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Paedophilia - Page 11

User Thread
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Strangler is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

"yeah but those girls are over 18+.....and if you read some of the comments you'll see that some people think its wrong if an older guy is with a teen [15-16]...."

some of them are 16. actually its relateively common for a 16 yr old to be fucking a 20 yr old, and in most places legal.

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 39yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that neuterdbynature is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
again if you read the comments some find it wrong for grown men to be staring at pictures of children [little girls]....just because your able to find sites which talk about looking at children in a sexual manner does not mean its ok!!!!!

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"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
 46yrs • M •
bluehat is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I do not mean to resurrect a thread 4 years old but i wanted to read a number of opinions on pedophilia and this site came up first.

Fortunately, the opinions, whilst well, not only 4 years old but mis-guided were just what I was looking to read.

And that is of course about Pedophilia and a rational look at what it is.

There's 11 pages of posts, some subjective, some saying downright no. The downright no's intrigue me more.

For a start, before anyone classifies me, stereotypes me, or tries to determine me as an enemy to society, I am not a pedophile. I am just looking for healthy debate, hence why I have (perhaps unfortunately) resurrected this 4 year old thread.
Of course, that statement is going to be instant fail as from reading through the 11 pages of 'discussion', some posters don't think about it, they just see pedophile as the nasty word that the media has made it in their minds to be. That being children (usually girls), often <10, and rape.

What will make my query even less hm, a discussion with a healthy balance is that the media has managed to set their version of pedophilia even more firmly in peoples minds to what I mentioned above, but here goes anyway...

Pedophilia. That's roughly (gets a bit grey depending on the Country) classified to looking at girls (or further) under the age of 16.

The word pedophile to a lot of people instantly makes them respond with

"how can anyone rape a 8 year old girl/boy? That's just sick!"

And that's the understanding of the word pedophile to a lot of people, usually without even knowing the actual definition.

It's the first thought that comes to a good proportion of the population if you mention the word.

According to Freud, pedophilia is defined as a psychological disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children.

According to the media it is something else. Also according to the media, through magazines (men's and women's), products, cosmetics, deodorant, even alcohol, more things than I can list, it is also portrayed that being younger means females have a better chance with the male species for, well sex.

So, does a man or women who likes looking at pictures of a <16 woman (assuming they are 18+) automatically have more desire to do 'something' with them compared to two genders 18+ that are bombarded with media and what they should be pursuing in the hope that they know better because they are older?
Look at the statistics in the USA of 18+ rape vs Pedophilia convictions for the last 10 years.

I am not condoning Pedophilia, heck I haven't even touched on what I wanted to bring up, but after reading 11 pages of posts here I at least want to see if some people might just be making their own judgments instead of being lead.

Again, I apologise for resurrecting a 4 year old thread, but this was the best one with posters that may have opinions I actually want to chew through after allowing readers to think before they post

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 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
That's what I was trying to express when the thread was started, and guide people away from the hate and anger that is automatic, concerning this topic. The media is largely to blame for creating such a confusing mix of signals, and has most definitely contributed to the overall greying of the subject, but I still think there are other factors at play.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 32yrs • M •
Old Bill is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I'd say that due to environmental factors, it is unfortunate that pedaphiles are the way they are, but I would venture to say it can be remedied using therapy whereas being gay is something in your DNA.

Wow. First of all you can't spell pedophile. Now that we've cleared that up, let's move on to why you are wrong, ignorant, and quite possibly retarded.

The environment has nothing to do with pedophilia, the two things are completely unrelated and the fact that you would say such a stupid thing shocks me and shakes my faith in human intelligence.

Furthermore; there is no gene in your DNA that makes you gay. It's a choice. People are shaped by the events that they experience as they grow up, which brings me back to the topic of pedophilia. Say a child lives in the typical everyday suburban neighborhood, he is 6 years old and he just finished playing basketball with his friends. He's walking home but halfway there he runs into his neighbor. The neighbor is about 40 and he just happens to be a pedophile, so he picks the kid up with offers of candy or whatever, he does his thing and sends the kid on his way. The kid is young and impressionable so he thinks this is normal, and he continues to grow up thinking it's okay to enter into sexual intercourse with another male. Hence, you have a homosexual man.

There are a countless number of scenarios in which things of that nature could happen, but frankly you are not worth that much time. Besides, I think I've made my point.

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"If I had a hat, I'd take it off."
 34yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zachf is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
First of all you can't spell pedophile

Please show us where? Pedaphiles is plural for pedophile.

The environment has nothing to do with pedophilia

Your post makes it very clear you're uneducated and have never thought about this topic. You might consider thinking things through before posting try using facts, history and analysis instead of opinion.

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"Whether we wake or we sleep, Whether we carol or weep, The Sun with his Planets in chime, Marketh the going of Time. -Edward Fitzgerald"
 32yrs • M •
Old Bill is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
First of all you can't spell pedophile

Please show us where? Pedaphiles is plural for pedophile.

The environment has nothing to do with pedophilia

Your post makes it very clear you're uneducated and have never thought about this topic. You might consider thinking things through before posting try using facts, history and analysis instead of opinion.

I was wrong about the spelling, but I can't say I understand exactly how pedophiles are linked to environmental problems, please explain.

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"If I had a hat, I'd take it off."
 34yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zachf is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
but I can't say I understand exactly how pedophiles are linked to environmental problems, please explain

Furthermore; there is no gene in your DNA that makes you gay. It's a choice.

