Life & DeathWhere did 'mid-life crisis' come from?
7 Posts • 4099 Views Philosophy Forum |
You make many good points there, Chris.
For me, this is a kind of real-time video game / reality show. I type things into little boxes, and messages appear. You know, kind of like one of those ol... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42414 Views Religion Forum |
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CyberAngel, the following two statements in your description or definition of what god is, in my opinion, con... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42262 Views Philosophy Forum |
The great equalizer: It balances life's good and bad events by adding or taking away from either side of said scale scale. It is an extenral force that responds to the scale tipping too far to on... |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13335 Views Philosophy Forum |
AND EMOTIONS ARE BAD BECAUSE THEY MAKE YOU KILL YOUSELF! AND KILLING YOUSELF IS BAD BECAUSE IT CAUSES SORROW! Which is an emotion... I get it! If we have no emotion, nothing bad can happen! (nothing g... |
Life & DeathThe meaning of life?
15 Posts • 4516 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hm.. I think you're wrong about that we don't make an impact when we're born. Some people don't go as big as changing the way we all live but think about maybe one time your friend... |
Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8028 Views Religion Forum |
Lipton used to be a good scientist, but now he has the reputation of a fate teller.
he did really good work back on he's early career, but then he went nuts.
Now he just not only... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
0 Posts • 570 Views Psychology Forum |
This definitely works. Something he doesn't stress in the video is the importance of saying things out loud. Pronounce the words clearly.
My body seemed to resist heavily the first go around... |
Career choices?
8 Posts • 2567 Views Talk Talk |
doing something with languages is all well and good, but there are a limit to the jobs you can do with them, or at least a limit to the well paid jobs you can do with them. some people get lucky, a fr... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Source of My Evil
3 Posts • 2372 Views Psychology Forum |
There's a deep philosophical/religious dilemma I keep coming to in my life. I am in a cycle or pattern where things seem to go well for a while and I feel like I'm gaining traction and contr... |
16 Posts • 4655 Views Philosophy Forum |
I like this situation because depending on your relation to your co-worker would define the action.
It seems like taking hours and helping each other out when you need it is a very good way to exer... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19636 Views Religion Forum |
I find it interesting that you would assume that a person must be mentally unhealthy in order to maintain a belief that you do not.
I find it rediculous how bad you are at avoiding perfectly goo... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12268 Views Religion Forum |
A non believer would take it as silly - no offense taken.
I think it very interesting how so many religions are so much the same, and maybe are the same, with just a different look and background.... |
Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21559 Views Religion Forum |
It may seem to be off topic but then again*confused*
I have been putting together a portfolio of photos, I found that I really had not many good photos in it so I have started to do more work. That... |
Emotions & FeelingsMixed Emotions/Open Your Mind
16 Posts • 7780 Views Psychology Forum |
Okay, normally, I would ignore this, but it's too good to let go.
1. You say that everywhere you look is pretence. Have you ever thought that these people might actually be like that? That it is... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42145 Views Religion Forum |
What do you think life would be if they hadn't done this. Do you ever stop to think of what this life of Adam and Eve consists of? I don't have a clear memory of what exactly was stated to d... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42262 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sometimes I wish you would bite your tongue with all these flagrant assumtions of yours, You say I don't know what you are talking about and in refference to what YOU mean and think about them yo... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40997 Views Religion Forum |
"I'm sorry too, but God made the rules but man chooses not to adhere to them."
You misunderstand, by rules I meant laws of the universe. That is, that things fall down, that men are ma... |
SocietyA Liberal against immigration
12 Posts • 6848 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Imigrants are good for the country
they built America
with out the irish,chinese there wouldnt have been such a speedy thrust in the west in the 1800s
with out the italians , eastern European je... |
Men are like.....
10 Posts • 4770 Views Jokes & Games |
Men are like .......Laxatives ...... They irritate the shit out of you.
Men are like ....... Bananas ...... The older they get, the less firm they are.
Men are like ...... Vacations ..... They... |
13 Posts • 7111 Views Philosophy Forum |
"the only way to end it is to not exist."
I agree, desire is moving toward having, (be it having material things,or pleasure, pain..ect...) by eliminatiing desire, you are moving towards... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59363 Views Philosophy Forum |
the way i see it, pretty much anything that does or could do harm(to things capable of feeling or in the institutions, values and mental and emotional ties of these organisms) in some way is wrong, be... |
ElectionsMy opinion on NH debate
3 Posts • 2951 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Here is how I feel it went on 1-22-04
1st - Joe Lieberman - Exhibited a sense of humor, good answers to all questions, and stuck it to Peter Jennings.
2nd - Dennis Kucinich - Doesn't look p... |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4420 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well that's my point exactly, Innocent until proven guilty. Stories are stories and He shouldn't have to disprove all these stories until evidence is brought up against him.
I just think... |
How do i cope with the death of a loved one
5 Posts • 5513 Views Talk Talk |
Dj, I greave for your loss, and my heart goes out to you. How one deals with the loss of a loved one, is as individual as the mourner.
When I think past on my grandparents, who were very close to m... |
16 Posts • 7264 Views Philosophy Forum |
Quoting Administrator:
"Ration al fear is completely essential for our survival. It is irrational fear that leads us to hate and anger and "evil."
That is true. There are healthy f... |