HEy Disenchanted,
Thanx for the home remedy info. I actually googled the hell out of it a few days ago, and stumbled upon a website that really advocates home-made remedies as oppose to the ones you can purchase at Stores. The reason being that they believed most of Caneston and Monistat contained high concentration of anti-biotics and if people were to mis-diagnose the symptoms and misuse it, it would create a super "Yeast". That, and having large doses of chemicals in one's body isn't the healthiest thing in the first place.
I read up on the using Yogurt as well, and the reason for that is it already contains a different type of yeast, and it will kill the over-growth in one's vagina if inserted into that region. So, it's using yeast to kill yeast. Cool eh? Thanx for letting me know though.
The reason I got slightly anxious was because it was my first time using over-the-counter 1-day cure and found greasy icky things coming out of my under-regions. WHen I read more about it, I found out that THAT was normal and to be expected b/c the pill does need to get out. The only thing I was concerned about was creating more yeast! Thanx for the info though. I really appreciate it.