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My Humps

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 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
My Humps
(Original and Alanis Morissette version)
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry...

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I think I did a bit both.

I cried at the original, because of the way it emphasises that in order for a man to spend "time and money" on a woman- she must have the best pieces of meat by today's standards. Makes it sound like butchers may in fact be the most important people on the planet.

And I laughed at the parody by Alanis Morisset brought out on April fool's day. It feels good to know that there are others out there who feel that the mentality of today seems to revolve around the equation: Beauty + body parts = talent + worthiness.

(I also laughed that one of our Australian celebrities- who typifies the blonde Barbie doll, giggly girl next door- who did some "cause" about making people aware not all blondes are dumb, actually thought that the Alannis Morisset version was in fact a "serious" cover of the song. And until she was told on the radio today it was pistake, had been driving around in her car for the past week, listening to it and thinking it was so great and in a serious way.)

But really, I just feel so frustrated and irritated that there seems to be such an emphasis on objectifying women these days. Yeah this negative view of women has been around a long time. But it really seems to have taken off in the last half decade and is almost "fashionable" to some degree.

Songs about "lovely lady humps" and women whose "milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard" and "look at my bootay" really make my stomach turn.

It used to be just the men singing about that sort of stuff. But now its the women who seem to see their worth to men in this way and sing about themselves this way too.

We have come so far in the last half centrury, with the women's liberation movement, women being able to vote and being able enter the work force, and even become bosses in their own right.

But of late, I feel we are going backwards with all this interest in women as "ho's" and "skanks" and "sex objects" actually being a cool thing to be.

How many times Ive seen some woman driving past, looking all cool and sophisticated... with some song blaring out of her car window about women being bitches and hos and skanks, nothing more than pieces of meat, merely put on this planet for men's sexual gratification just amazes me.

I like the ideal of girl power and I wish women could be empowered more and become equal to men in all ways. But I just feel that with the current trend in music and culture, we are actually now going backwards. (Which I feel is due to the rising popularity of rap and ghetto culture music and its skank ho, fuck dat bitch, then dump her stupid ass, playa mentality.)

How can a woman be treated seriously and be seen for who she is on the inside, when songs emphasising how important her lady lumps are?

How can women be seen as equal when they are looking up to and then imitating the Britney Spears "skank ho clueless" image?

"Girl Power" is a great concept. But like so many other concepts the people who take it on seem to warp it and twist it. I feel that girl power seems to really correlate to power of sexual attraction.

Do you only have "girl power" if you are beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex?

Is that where a woman's worth lies? In her ass? In her tits?

I dont think so. Therefore I really wish songs like this, and others even worse, wouldn't be so popular. And that the women who are rolemodels for a whole younger generation are not as dumb and negative as Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton. Merely there for their sex appeal and the way they look, nothing else.

But that's just my opinion of the original song and its parody. And I feel that everyone has a right to like what they like or dislike. I would never ban a song or try to stop someone thinking a certain way.

But, I will still give my opinion (just as Alaniss Morisset has) that the recent spate of songs that focus solely on women's body parts or depicting women as no more than playthings for men and whores who sell their bodies for a man's money as doing this world a disservice.

Not only to the women who are treated as whores or pieces of meat, because that is the message we are being given today.

But also to the men who grow up thinking of other humans in such a low and degrading manner, and who are therefore that much spiritually poorer for it.

I know I am not the only one who feels this way. Pink brought out the song Stupid Girl in protest to this modern mentality.
I just adore the lines,

What happened to the first female president?
She's dancing in a clip next to 50 Cent.

Of course the sad irony is that her song is now being used in an advertisement where what the announcer says basically translates to:

"Don't be a "stupid girl." If you dont buy this product you wont be part of what everyone else is doing. Therefore you will NOT be cool. And its stupid to not be cool."

Ironwood, Im sorry to rant about the songs you posted. And if you feel my comments are not wanted I will remove them. But I feel that by putting the songs up in public, you are interested in what people think of them.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
My Humps
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