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Alcohol vs. Marijuana - Page 4

User Thread
 43yrs • M •
beeristheshit is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Ok, I hate how all you weed lovers say that weed has never been a factor with car accidents and deaths. Of course it has! Obviously not as much as alcohol but jesus, don't exagerate. And actually the use of beer is way older than the use of marijuana, when we talk about beer it dates back all the way to the Vikings, they brewed it. So yea thats way more than 1,000 yrs ago. I am not against marijuana, ive used it for 6 months and i stopped. Marijuana is illegal because it usually leads to other drugs that are deadly, its pretty much the only reason. But how dangerous weed is depends on the person, how much he or she is using, and under what circumstances. A glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away, its medically proven. Alcohol contributes to liver disease, heart disease, and dependency. Marijuana contributes to trouble thinking clearly, memory loss, dependency, and all of the health risks that cigarettes causes(lung and throat cancer, and respiratory diseases). In my opinion, don't do weed, it sticks with you your whole life, its fat soluble, it stays in ur blood all the time, Alcohol is water soluble, if u use it, it goes away and it doesnt stick with u all the time.

Nothing is better in life than to have a cold and fresh lager, while ur sitting at a bar. People who misuse alcohol are just plain stupid.

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 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"And actually the use of beer is way older than the use of marijuana, when we talk about beer it dates back all the way to the Vikings, they brewed it. So yea thats way more than 1,000 yrs ago."

Native Americans have used marijuana since before the times of Jesus Christ. The same goes with people from India and Jamaica. Marijuana grows naturally... of course it's been used before alcohol.

I've never heard of anyone using alcohol for spiritual reasons. Don't you think that indicates something about the difference between these two substances?

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Marijuana and alcohol were both developed at around the same time. Marijuana was first produced as hemp in Thailand and China and was one of the earliest domesticates. It was grown for its fiber uses as well as the cheap source of protein that comes from the seeds. It is also possible that they knew they could get high from it. Alcohol was also produced in an early era. It was produced in the Mayan empire as "corn beer" and was used to pay workers for the construction of buildings. Actually the first theory towards drug use relates towards mushrooms and the cave paintings in France.

As far as the dangers of drug use let us look at each critically. Marijuana has been proven to have no signs of physical addiction. It also produces overdoses only in extremely large doses. This would constitute it as a soft drug in that there is no real immediate danger to the consumption of the drug.

However alcohol has been proven to have signs of physical addiction. As well it also produces overdoses in relatively small doses. This would constitute alcohol as a hard drug in that there are possibly immediate dangers to the consumption of this drug.

The long term consequences of each is different. Besides addiction Alcohol has been shown that overconsumption can cause liver failure and has been shown to lead to some forms of Cancer. However there are some health benefits in small doses including reduced risk of heart attack, reduced risk of stroke, lower risk of diabetes and Alzheimer disease .

Marijuana's long term consequences include memory loss, possible lack of motivation, shortness of breath(if smoking). I would also like to mention that a study was conducted towards the correlation between marijuana and lung cancer. No connection was found in that there is no correlation to marijuana and lung cancer. But, Marijuana has been linked to increasing the risk of those with a biological dispositions to mental disorders most notably schizophrenia and psychosis. So, if there is a mental disorder in your immediate family it is probably not a good idea to be smoking marijuana.

Is one better than the other. There both bad but depending on your situation one is probably better than the other. If your family has a history of alcoholism you should probably stay away from it and if smoking weed will do that for you than I think you are probably making the right decision. If someone in your family has mental disorders than you probably should stick away from both but if you had to choose you should probably choose alcohol. If you are driving you should probably do neither but if you have to you should choose weed in that it does not directly affect your vision.

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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
 32yrs • F •
chrissylette is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I have been smoking cannabis since I was oh 7. My Dad's friends also allowed me to drink in the yard, nowhere else. I can say that first hand this:
1. I have seen more drunken fights then cannabis-induced.
2. Marijuana is known to be a cure to hate, depression, anxiety, and almsot all other forms of manic stereo-typing.
3. The discovery of late Stone Age beer jugs has established the fact that intentionally fermented beverages existed at least as early as the Neolithic period (c. 10,000 BC), and it has been suggested that beer may have preceded bread as a staple; wine clearly appeared as a finished product in Egyptian pictographs around 4,000 BC.
4. A lucky random guy found pot, which was planted by "God"
5. Mary Jane is not dangerous, nothing by itself is dangerous, however the people controlling it make it that way.

I have spoken my peice. If you would like to reply or say something feel free.
Have a nice higher than the sky day. I know I will!
Oh and no I have never smoked a bong. Are they better than bowls/doobies?

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"Life is all about moments, so make the best of each one."
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MugenNoKarayami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Oh and no I have never smoked a bong. Are they better than bowls/doobies?

I would take a water bong or gravity bong over a bowl/doobie any day of the week.

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"I'm a human being, God Dammit!! My life has value!!!"
 32yrs • F •
chrissylette is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
So then it's much better? LoLz I'll take that and try it lolz

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"Life is all about moments, so make the best of each one."
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MugenNoKarayami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
So then it's much better? LoLz I'll take that and try it lolz

Well the purpose of a water bong is to cool the hot smoke before it enters your lungs. Therefore, bigger and very smooth hits.

