What is the big deal with interracial relationships?? I mean if you are in an interracial relationship b/c you generally care for them and are being treated like you want why do so many people have issues? There are WAY too many stereo types when it comes to dating out of your race--and then there are the people who DO date out of their race for the wrong reasons. Why do some people think that white women only want black men for their supposedly large genitals? Why do some people think white women are treated like dogs by black men? Why do families break up over somthing as simple as love? Does it really hurt them that much? I have dated black men and I have never been dogged out--if any man any color treats me wrong he dosent deserve me---its crazy--i dated a black man for 9 yrs--we broke up--now i am marrying a white man and everyone is like--huh?? Kelly is with a white guy?? I dont get it--i've NEVER said i would'nt date a white guy--I am what you call an equal opportunity dater-lol--i just wish some people would realize some interracial relationships are genuine and loving--ok im done venting!!!!!