Tagged > Elephant playing |
Religion & HumanityWhat defines good or evil?
33 Posts • 10187 Views Religion Forum |
reply to curtle on axcridnder (forget exact name).. if your saying things balance out in a cycle which i believe they do in the big picture (dif scales) "life to death" "death births li... |
Do you remeber?
35 Posts • 9199 Views Talk Talk |
Do you remember?
Before the MySpace frenzy.
Before the Internet & text messaging.
Before Sidekicks & iPods.
Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX.
Before the 5 hours o... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 76863 Views Psychology Forum |
So you are claiming that wasn't you? If so, you are either insane, stupid, or playing childish games, I read a few posts in different threads by you with you pictures spammed everywhere like you... |
Random QuestionsStupid things we've done as kids
49 Posts • 15039 Views Talk Talk |
"I'm pretty sure I was either 4 or 5 when this happened. Okay, here's the deal. When I saw The Little Mermaid when I was little the scene where Ariel's voice is taken away by Ursel... |
Starcraft 2 (no, NOT Starcraft Ghost)
12 Posts • 3326 Views Talk Talk |
All i can say, is wow.
After 9 long, long, years, Blizzard is finally going to reward its true loyal fans with a Real sequal.
Growing up playing this game, i would just truely like to say how ex... |
Society & SociologyDeath Penalty?
16 Posts • 7856 Views Psychology Forum |
well, i just went by the aclu statistics and so if they're incorrect, damn.
still, when we execute someone we're basically just playing onto this need that the people have of seeing somethi... |
Musical Consistency
0 Posts • 1814 Views Psychology Forum |
I know what you mean the music actually becomes the memory not any other sense impression, I experience the same, and the music can also remind you of other memories from around the same time, sometim... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
aparently you don't feel a need for a response... because you put your audio post in a way that cannot be listened to... or read for that matter
again... the desire to not be responded to is a... |
Survival of the fittest
7 Posts • 4554 Views Science & Technology Forum |
nugamer - I find that incredibly dubious, I don't suppose you remember what brought America out of the Depression?
WAR. Or more specifically the GOVERNMENT SPENDING during that war. Today, the... |
revenge help me
2 Posts • 1828 Views Talk Talk |
*angry* ok here is the deal i have this friend named angie and she was mad at me caz her crush was tryin to flirt with me while he was doin the same to her so i thought i would b a good friend and tel... |
Aesthetics & BeautyPhilosophy Playing Cards Design: Looking for Feedback
1 Posts • 2855 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hello, everyone! I am new to the forums here, so I will start with a brief introduction. My name is Martin Pulido, and I am philosophy graduate who also happens to love card games (as well as board ga... |
Relationships & LoveIs it really rude and bad behavior to assume in American custom?
4 Posts • 3498 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm Asian and my boyfriend is American. He often gets really mad at me because of my 'assuming' as he calls it. But I don't understand him fully. Like for example when I said, &quo... |
258 Posts • 66907 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i cant stop it
well i knew it all along
would you want me
if i told you i was wrong
it reminds me
of everything you are
i cant stop myself from wanting you so much
tell myself all th... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17254 Views Religion Forum |
Embelishment and distortion (intentional and otherwise) are the cliche's of all such past down stories. Even playing telephone in a single line for five minutes, young or old, unravels any hope o... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16093 Views Religion Forum |
understand what an assumption is, I don't believe in anything in particular, assumptions are simply generalized consistencies that allow for a basis of context for an idea or argument, allowing f... |
The "Void"
66 Posts • 18644 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think you guys are getting these voids confused. Someone in an earlier posting was talking about yearning and someone after that was talking about Bruce Lee. These voids are almost completely differ... |
124 Posts • 33435 Views Talk Talk |
I hate it that the girl i like keeps playing me for a fool constantly being a flurt letting me get what i want then tossing me out and fucking telling me that she's using me. I hate it that i go... |
Emotions & FeelingsI don't understand, at least look
6 Posts • 2695 Views Psychology Forum |
I think interpreting the real feelings and honesty in other people, is something we all try to deal with every single day.
I believe that a lot of people appear to put up a certain facade and image... |
Excerp: Depleted Uranium: Learn & Say No
14 Posts • 4611 Views Talk Talk |
http://thunderbay.indymedia.or g/uploads/rokke.28.ram
http:/ /sf.indymedia.org/uploads/rokk etwo28rm.ram
http://sf.indyme dia.org/uploads/rokkethree28.r am
http://www.indybay.org/upl oads/rokkefour28.ram... |
Taking Back Sunday- This Photograph Is Proof
1 Posts • 1771 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Well, i'll wait till you listen
I wont say a word
to follow your instincts
just never worked for me
you're silent but strong, (yeah, I'm playing that card)
and you're not... |
Child & Family PsychologyMy Step-daughter molested my son. I don't know what to do anymore. Please give me advice
2 Posts • 8911 Views Psychology Forum |
My step-daughter is 10 and my son is 5. The first time it happened, he was 3 and she was 8. She was found grinding on him (like missionary sex). She pretty-much got a slap on the wrist & a good ta... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36534 Views Philosophy Forum |
What if you were told that the Matrix is real? What if you were told that Zion exists?
What if you were told that Neo is alive, here in this world, in your world?
What if you were told that... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
Decius responds to half a post... or only comments on half of my post... therefore he misses the ALL IMPORTANT
That informs my perspective without my help...
The fact that Buephemia j... |
189 Posts • 72667 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I'd say that due to environmental factors, it is unfortunate that pedaphiles are the way they are, but I would venture to say it can be remedied using therapy whereas being gay is something in yo... |
BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15164 Views Science & Technology Forum |
As a geneology major, I've been wondering for some time why it's such an unpopular idea to breed humans.
Hitler may have wanted to do it, but just because someone with evil intentions wa... |