You must have the impression of the "hollywood version" of zombies taking over... that is definitely not the case.. And is explained in
detail throughout this book..
We all have a plan of going to one of my friend's house that is 3 stories and we're going to set his fully functional auto machine gun near the front of the house with boxes upon boxes of ammuntion in his basement lmao its rediculous actually. idk why he'd have that. Another friend is going to have his highly modified ak-47 with 50+ rounds of ammunition.. And I get the king daddy of zombie Slaying...That's right, I get the shotgun with the lazer pointer.[LOL] Along with My newly sharpened katana and wakazashi.. Of course, I personally chose to be the close combat person in the group if it ever came to that situation. [I strike myself as a get all up in your grill and blow your head off kinda guy when it comes to zombies] Because I also own a Shark bite proof suit that covers my whole body AND, given the fact that they by some miracle make it past the machine gun..
On top of all that, We know two people who said they'd post on the roof with their snipers...[they're pretty good from what I've seen] And to top it all off, he lives next to a walmart and kroger grocery store..
And all my friends have read this book.. and have a plan literally written out and stored away just until this outbreak comes. I also have a map of my city with all the key safe points and places to restock of supplies.. ohh yess, Now, we play the waiting game