People are...
2 Posts • 2182 Views Talk Talk |
Masks... People were them. They are 2 people in one, they say that something is important to them and when you spend time with that person it becomes clear that they dont give a shit about that import... |
ArtworkThis happens when I'm bored
15 Posts • 6494 Views Art Forum |
That's cool!!!
*roll* *roll* |
Hang on to your bike: Holy ****!
0 Posts • 1299 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Its all in the arms. All in the arms*cool* |
Video GamesWhy Mario Sunshine Sucks
0 Posts • 2488 Views Talk Talk |
i know what you mean Decius.i got halfway through the game,it pissed me of so much that i quit.this was a few years back,i was like 10 or 11,and i thought it was pretty cool.but now i look back on it... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16282 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I just woke got out of bed,
During the night new thoughts in my head.
Now i feel i must reiterate,
Reword or simply restate
I am the switch, she has the hands
I can only do what she demands.
She... |
Creative MusingsContinuous story 2
5 Posts • 2570 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Tim watched as the bullies sauntered off along the sidewalk, wondering how on earth he had gotten himself into all of this mess. "at least it's hometime" he thought, relieved. It had be... |
~Tattoo Pics~
62 Posts • 75822 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Thanks LadyTaz......I would prob. use the roses in a crossing pattern under the "My love..." part, and shade the circles with the three ladies favorite colors, imo.
hearts can be broken,... |
StoriesPatriotic Duty
1 Posts • 3009 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Patriotic Duty
A short story by Wolf Larsen
The fancy sports car pulled up to the curb. An older man in hip clothes and a younger woman in a sexy dress get out of the car. She is his "girlfri... |
Relationships & LoveThe best way to apologise to a girl
19 Posts • 67843 Views Psychology Forum |
If you can't get near her to apologise, then go for soppy emails or record yourself grovelling/singing (though the later should only be done if you can sing) on webcam or something like that. If... |
29 Posts • 8397 Views Talk Talk |
My first console was the Snes. From there I really became a PC gamer. I've since been into lots of different kinds of games. RPGs (baldur's gate and fallout 1 ROCK), RTS games (Starcraft), F... |
My life as I know it... or do I know it??
14 Posts • 4219 Views Talk Talk |
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning.
To answer your questions Lifeasweknowit: (cool name btw)
Here we go...........*cool*
Your TOTALLY right about saying I should do what my heart tells... |
Immortal Technique
13 Posts • 7946 Views Talk Talk |
Kanye is a fucking idiot. His first cd's main point was to try and convince young black teens that college is for suckers. The exact opposite of what a smart black role model would be doing. If J... |
112 Posts • 27057 Views Talk Talk |
The ocean is certainly deep - possibly we can make it deeper with all the soda in this country. :D Sorry - couldn't help it.
Last night we had a camp fire in the back yard. I'm tearing do... |
the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18459 Views Talk Talk |
I take advice from closeminded people
I admire arrogant people
I like it when people misinterpret you
I appreciate the thoughts of feebleminded people
I love when people require self-glori... |
Whats the deal with 'Freeware'?
1 Posts • 1783 Views Talk Talk |
Can anyone explain exactly how 'Freeware' works on the Internet?
There is some pretty cool stuff out there which must have cost someone time, effort, and expertise...and so I am wondering w... |
Rehab & AddictionDrug Use, yay nay wrong or okay?
19 Posts • 6403 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I've kept away from drugs, and if they're offered to me, I have and still would decline, but as for the rest of the world, if you want to do it, by all means, go ahead, just stay off the roa... |
11 Posts • 4899 Views Talk Talk |
gotta say im now jealous, i want a les paul, they are just suh cool guitars. learning by ear can be fun, i was trying to work out dire straits - local hero theme tune by ear, and also ive worked out b... |
The Amazingly Long Yet Not So Hilarious Thread
147 Posts • 32382 Views Jokes & Games |
The truth-telling pencil had no eraser, therefore
the pencil would ALWAYS tell the absolute truth and nothing but the truth.*cool* |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14244 Views Psychology Forum |
i think dreams are sometimes just for fun.....but others do predict..... one example is i had a dream about a huge fire that happened in one of my favourite tv programmes the next week there was a hug... |
School uniforms
47 Posts • 26651 Views Talk Talk |
I think uniforms would suck, but they'd still be alot better for those either unable to figure out what to wear or who cannot afford to wear what's "in fashion." I think dress code... |
records and fact truth
5 Posts • 3105 Views Philosophy Forum |
dawm just went thru a crazy argument (unintentionally) at the dinner table with the neigbours.. holy shit fucking annoying as fuck.. dont want to even get started on that... anyway,.. i guess the main... |
112 Posts • 27057 Views Talk Talk |
I took the day off - slept until 2:30 Pm. The trees my wife ordered arrived. It was raining, and I panted them trees in the rain. It was cool.
A friend at work had died of cancer. Before she died I... |
Marijuana Legalized In Canada?
52 Posts • 20823 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Marijuana is perfectly fine. Ask any teen and they'll agree :P
Anyway, its not unhealthy (unlike say... tobacco which fills your lungs with tar) and doesn't make you dangerous (like alcohol... |
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
35 Posts • 11248 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Ya without spoiling it, I was wondering how much of a role the Wookies played, I played the new game which has awsome One on One saber fights and some cool scenes from the new movie, but not a wookie... |
Random QuestionsStupid things we've done as kids
49 Posts • 15152 Views Talk Talk |
I puked up Dippin' Dots at the Kenneday Space Center on a field trip in 4th grade. I was amazed because I had eaten vanilla Dippin' Dots but they had come out as pink vomit. I thought it was... |