Sesam Katapult
13 Posts • 10356 Views Jokes & Games |
1516299*devil**dead**devil**cl own**clown**alien**roll**lol** yuck**grin**sleepy**sleepy**an gry*:p*confused**mad**eek*;):D :):(:o*cool* |
Inter-racial dating
9 Posts • 3367 Views Talk Talk |
there should be no problem with you datin someone of a different race, i'm white and my sister's boyfriend is puerto rican, he's really cool and luckily my family likes him.
although... |
Cool site for random uses for well-known products
4 Posts • 3258 Views Talk Talk |
Did you know that you can use jello to style your hair? If you lubricate nails/ screws with ChapStick, it goes in wood easier. This site has random uses of well-known products.
http://www.wackyuse... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15616 Views Religion Forum |
Plain and simple.... it gives us a hope that there is something " better," then here. A type of reward for all the hell we all expierence here on earth. A light at the end of a tunnel. The g... |
Artworkyour own artwork, drawn, graphic, painted,sculptur
103 Posts • 29495 Views Art Forum |
That's a very cool angel- demon picture Mugen.
I was wondering if you could somehow take a better picture of it, as Id love to see it in detail.
And Chiron. That painting is awesome! Such an... |
18 Posts • 6469 Views Talk Talk |
That's a good outlook Em. I have had a hard time in the past with my bro as well, but we pushed through it. I'm hard-headed and tend to not give up. That can be a good thing and a bad thing,... |
14 Posts • 5331 Views Science & Technology Forum |
if you were to put up a hose and take the gas out the pressure at the sea level will be zero and the water will simply boil and when it reaches space the temperature of space will cool down the gas an... |
What can be done?
14 Posts • 3793 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is there nothing that we can do to make philosophy and spirtuality a "cool" thing. Is there nothing that we can do to change the majority of peoples mind sets. It seems to me that what we as... |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301174 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Love your police state...
Link to a set of these interesting photos, enlarged and more pics.
http://community.live journal.com/foto_decadent/1403 878.html
This kind of reminds me of cigarrette... |
your animals
28 Posts • 9206 Views Talk Talk |
Ya the Bearded Dragon is pretty cool looking. I googled it up this am so I would know what is bout to be in my house this next weekend! Wish I could post a pic here for you Aura so that you don't... |
40 Posts • 14969 Views Talk Talk |
dude... gensomaden saiyuki r like.the best anime ever.. it's about 3 gods n a monkey looklike boy which that these 3 gods have been reborn where one of them became a monk the other become a half... |
How do we know?
60 Posts • 16514 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, see theres also another thing. Since all our senses like seeing, hearing etc, infact, the whole observable universe including see and feeling our bodies, is just a bunch of electrical signals in... |
meet the niggars
2 Posts • 8141 Views Talk Talk |
you a big mfs fan? a guy i know moved here from davenport to start a fight gym a couple years ago--he was roommates with jens pulver a long time ago, and i used to do newspaper stories on some of the... |
My Humps
3 Posts • 2797 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I think I did a bit both.
I cried at the original, because of the way it emphasises that in order for a man to spend "time and money" on a woman- she must have the best pieces of meat by... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11368 Views Talk Talk |
the impression i get from awakened is- confrontational, and very opinionated. he's very zealous about his beliefs and wants proof and hard evidence of yours. he would be a cool dude in real life,... |
AnimalsCool Attenborough Animal Videos
2 Posts • 2295 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Gliding Squirrels |
3 Posts • 3788 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I just bought a decent digital camera! Man is it cool - I am excited about photography again! wow - I got an olympus a lower end model a 3.2 megaPixel with an awesome macro feature!
Here are some i... |
Random QuestionsLittle annoying things
42 Posts • 16995 Views Talk Talk |
1] People who have to kill and or steal from other people just for money.
2] People who have to fight others just to feel better about themselves
3] People who commit suicide (life is difficult for... |
'Absolute perfection'…
13 Posts • 9800 Views Philosophy Forum |
Woah Apeiron, you said the word perfection so many times I forgot what it meant in the second paragraph. Its' interesting of how you applied math to philosophy. I never thought it was possible...... |
Habits & BehaviorDifferentiating between Positive and Negative Reactions
0 Posts • 402 Views Psychology Forum |
What is with the trend of dodged points of relevance and slanted self defensive lectures?
For numerical sake, I'll focus on 7)
First, what the hell do you think people are trying so hard to... |
Decsions Decsions!
20 Posts • 6900 Views Talk Talk |
Even though I have always given you crap about the pontiacs and your firebird I would go with the 68 Firebird. It's a cool car!!!!!
*roll* *roll* |
Life & DeathWhat Is The Meaning Of Life?
6 Posts • 4518 Views Philosophy Forum |
I heard a saying:
"the purpose of life is to have a purpose."
*cool* |
20 Posts • 7036 Views Talk Talk |
Right now im working out to get that beach body, because when im 60 or 70, chicks arent going to be drooling over my sexy body (well there are chicks out there who like older men, but the odds are 1 i... |
Secret Beyond Matter
5 Posts • 4397 Views Philosophy Forum |
http://www.secretbeyondmatter. com/
there were just to many Ws *lol*
anyway, cool site, too bad it only raises more questions...
oh yea, the video is well made. but again, it doesnt give any... |
14 Posts • 5331 Views Science & Technology Forum |
What would happen if a gaint hose was constracted one end dropped in the ocean and the other pulled up into space? Nothing
well i wonder what would happen if the water was sucked through first, just... |