There's nothing I dislike more than being high and feeling like I want to throw up or feel like my lungs are burning to a crisp.

I highly recommend it.

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"I'm a human being, God Dammit!! My life has value!!!"
 32yrs • F •
chrissylette is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Alright then. I shall try it I guess this weekend.
I have big plans on 4/20 lolz
Yes I celebrate it as a National Holiday!

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"Life is all about moments, so make the best of each one."
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that JoelB is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
the bottom line is that they are both addictive drugs... The argument for which one is better then the other will never end, seeing how every person has a different outlook. I personally never got into smoking weed really, I've done it before countless times, but never was the one to say "hey lets go get a sack and get blazed"... and now probabaly have only done it a handfull of times since I graduated high school in 04.

As for alcohol, well, thats more my drug of choice. Not saying its better in any way, just what I enjoy more.

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"Aint flashed a smile in a long while...."
 32yrs • F •
chrissylette is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Well personally I love vodka or tequila.
I enjoy smoking up a joint or 3 almost everyday.
But when I drink I feel a better intoxication with weed.
Having said that I think I am gonna go smoke one.

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"Life is all about moments, so make the best of each one."
 49yrs • M •
darbsy is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

How can anyone say that Alcohol was around before Cannabis???

Well, think about it - Cannabis it a plant, right?
It was made by "god" (as some people say) Just like Bananas (Banana tree is a herb - look it up) or oak trees or any other plant, herb, foliage or natural growth.

Everything that grew before humans started cross-pollenating and genetically modifying, actually evolved from whatever was around before monkeys evolved into humans (If that's what u believe).

I'm not too sure that those monkeys knew how to ferment fruit juice into alcohol 36million years ago.

I do believe that birds spread the seeds around the world, in their droppings- like they do - whilst using the strands of hemp to make their nests. The countries with the good weather is where Cannabis grew well.

American Indians have been smoking the Pipe of peace for many years. I think they may have used MJ in these, as well as other stuff, maybe opium.

I drink alcohol occasionally.
I have smoked weed for about 12 years now and stopped 3 months ago because I started a job where u get random Drug and Alcohol tests.
I can agree with these tests and drugs at work etc, for safety, but for me not to be allowed by the government to smoke a J in my own back yard is proposterous when it costs 30 odd billion pounds a year to deal with alcohol related incidents and people get killed every day due to Booze. the health implication is awful. Families get ruined by alcohol.

If alcohol kills so many people and is damaging in so many ways, why is it legal?

Cigarettes are bad for you. They lead to harder drugs like ALCOHOL.
Alcohol leads to violence, accidents, infidelity, family break-ups, bad health, withdrawl symptoms (commonly known as a hangover) even death though alcohol poisoning.
All of these things affect a lot of people around the victim as well.

If you drink beer or the hard stuff - spirits, you are highly likely to become violent and out of control or be violently sick - let alone piss in the wardrobe, or somewhere else in the house!!

If u get stoned now and again, you may become a bit dumber for a while, but if you control your usage, you will be fine.
What's the problem with that???

The human body can handle many things in moderation
I stopped at the drop of a hat after 12 years!!!
It was easy. I just didn't buy any more!!

Had I been an alcoholic, it would have been impossible to stop and I would probably have liver failure and be over-weight.


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"If you don't know enough about it, don't write about it. It makes you look stupid!!!!!!!!"
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that doom123 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
smoked since 5th grade. im not addicted. i can go for months without smoking its really not a big deal. i remember in school when all these kids would be talking about it like it was some kind of social tool to get higher up in the rankings. that pisses me off. ive seen normal ass kids get arrested for doin stupid shit just to look cool because of pot.

there are 2 kinds of potheads and drinkers- social potheads/drinkers and drinkers/potheads that do it for the experience (whether it be to numb themselves, escape reality, or actually experiment with the substance and monitor its effects).
the reason i use drugs is because im a connoisseur of feelings. i find that foreign substances induce a myriad of new feelings that are intensely unstable. its part of the excitement.

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"if life has no point whats the point in talking about it?"
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that doom123 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
And actually the use of beer is way older than the use of marijuana, when we talk about beer it dates back all the way to the Vikings, they brewed it. So yea thats way more than 1,000 yrs ago.

ohhh you are horribly wrong... vikings did NOT brew beer. they brewed mead, which is a very sweet wine, sometimes referred to as honey wine. so the vikings had nothing to do with beer and more to do with wine. Also, its not proven that the vikings were the first to brew mead, the first mentions of it were in a hymn in the Rigveda, a religious book in the Vedic religion which is in India.

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"if life has no point whats the point in talking about it?"
 52yrs • M •
A.J.tokker is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
people, please get the facts straight. opinion is not of any revelance. the CDC (center for disease control) has shown that in all aspects that weed is a healthier choice. alcohol is after all classified as a poison medicaly. weed how ever is actually a stimulant.

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"think please!"
 66yrs • M •
andy58 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Marijuana can cause sterility in men. Two guys I know closely, both heavy pot smokers, can never father children now.

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"A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Alcohol vs. Marijuana - Page 4
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