13 Posts • 3974 Views Talk Talk |
This will be #2, and 3 for me actually. I don't think being a grandparent at my age is bad at all. I will actually get to enjoy these more than most.
I don't spoil t... |
93 Posts • 30411 Views Philosophy Forum |
There was a major study done over more then a 10 year period in a major college by a well known professor. I tried to find the article, it was in Ventura Inward, but I lost it. The study continues. Th... |
Body Art/Piercing
21 Posts • 8420 Views Talk Talk |
i have two peircings other than the normal ear peircing that they do at the jewelry girlie store at my mall a 14 gauge in my tongue and one in my belly button so naturally i'm for it lol workin o... |
If you can't remember something, is it invisible?
5 Posts • 3136 Views Philosophy Forum |
Okay, if you can't remember somthing, say, is it in a state of invisiblity? (as it is in there somewhere)
Does triggering the memory suddenly make it visible?
As opposed to, the memory being vi... |
Life & DeathThe reason of life.
30 Posts • 7322 Views Philosophy Forum |
The reason we continually search for the reason for life is because we think the answer has to be more complicated than it is.The reason for life is simply to have a reason no matter what the reason i... |
There is no negative one...
13 Posts • 3749 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Thanks mikes...
Yes, they do use imaginary numbers in a lot of areas...
I just think by definition they must have it wrong somewhere...
I am yet to read through or have someone show me where they a... |
GamesInteractive buddy
100 Posts • 88942 Views Jokes & Games |
if you choose the "open hand" and put it on your buddy... you gain money and your buddy is happy*alien*
also.... if you keep droping bace balls on your buddy he will be happy and give y... |
Relationships & LoveHurt...
9 Posts • 4188 Views Psychology Forum |
I think that certain things should be kept to yourself. Like when you're super excited about a drawing or something a joke, whatever then you tell someone else and they just kinda ohh yahh cool.... |
Random QuestionsKarma
39 Posts • 9058 Views Talk Talk |
"Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bh... |
Random QuestionsMyspace or Facebook?
16 Posts • 6289 Views Talk Talk |
I think when the internet first started being used, it was more shy people who were attracted to it. And I think it was a good place for people who weren't good looking or tough or cool or whatev... |
Pretty awesome montage by ShookOn3
3 Posts • 4227 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
The only thing that impressed me was the killtacular on Lock Out.
The rest was typical sniper. Auto aim battle rifle and melle combo.
He got some pretty luck sticks at Midship.
I say lucky, becau... |
Undeniable Logic
10 Posts • 4121 Views Philosophy Forum |
sure! i didnt type mine for the same reason, but only if you have the time on your hands, well another reasson i didint type mine is being paranoid someone will take them.. but your theories are safe... |
Atheism & AgnosticismIf you had a gun to your head, what would you choo
30 Posts • 8580 Views Religion Forum |
i speak for everyone when say a part of your desire would want him to pull the trigger.. so you can die a labeled a "hero" (and dont argue that doesnt make sense i read about that shit all t... |
Your Car
149 Posts • 38614 Views Talk Talk |
Yeah!!! Good for that asshole, lol.
My Vega was great to me, it even repaired itself now and again. For example, after that dumbass friend of mine forgot to steer and brake and we hit the car, the... |
DreamsMy dream about snake, any advice please
1 Posts • 2754 Views Psychology Forum |
Wow! this site is cool.
Alright, I just want share my dream. I dream a snake who bites me, it was said from my grandmother that if that will happen, one of your friends will kill you behind your bac... |
Physics & CosmologyCAN WE SEE INTO THE PAST?
31 Posts • 9960 Views Science & Technology Forum |
seeing a white light doesn't mean that you can see a coloured image of something in the past such as a tree or a person. there is no scientific logic that you can see the future. refracting light... |
Gift for Loved One
6 Posts • 4321 Views Talk Talk |
Some diamond earrings would be cool or a diamond necklace. But I like the look of the Gem stones better myself. Maybe get her a necklace or earrings with her birthstone.
Em |
Writing AdviceCan you guys please write me a song about being...
60 Posts • 26358 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
*cool* Oh okay, well...er...my band has four members, Devin, Rachel, Tyler, and I. The band's name is Runt. And the instruments are:
Vocals/ Guitarest (Me)
Drums (Devin)
Bass Player (Rachel)... |
29 Posts • 8397 Views Talk Talk |
I have the PlaystationII and used to have the old Nintendo, oh how I love that old Nintendo all the Mario games!!!
Ive played the New FFX-2 and its pretty cool and the heros are female based and each... |
any ozomatli fans...
1 Posts • 3082 Views Talk Talk |
Ozo's new album is amazing. And its only a 6 song EP. I can't wait for the full album to come out. I hear Chali 2na is gonna be back with Ozo for it. That's gonna be cool if it happens.... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17260 Views Religion Forum |
If i follow your logic i would come to the same statement ; "the statement of admission of not knowing or unknowing." this logic implies a transcendental God. Where if you take the logic of... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24432 Views Religion Forum |
I dont know about relative truth but I believe nothing can be certain. Anything is possible kind fellow.
Everyone believes in something.
If atheist choose to take this reality we are in precedent ov... |
Yeast Infections
3 Posts • 2025 Views Talk Talk |
HEy Disenchanted,
Thanx for the home remedy info. I actually googled the hell out of it a few days ago, and stumbled upon a website that really advocates home-made remedies as oppose to the ones... |
Blonde Jokes
31 Posts • 9894 Views Jokes & Games |
:):(:o*cool*:D;)*eek**mad**sle epy**angry*:p:p:p*confused**sl eepy**angry*:p*confused**grin* *grin**roll**alien**clown**yuc k**yuck**lol**devil**dead* i know a boy named cody and he is blonde |
TechnologyReproducing Robot
5 Posts • 3857 Views Science & Technology Forum |
This is cool. the robot can build itself!
http://news.bbc.co. uk/2/hi/science/nature/4538547 .stm
Here is a video of it.
http://www.nature.com/n ews/2005/050509/multimedia/050 509-6-m1.html |