Protecting Kids or Making Wusses?
5 Posts • 3534 Views Talk Talk |
I agree.
In fact, competition is healthy. If we lose sight of a goal, we lose sight of our future.
Live and learn, and find out that life is NOT guaranteed to be easy. Children today are so protec... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50291 Views Religion Forum |
Would you say Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini did right or wrong?
I am not an athiest, as I have never claimed to be. However according to my morals, yes they simply did wrong.
God is the source o... |
War & TerrorismIran-US: the next war?
6 Posts • 3174 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
fundalmentalism (terrorist)
These words do not equate.
More moderate thinker of religious fevor should deal with those extremist of their own religion, take them into tow, reason & study wit... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49754 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I wake up to screams of disapprovals,
I'm tired of these words.
Created emotions that go up on canvases,
My work's misunderstood.
My beauty an acquired taste,
I'm not what I refl... |
ChristianityTwo more Popes shall reign and the End is come
33 Posts • 14291 Views Religion Forum |
The Benedictines are also knows as the olivetans and their symbol is the olive branch. That the pope chose the name Benedict is amazingly chilling as is the fact that Ratzinger was born on the day tha... |
Mental IllnessInsanity Check?
4 Posts • 3976 Views Psychology Forum |
hey Spewie,
first of all let me tell you that i understand where you are coming from.
also, let me tell you that you are not insane.
It is good that you are aware of, and questioning you thou... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62334 Views Jokes & Games |
That was good firebird...*lol* *lol* *lol* *lol*
When the husband finally died his wife put the usual death notice in the paper, but added that he died of gonorrhea.
No sooner were the papers... |
Taste in Movies
14 Posts • 3599 Views Talk Talk |
"If the film is a favourite because they actually think it's good, then they should probably be put out of our misery, but if the film is a favourite because it's a fun thing to watch w... |
PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7206 Views Psychology Forum |
@ Rainman05 - I vote for you making a dramione fan thread :)
@ blankpicture -
In regards to being around 'confident' people and 'borrowing' their confidence or 'leaning... |
Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84763 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Swallowing semen is good for you! Good for your health.
http://www.sementhe rapy.com
Semen is awash in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins, fructose and some special elements only fo... |
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
8 Posts • 2523 Views Talk Talk |
Well, I did enjoy the book and thought good on her for managing to round it off and give the series an end , which must have been difficult to do. I did think it was a bit dark and depressing and the... |
Emotions & FeelingsGags with every breath / This world brings me down / I'm looking forward to death
8 Posts • 3402 Views Psychology Forum |
@ChrisD; unsure what to say, other than "good for you". It's good that you are content within your life.
Theres something in your mind your not coping with. Just gotta find it and co... |
Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8931 Views Religion Forum |
the bible is just a big metaphore. the devil represents bad or sin and jesus or god represents the good. but a bunch of people coundent figure that out. and hell represents the consequenses of what uv... |
Religion & HumanityReligion?
21 Posts • 7196 Views Religion Forum |
yes.i do agree that many people have been give hope by religion.but an equal number of people have been killed in the name of religion and their religious beliefes.look at the Revolutionary war.the wh... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17255 Views Religion Forum |
Hey, i just went through a very similar thing myself, (decius will know, i tried to debate his smart ass over some islamic follies) and i really was tormented by it, mentally, it made me sick. I start... |
The Thinker
19 Posts • 6482 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sometimes, after hours of thinking and questioning such complex and abstract issues, I wonder if it would be better had I never questioned.
Then the battle begins. My dearest companion in life, Opt... |
God in ReligionGod, Heaven, and Good People
7 Posts • 3152 Views Religion Forum |
good point.
Its a kind of guide for people to act 'good' to allow themselves a ticket to heaven. I think the 'heaven and hell' realm is pathetic quite frankly.
need the promis... |
Habits & Behaviorcan't cry anymore
12 Posts • 32386 Views Psychology Forum |
I have had similar times when I couldn't cry either. And yes it has been due to too many tragedies at once.
Its like I just dont have the energy to expend on crying. I realise that life isn... |
suicide with heartbreak?
16 Posts • 12047 Views Talk Talk |
:( I can't say I have been in your place with the whole 3 1/2 year boyfriend thing! But I was close! I dnt kno if this will mean much to you but dnt hurt yourself to get back at him. Just give hi... |
22 Posts • 11350 Views Philosophy Forum |
Good point....also....Is it possible that the so called founder of the illuminati was not in the know.....a great diguise to hide behind....maybe he was used as a wholesome puppet. I have read that he... |
GovernmentNo More Rubber Stamp Politics
12 Posts • 3840 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is what I want to see: no more rubber stamp politics from elected officials who would abandon the people to tow the line of the leadership, who would abandon criticism and recommendations and sin... |
SpiritualityDevil Possession
2 Posts • 3784 Views Religion Forum |
before i write anything i just wanted to see if people really do believe in the powers of evil and devil possession.
This direct assault covers what the Bible refers to as "demon possession,&quo... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34662 Views Psychology Forum |
It's all about ladder theory. Good looking guys are going to break a lot of hearts as is good looking girls simply because people want to be with them.
I mean girls are just attracted to power... |
RelationshipsViews on sex(ladies reply please)
11 Posts • 14511 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Decius, do you honostly believe that whole heartedly and of nothing else?
Codewarrior, I have to agree with the gist of your post... it seems that teenaged females, for a good portion it, are more... |
ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8512 Views Religion Forum |
I don't know for sure if Jesus came and got his church or not - just a theory of mine - I'm glad it made you laugh.
What is true however is that Caesar was a killer when he did not belie... |