God, you obviously have not been to high school in a while. Being "gay" is one of the most socially accepted things around there now. Really, its becoming a fad to the point where actual gays are coming out of the closet, and where straight guys are pretending to be gay because its the "in" thing to do. Guys arent anymore socially repressed than females, less so if anything.
Studies have shown that even though men are comming out much younger these days they still experience difficulty outside of school. It might be a "fad" at your school, but that does not erase the fact that alot of men do experience repression. Because they are male, society expects them to be the image of strenght and sheer masculinity, which is why many feel repressed. They feel they must live up to a certain image of manliness (sort of speak) that if questioned can make them looking like less of a man.
Women are also place in a certain image, the future mom. If motherhood is not in your plans your seen by many as flawed. True many women now a days have careers and live single lifes, but many people still expect them to settle down and start a family.
Every person exhibits periods of repression, whether it be because of religion, social status, sex, orientation, or race. But its wrong to blame your obsticles for why you are not outspoken or more active in society, you only have yourself to blame. If intelligence is your obsticle then educate yourself on the subject matter that most interest you. You must not let society or anything else get in the way of becoming top dog, whether your male or female. Because lefts face it, both genders are capable of anything.