When we make decisions they're two places they are drawn from. Our genetic make up (DNA) and our environment (which includes anything that happens in our lives, examples being the way we are raised being teased in school ect ...)

It has been proven using numerous studies that the vast majority of homosexuals are in fact gay because there is something different in their genetic make up (most anyway).

I don't know enough about pedophilia to form a opinion on the source.

I am however with a couple people in this thread in that I feel more understanding must be brought to people that suffer from it because their bodies want them to do something they know is wrong.

The kind of ignorance you spewed is why people who suffer feel like they can't get help. As long as they can control themselves enough to never do anything, they can be cured or at least have their pain eased.

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"Whether we wake or we sleep, Whether we carol or weep, The Sun with his Planets in chime, Marketh the going of Time. -Edward Fitzgerald"
 32yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Newemb is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Oh dear me, no way thats normal, damn it, I mean people like these can turn crazy from their lust and maybe your kid could become a victim, I truly hate paedophilia, I know that it's not their fault but still.

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"You either die a hero, or live to see yourself become the villain..."
 58yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Merciless is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ok here is my view...
If being a paedophile is something that is a problem with their DNA then that is one thing, I guess you could argue they have no control over their feelings, all I can say is if I had those urges I would rather die than ever touch a child. There may be hundreds and hundreds of people that have these urges and do not do anything about them and live with those feelings as best they can, so basically I don't need to show forgiveness to those with the feelings as it is not something that require forgiveness, but as far as trying to understand the selfishness that some of these people show in raping or abusing these small defensless children is something that I could never do. Those kind of people are without any conscience and dispicable in my eyes and nobody can convince me otherwise. Yes you could argue the fact that they have faulty DNA that makes them have no remorse but that is the type of person that is beyond help and should be removed from the gene pool.

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"Doing the right thing, works on every level - By myself :)"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
OK, so you say "if" you had those feelings.

But the thing is... you don't.

So how can you know you would rather die than act on them?

Its a basic need in someone that they have.

Top put it into context, imagine tomorrow, you woke up and you were told that being attracted to women was the most disgusting, abnormal crime ever. And what feels so normal and right to you was looked down upon. Yet despite what you told yourself... every time you were near women you felt an overwhelming urge to be with them sexually?

Would you just kill yourself because everyone you knew said what felt normal for you and what you had no control over was wrong?

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 58yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Merciless is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You have completely ignored what I wrote, I didn't say that if I woke up with those feelings I would kill myself, I said I would kill myself before harming any child, there is a big difference.
If any desire I had meant that in order to fulfill that desire I had to cause harm to someone else I would not do it.

Let me ask you, if you woke up tomorrow with an urge to rape a small child, would you do it ?

Saying , "oh, it's not my fault I could't help myself" is a complete cop out. We are all responsible for our own actions. I didn't say that people can be blamed for their feelings once, simply how they choose to act on them.

I have an overwhelming urge to be wealthy, but do I steal from people ? No.

When I was younger and single, I had an urge to sleep with plenty of girls, but did I rape any of them ? No.

Listen to what I am saying then post a sensible reply.

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"Doing the right thing, works on every level - By myself :)"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
No I didn't ignore it.
I am not a pedophile.I feel disgust for them too. But im trying to look beyond my own feelings before I condemn someone.

I cant explain it other than waking up tomorrow because you've always been heterosexual or homosexual.

A good example, while we are on the topic of sexuality, is that there once was a time when homosexuality was looked down upon. But they didn't kill themselves.

Just like pedophiles don't kill themselves.

I am trying to put you into the shoes of people who do what you find so disgusting. Not YOU, the hetro/ homo in a safe and accepted world. But YOU, as an outcast of the second most powerful urge human beings have. After the need for survival the second biggest need is for sex.

How many women have you had sex with? (I don't care what the answer is.) But to you it felt "right." And if your mates thought it was wrong, that thing that felt so good beyond words and beyond anything you've ever known... would you have had sex with those females?

What IF the feeling you had was so powerful, it could not be controlled? You say "kill yourself?" Fine. Everyone will tell you they would rather die than cause another human being harm. But there is so much harm in this world, that what you are saying makes me cynical to your claims.

Maybe you would kill yourself. But then why don't ALL pedophiles kill themselves. Ive yet to see a mass suicide of people who have an urge to have sex with people considered under age. (in your society.)

Im not making you out to be a pedophile. I am merely trying to make you see the whole picture before you can make blanket judgments on a group of people... whose desires do not fit into YOUR way of thinking.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 58yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Merciless is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You have missed my point again, I never said that people who find themselves attracted to children in a sexual way (pedophiles) should kill themselves, I said that people who find an overwhelming urge to hurt small children in order to fulfill their selfish desires should. The same way as I would think about a man that rapes a woman to get sexual gratification. Basically anyone who is so selfish that they will do whatever it takes to get what they want must be in a completely different World from me and quite frankly I don't have any time for trying to understand them.
You talk about people not being able to control their urges, well that is exactly the type of person I feel we would be better off without. It is about time people started taking some responsibility for their actions.
When I used to go out when I was younger trying to meet girls and had an unsucessful night I went home and masterbated. I didn't rape one and blame the fact that I couldn't control myself.

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"Doing the right thing, works on every level - By myself :)"
 58yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Merciless is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
At what point did I hope for the demise ? That is a ludicrous statement, my hope is that people with those feelings learn to control themselves and realise that raping small children is wrong. I will not be posting here again on this thread as it seems like it is filled with people that only read what they want to read and disregard the rest.

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"Doing the right thing, works on every level - By myself :)"
Paedophilia - Page 11
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