FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11502 Views Philosophy Forum |
I get a big bang out of that theory. Although I truly believe that if I'd have changed my mind and done some other thing at any given point in my life that I might not have the present conditions... |
Gender PsychologySex, Money, and why?
8 Posts • 3719 Views Psychology Forum |
I would like prostitution to be legal because I would like to have the option to use it in a safe way if I want to. I have never hired a prostitute but it seems too hard and risky and abusive as it is... |
Can't we just hold it?
6 Posts • 2601 Views Philosophy Forum |
Our educational system is designed around the basic premise that the students will accept what is told to them and that this acceptance is very important for their future welfare and for the welfare o... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51575 Views Philosophy Forum |
"...I think, without knowledge, and without other people to share your knowledge. Your life wouldn't have a meaning to it. ..."
If you strain your thoughts through some proofreading.... |
27 Posts • 10727 Views Religion Forum |
I have read it cover to cover. It is my favorite book.
Without it, we would have nothing to measure our actions to.
Besides it is very old, and is all backed up by history itself. The
'stor... |
Rant OnHow do you ask and succeed in getting a payrise?
6 Posts • 81989 Views Talk Talk |
I have been working at my current job as a Sales Person for the past 9 months. I had to take a pay cut of $15,000 as it was a new business, though was promised after every 6 months I would receive $5,... |
Rehab & Addictionshould marijuana be ligalized?
15 Posts • 5373 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
here in britain we are living through a period of prohibition. throughout british history there has always been groups of recreational drug users who medicate themselves with opiates, narcotics and my... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12249 Views Religion Forum |
XY..XY...yx YX..Xy..Yx....<- did you understand that?
It was an answer to your post tho?.....what's the truth here, that I typed foolishness? or that I answer your post again no matter what... |
Physics & CosmologyCenter of the earth and gravity
14 Posts • 5942 Views Science & Technology Forum |
However, if you are dropping an object through a vacated hole, there will be no pressure. What causes gravity is the mass of the earth, so at the very center of the earth, you will have an equal amoun... |
Life & DeathLife, what is it?
11 Posts • 3805 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have often found myself just fascinated with life itself, not the degree of simplicity or complexity, but just life in itself. Just to think that something as big as life actually works. As for your... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14846 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"However, the Japanese are some of the most racist and xenophobic people on the planet."
Having lived in Japan I can competently say you are indeed and ignorant and judgemental ass. Like... |
Expanding Universe?
11 Posts • 2870 Views Philosophy Forum |
The book I mentioned in my hello post is a good starting point. Do not start with String theory, super symmetry or branes. The romanticism of it is alluring, but the reality of it is that if you say w... |
I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8237 Views Talk Talk |
Not to be harsh or anything but,
are you dying?
is there a bully picking on you?
are you getting beat up?
does a family member have cancer?
does your family hate you and abandone you?
is there s... |
Emotions & Feelingsare emotions what define human beings?
42 Posts • 26405 Views Psychology Forum |
It sounds like you have done a lot of exploration and everyone comes to the conclusions they come to based on experiences they have and... every perspective is valid and part of the complete picture.... |
CelebritiesMichael Jackson and his new album
9 Posts • 7611 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
It's hard to debate music, since it's all a matter of personal taste. My view is that while he had good songs on every album he has put out since Dangerous, he has put out very little that w... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42015 Views Religion Forum |
This does not address the accountings of Pontius Pilate's claimed dispute of reasoning for killing Jesus, and even offering, as tradition on a holiday, to allow Jesus' life to be spared, but... |
philosophy of friendship
31 Posts • 17943 Views Philosophy Forum |
openthedoor, as much as you claim that humans are selfish and friends suck, you will seek and form friendships, no matter how crappy they are.
Me, I find myself in search for perfection...a perfec... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70950 Views Psychology Forum |
In general I think there are plenty of people, fat and thin who dress terribly. I guess the basis of this argument is about fat girls trying to dress slutty and showing everything off. When it comes t... |
It is all in your head.
9 Posts • 3354 Views Philosophy Forum |
In a sense, this is not a theory at all.
See, when you see things, when you hear, feel, or at all experience anything, that is all information inside your brain.
When you see things outside of you... |
Saving Pvt. Lynch: The made-for-TV movie
15 Posts • 6004 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Any soldier taken prisoner by the enemy desrves a hero's welcome upon his/her return home. Biker, I hope you never get taken prisoner and then return home with out the same support as was shown t... |
Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16361 Views Religion Forum |
Judgement Day doesn't exist.....lol......hahaha....j udgement Day is a period of time.....which is the time that we're living in now........everyday that you live a judgement takes place...it... |
Physics & CosmologyThe Edge of the Universe
32 Posts • 9594 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"Think about it this way. Empty space infinite. Clusters of clusters of galaxies slowly apear over infinite time and space only to grow hot and then expand and become cold and sterile. It happens... |
Women, girls, Female...easy to read like a paper or alien creature to "MAN"kind?
7 Posts • 2385 Views Talk Talk |
There reason that there is nothing in the guys section about understanding women, is because no guy has managed to it yet. As a matter of fact I'm quite firmly of the belief that most women don... |
SpiritualityWhat if.....
36 Posts • 10462 Views Religion Forum |
I would turn into God's Dust to annoy Angel of Death.
Seriously, though, I'd probably refine myself and take away any chances of ever getting tired of being "good" or getting dr... |
EconomyEver wonder...
12 Posts • 2772 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Ah, but since so much is actually owned by the government, I'm guessing that too can be argued. But none of it would matter..."
True, we probably could go back and forth o... |