Tagged > Do women propose |
141 Posts • 31172 Views Talk Talk |
I'm cynical of Females.
Brigands demand your money or your life; women require both.
- Shanghaied by Femininity |
IslamThe rights of black and white women in Islam
9 Posts • 3082 Views Religion Forum |
dont women have to wear veils in islam? How is it fair if a man can walk around freely but a woman has to cover up? |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167885 Views Psychology Forum |
Not all women are worthy to become a Mother; it requires love, caring and self-sacrifice to achieve this divine state. |
189 Posts • 73083 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
well girls/women are a bit complex but whistling from cars is not the way to get a girl or atleast not one with self respect. If you take that approach you'll never get laid :p |
Well guys...consider this my official goodbye
17 Posts • 5871 Views Talk Talk |
Females did get issued different pants, appealing to the eyes on some women ;)
And no, no urges to sing the ole Navy Hymn yet |
Religion & Humanitypro-life v. pro-choice?
18 Posts • 6038 Views Religion Forum |
I think I will be the first pro-life poster on this topic. Something you all need to realize is although it's the woman's body the fetus is growing and developing in it is a completely diffe... |
1 Posts • 3235 Views Talk Talk |
What is the big deal with interracial relationships?? I mean if you are in an interracial relationship b/c you generally care for them and are being treated like you want why do so many people have is... |
ConspiracyDid the government create AIDS?
26 Posts • 32174 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
• African Americans living in San Francisco have the highest* prevalence rate of HIV at 4.7% followed by whites at 3.7% Latinos 2.4% Native Americans at 2.0% followed by Asian Pacific Islanders at 3... |
Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5866 Views Psychology Forum |
I think a part of the problem is that women feel weaker in deeper discussions, or more accurately, they feel a lack of control
They are this way because they have not been raised to value their own i... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51788 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I was talking about fringe groups. It isn't exclusive to pedophiles.
Untill you stop speaking in ambiguous generalities with unjustified loose assosiations, you aren't talking about anyt... |
ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views Religion Forum |
Still, many of us would struggle to comprehend what on earth drives two intelligent, articulate women like Eileen and Sarah to cause themselves pain on a nightly basis.
Apples and oranges. That&... |
19 Posts • 10747 Views Philosophy Forum |
well no, i was actually talking about sexual orientation, not gender. although i do think the two may be connected in several ways, i don't know.
i just thought it was interesting how the greeks... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15505 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It is sexist to assume that this would always, and in all cases be true.
Obviously empowering women does not always work. - and, of course doing so can lead to serious disruption to family structures... |
Gender PsychologyOf hairy backs and repelling women
14 Posts • 14026 Views Psychology Forum |
yea thats a pretty lame excuse. if it really bothers him and/or his significant other, there are ways to fix it such as waxing and lazer. and besides, im sure there are some women somewhere that dig h... |
8 Posts • 4333 Views Talk Talk |
I am affraid my mentallity is much like wyote - i am a pessimist. but I think for guys it is harder to tell but for women I am sure they aree aware of men's roaming eyes |
Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29862 Views Jokes & Games |
your wish to be able to write invisibly has already been granted, however it does make it somewhat hard for the rest of us to ascertain what you wished for :P.
I wish women made sense |
Should I dump him
7 Posts • 4268 Views Talk Talk |
Couldn't have said it better myself Firebird!
I've heard plenty of women talking shit about their ex-husbands in front of their new ones, and believe me the meaning is layered. |
Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10427 Views Philosophy Forum |
thats true but men also want some contadicting things in women.....you seem to want us to be innocent and sweet and slutty at the same time.....a house wife and a whore |
Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5866 Views Psychology Forum |
I just want to add that anyone really interested in the male-female dynamic should read Nietzsche... that guy really understands women and the power of feminine energy. |
Men Strike Back
3 Posts • 2863 Views Jokes & Games |
How many women does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None! Let her cook in the dark :D:D remember this is all fun and games lol i had objects thrown at me last time i said this publicly |
What do I do...?
15 Posts • 3850 Views Talk Talk |
You... you really think I got a good idea bout women? Holy shit. This might sound craaaaazy but i never had a girlfriend in my life, well i never accepted one :P |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87299 Views Psychology Forum |
By man did you mean only man, as if you think women aren't good enough to understand you! How dare you.
Ah semantics :D
Oh and context, there's a concept that takes a healthy beating. |
13 Posts • 4007 Views Talk Talk |
yea i know. especially denying it to someone who wants to do it as much as i do. i never met a person man or woman who wants it more than me. the thing about canada is the reason they let women in the... |
Three women and their daughters
2 Posts • 2288 Views Jokes & Games |
Three women are discussing their teenage daughters.
The first declares: "I was so shocked last week. I was tidying my daughter''s room and I found a packet of cigarettes under her pi... |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11270 Views Talk Talk |
I can see the angle from which Decius is approaching this. And he is right, but I don't think he's painting the whole tableau. I could be wrong, one stab would be I couldn't say what em... |