Tagged > Do women propose |
Christian Bale
3 Posts • 3210 Views Talk Talk |
Hi does anyone LOVE Christian Bale as much as I do? Ever since I saw AMerican Psyco and Little Women Ive adored him very much. Anyone?:o |
Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16973 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would propose that the cause doesn't exist at all. Here is why:
For cause to exist there must be some substance that created that cause. (ie - a finger, hand, or atomic particle that flips t... |
Ethics & MoralityMale Racism and its Parallels to Male Homosexuality
10 Posts • 3714 Views Philosophy Forum |
racĀ·ism/ˈrā ˌsizəm/
Nou n: The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as infe... |
PoetryAnd All This Is Metaphore
40 Posts • 10679 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
We westeners,
we rich men and women
with our factories that feed our bellies,
our cooked bread that eats its own butter.
Across the oceans
starving children in their parched lands
grind their bo... |
Rant OnMy letter to YOU.....(my little vent/rant)
9 Posts • 3269 Views Talk Talk |
No. Not true. BUT I am 39 and you are what....21? When you are my age, and you date someone youve known 20 years...you can say what you want. Until then color me insane.
The difference between me N... |
I am not cool becuse another man makes me feel effeminate.
12 Posts • 4222 Views Talk Talk |
Perhaps its because he holds traits that you believe are attractive to women, or that if you were a woman youd find attractive. Also, perhaps you look up too him, or you admire him so much that those... |
Intimacypercentage of women who swallow during oral sex
36 Posts • 146848 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
So those degrading 'money' shots in porn flicks are actually beneficial for those darling girls instead of an insult? Just think, if they would only lay off long enough to let it dry they... |
God Given Talent - Jim Colyer song
1 Posts • 2076 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
http://jimcolyer.com /@tracks/239/hifi.mp3
He 39;s a singer
When he opens his mouth
The words flow like a river
Some people say
He's got a God Given Talent
He... |
Your Opinions Please
10 Posts • 3602 Views Talk Talk |
Seven years older...Hmmmm...That makes him 24...You know, not more than three years ago I was dating much younger than I (and I'm talking as young as 18, and not really by choice) and discovered... |
The Ski Date
32 Posts • 12148 Views Jokes & Games |
Funeral For a Farm Wife
An old hillbilly farmer had a wife who nagged him unmercifully. From morning till night (and sometimes later), she was always complaining about something. The only time he... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31951 Views Psychology Forum |
I can get into thick women, but there is a certain line that has to be drawn, specifically the waist line...lmao.
*Legal Disclaimer:* Wesdawgy cannot be held responsible for other people's lac... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45428 Views Psychology Forum |
Oh my dear lord! This is the problem with society as a whole nowadays. First off, there are times that I will buy a guy a drink. Does that mean I'm expecting his number or expecting to get in his... |
what we want
12 Posts • 3197 Views Talk Talk |
personally i do not really know what its like to be tempted.
because i have never felt that anything i had ever done was wrong. so any time i wanted to do something i would just do it, or at least tr... |
ElectionsDemocrat and Republican Memes
0 Posts • 3971 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Condoleezza "became one of the first two female members admitted to Augusta National Golf Club, the home of the Masters tournament, which has excluded women as members throughout its 80-year hist... |
Gender PsychologyLadies what do women want in a man?
25 Posts • 11660 Views Psychology Forum |
id suggest missing out jealousy, if you make them too jealous, you will never hear the end of it. my friend was going out with a girl for a while, and accuse him of chatting up every other girl she sa... |
Gender PsychologyLadies what do women want in a man?
25 Posts • 11660 Views Psychology Forum |
they want you to constantly do what they want you to do
I don't know about that. Women are attracted to teasing and mind games. They may not like it but they'll find you more attractive.... |
Could there be a pill for that?...
17 Posts • 6087 Views Philosophy Forum |
Probably there is an increase in female hormones such as estrogen. Perhaps the brain is structured differently. or perhaps the parental structuring caused changes to the brain structure.
There seem... |
IslamThe rights of black and white women in Islam
9 Posts • 3082 Views Religion Forum |
Responding to questions with 'facts' from scripture is hardly a method of discussion. You must address the question and answer it clearly - why are women expected to behave differently than... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20396 Views Religion Forum |
Every women I have ever known who has had an abortion felt guilty about it. Not maybe because it was wrong, but because it is natural for a woman to want to be a mother, so such things go against thei... |
57 Posts • 10410 Views Talk Talk |
I'm sorry Chiron. I agree that culture has a massive effect on our perception of beauty, even more to in small cultures such as tribes where people may make radical alterations to their anatomy t... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40991 Views Religion Forum |
Well I wouldn't trust "real christians". They wouldn't lie, but they would kill homosexuals and zoophiles and tell me to abstain until marriage. They wouldn't drink beer and t... |
When is it OK to say "I Love You"?
20 Posts • 25960 Views Talk Talk |
Jacker, you say that girls think youre a pussy if you tell them you love them.
But I say youre a pussy if you dont have the guts to be brave, stand up for your beliefs and tell the truth. Having to... |
Gender PsychologyGUYS: what do you look for in a girl?
12 Posts • 93900 Views Psychology Forum |
You can look at a very beautiful woman and nothing happens. And you think you are nuts because this beautiful woman doesn't do anything for you. Then this other woman catches your eye. You don... |
Gender PsychologyWhy do women nag?
21 Posts • 20894 Views Psychology Forum |
*claps* thankyou Wayback ...men do nag to you know.. and moan...like "oh do we have to go shopping" and when we get there and pick you out something nice "yeah....its ok" lol and y... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34659 Views Psychology Forum |
Why don't we try to get a little more insight into this situation. Give us more details. You only gave us your point of veiw instead of giving us details. How about...
Do you think you are att... |