Need some CLEAN content for UploadYours.com
2 Posts • 3321 Views Jokes & Games |
My office-mate and I just put up what we think is going to be a cool Web site, but realized that we don't have enough time to put up good content. We need to get some funny pictures, jokes, softw... |
Huge wave
1 Posts • 3268 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Very cool.
http://www.killsometi me.com/Video/video.asp?video=H uge-Surf |
0 Posts • 2212 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i didnt think anyone else had seen this movie! and to be honest, i had forgotten all about it up until today when i stumbled upon this thread *lol* i loved this movie. the whole idea of a "gun ka... |
83 Posts • 20549 Views Philosophy Forum |
Minerals (iron-nickel sulfides) found in the plumes of hydrothermal vents can catalize the formation of ammonia from Nitrogen and even organic molecules. So then these organic molecules formed living... |
Myspace.com is a disgusting existence.
17 Posts • 5851 Views Talk Talk |
I have a myspace but I really don't talk to anyone on it, I only have people from school or family members on there...about three people to four people are either friends of friends or people who... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15158 Views Psychology Forum |
Well hmmmmmmmm. I concider myself BOTH intro AND extro. Does that make sense? Is it possible? Well that is what I "feel" therefore it must exist. :p
I am very in tune with my feelings, a... |
Your Car
149 Posts • 38614 Views Talk Talk |
Damnit its nice havin' another "Car Guy" on here, besides of course you 68 Firebird!*cool*
On another note, if anyone is attempting to add-on a turbocharger OR a Supercharger, be su... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132030 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yo' Wooly Bully,
I read at Facebook that some guy had restarted VHEMT at Captain Cynic. *cool*
Guess I'm late to the party. But, I'm glad I was because there's no way I can write as good as yo... |
Martial arts
29 Posts • 15397 Views Talk Talk |
JetPlane, I have my second degree black belt in Jido Kwan Tae Kwon Do. What style do you take? Do you compete?
Brazilian Jujitsu is cool. I've never taken it but I fought someone who knows it.... |
Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5973 Views Religion Forum |
Chris D - Thanks for the posting, and perhaps I was raised to be a different type of service to the community and causes... perhaps this is as rare as pure altruism... someone raised by a true leader... |
Links to Good Internet Sites
23 Posts • 9368 Views Jokes & Games |
This company is doing something that has never been attempted before.....If you want to work from home.....on your computor....give it a shot....
I technically now own part of this on-line casino.... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107407 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
So then it's much better? LoLz I'll take that and try it lolz
Well the purpose of a water bong is to cool the hot smoke before it enters your lungs. Therefore, bigger and very smooth hits... |
Child & Family PsychologyChristmas memories
1 Posts • 2631 Views Psychology Forum |
I thought it would be cool if everyone sheared one of their favorite christmas Memories of all time.
The first one for me that comes to mind is when my sister and were really young, we always had... |
how do women like to be appraoached
6 Posts • 2608 Views Talk Talk |
the wise words given to me 3 years ago:
1) clonge
2) a cool line: like hello my name is ______ what's your next class. (sound confident its all in the tone) find out what her whole sched. if... |
Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16361 Views Religion Forum |
if there is a judgement day id laguh in the face of the diety it belongs to and then be the third side in the fight between a "god" and his/her/it's enemy. Id just stand there let them... |
GovernmentJesus for President?
45 Posts • 9634 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Leftwood, it is because we live in fear due to media hyping up our senses. I'm glad I don't have a TV anymore, the nightly news is a joke to begin with and I get more information going onlin... |
trouble opening up
6 Posts • 2142 Views Talk Talk |
just start to try to get to know her again... engage in a lot of small talk "how was your day" ..... "WHY are you pissed"... yadda yadda yadda... that kind of thing... just act lik... |
ConsciousnessHow do the ideas of Universal Consciousness and synchronicity fit together?
5 Posts • 3730 Views Philosophy Forum |
I guess it was more about day to day happenings, times in the day where you are working with the same things as someone else and end up working together?
Work of the mind, brain or body...
But I gue... |
Society & SociologyBeing the Boss and my expectaions.
5 Posts • 2454 Views Psychology Forum |
I am a nurse and "the boss" often. I too have high expectations and consider doing a good job paramount. I try and convey my expectations without being a bitch, but sometimes that simply isn... |
Movie ReviewAvatar
0 Posts • 662 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
There are times when getting into a story to enjoy the adventure is the sole reason why we watch movies, read books and ride roller coasters.
Yes, pretty colors, shallow storyline, cool effects.... |
I need help making a decision about a relationship
5 Posts • 3672 Views Talk Talk |
Welli it's a long story... thanks to anyone who takes the time to read it.
2 weeks ago me and my girlfriend (leah) were having problems, we have been arguing alot lately, mainly because i can&... |
Religion & HumanityWhat defines good or evil?
33 Posts • 10279 Views Religion Forum |
And I'd be willing to bet that in the realms of Wi, SkanSkan and Maka Ina, two are feminine and the remaining is masculine. With the added masculine of Inyan that would make it 2 parts... |
Rehab & AddictionDrug Addiciton
3 Posts • 5150 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
i am an addict.....i am and was an addict of everything.....from sex to food to herion.....i did every drug i could get my hands on, herion is the one that really hooked me though, i haven't used... |
9 Posts • 4933 Views Philosophy Forum |
Finally i find someone thats like me. I personally think that the base four elements created the universe then everything else evolved from that and since the elemental magicks i work wiht invole usin... |
A new theory about why world peace won't happen
12 Posts • 3293 Views Talk Talk |
I know. World peace is so easy from your house. In quiet suburbia where you dont even know the map of the world. I guess it feels sort of cool to pretend caring about the world. But not know about the... |