That would depend on...
THREAD IntimacyOrgasm Denial Frustration In Women?
8 Posts • 17646 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Are we sexually frustrated? Oh yes, we are. Women are looking to be satisfied as well. It takes us longer to warm up to sexual activities (unless we're trained), and we take longer to erupt....
THREAD Heart gone block
2 Posts • 3047 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Dunno why I wanted to post this here .. but maybe you guys can give me some hints or something .. Thx for reading ------------------- ----- No matter what i say, I'll never forget, Th...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167900 Views
Psychology Forum
I've thought about killing my mom and I mean really THOUGHT exactly how. I've stood behind her with things to kill her with before, I've planned out how to hide that i killed her and ho...
5 Posts • 3418 Views
Psychology Forum
Thank you very much, seem to have the same out look on things as me and my select few friends who have journied with me into the depths of our minds, we're really one in a million. T...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsHeartbreak and Suicide
15 Posts • 14712 Views
Psychology Forum
Its the fact that I had complete emotional devote-ment to this person. I love her. That'll never change. Its hard for me to just up and try to 'hit up' another g/f or anything like that...
THREAD What I listened to today.
44 Posts • 8999 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Ok, why is it that some stupid whore more suited to Girls Gone Wild like Britteny Spears is so well known? Why is it that a mallgirl, that has no voice, no ability to write songs, no passion for mu...
THREAD At what age would you like to die?
35 Posts • 8899 Views
Philosophy Forum
I wish I died when I was a child. I would have no regrets and no deep wounds that cause me misery. I figure, the earlier I die, the less I have to feel sorry about, the less I have to leave behind, th...
THREAD See what I see
4 Posts • 2510 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Taken 15/12/09 It was a very overcast day, so I resorted to taking grey scale images (or as a lot of people refer to it, black and white, but I dislike referring to it as this because it really is...
1 Posts • 2036 Views
Talk Talk
Have you guyz had to live with obnoxious preps? In my school every popular person is a prep and I hate it sooooo much, why can't the world just be equal! Definition of prep- *stuck up person *t...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67432 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Tasteless wow its amasing how you understand me how you think you got me all figured out hey geuss im crazy i geuss im insane see i thought i was being completly freindly your not a rea...
THREAD LawRacism and reverse discrimination
18 Posts • 21908 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I was looking up reverse discrimination online and found a story about barbra grutter who was a college student at michigan state, she applied to the law program and had a 3.85 GPA and was turned down...
THREAD Why in the Morning?
5 Posts • 3105 Views
Talk Talk
I wake up every morning and I still feel the heartache of my last relationship...Why is it in the morning everything is just soo much harder...Once I do get past a certain point, things do turn around...
THREAD Control?!
2 Posts • 2952 Views
Talk Talk
Men are always willing and there has to be mutal concent so I guess then men's willingness can become women's control- But I guess the opposite can be true as well a man could play it the ot...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77266 Views
Psychology Forum
"that's your opinion and opinions are like assholes, we all have one. yours stinks... (not to be taken literal)." Thanks for sharing that deep insight. ""what does any o...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views
Religion Forum
Back when I was in college, a friend was killed by someone he had grown close friends . . . this friend's wife had a child with red hair but the husband did not. Because my friend was red headed,...
27 Posts • 9017 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"WHAT?? OMG, I dont know what you guys hear but they are not called freedom fries. How Funny!!! " I HAD heard from americans that some american restaurants had renamed french fries to freed...
1 Posts • 2960 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Mildly funny, full of wit and satire. most of the cracks at people's careers made me cringe, and John Travolta poking fun at himself was mostly just irritating... he is a cool guy, he shouldnt ma...
THREAD EconomyIt's a great day in America!
34 Posts • 9651 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Hey Lefty, I was curious, what's it like? I mean for you have such great insight as to what everyone in American thinks, feels and anticipates? Truely you must place yourself up with Jesus,...
4 Posts • 4652 Views
Talk Talk
zombies taking over the world? not so sure.hate to be the realist but i just don't see it. "zombies" as far as i know is a myth that came from when people used to get some effed up dise...
THREAD Words Women Use
1 Posts • 3394 Views
Jokes & Games
For guys out there, this is what we really mean when we say: FINE This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. Never use "fine" t...
THREAD Emergency advice on relationship
7 Posts • 3374 Views
Talk Talk
If he brings it up in conversation, take a deep breath and let it flow. If he brings home devices, enjoy. If he doesn nothing, get him pair of handcuffs and some silk scarves. My wife bought me some...
THREAD DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25009 Views
Psychology Forum
To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and y...
THREAD HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16757 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I agree that marriage is about two people loving each other, gay couple or straight couple. I know a kid (he's now 20 or so) who was raised by his grandmother and her friends (mostly women, mo...
124 Posts • 33724 Views
Talk Talk
This is the best thread I've seen. Thanx for oppurtunity! Girls are very confusing beings. I know I'm stating the obvious; and maybe being a little sexist, but it is hard for me to choo...
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