Does anyone out there actually believe this BS?
13 Posts • 2820 Views Talk Talk |
Hmm. Interesting thread. Leaders should be able to make clear headed decisions, even if they do have close relatives in a battle. But one of the biggest problems is that they think they should or have... |
Age relevency on CC
23 Posts • 7203 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well with more a more social change going on within our generation its only natural that the youth would participate more in disscution about them. Also even though this is going to sound sterio typic... |
Habits & BehaviorProfiling Project: I need help/advice
3 Posts • 2730 Views Psychology Forum |
I need to know questions or tests that would help me profile people.
Is there a particular area that your profiling project is geared towards? You've posted this in the Habits & Behavior s... |
ChristianityWas Jesus Black
31 Posts • 14544 Views Religion Forum |
I think it matter A LOT whether Jesus was black or not. Isn't is strange how the most popular religious figure looks just like the ideal European? White skin, light hair, tall, white robes? Howev... |
I wish i were dumb
3 Posts • 6554 Views Talk Talk |
Sometimes i wish i could just stop thinking. All day all night my mind works like a slave laborer on overtime. I have so many ideas, so many things i want to discover. I want to be dumb sometimes and... |
RelationshipsWhen will the pain of heartache go away?
17 Posts • 26633 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
when someone you love hurts you like that people tend to say time heals all wounds and things of that the nature....the truth is that it's always going to hurt, you will never just forget about i... |
RE: pumpkinlove
12 Posts • 2836 Views Talk Talk |
thanks decius. uhm yeah well i am not picking a fight with you. i write also and its honestly a passion but still very difficult to say what you feel in the "right " words. . im just saying... |
Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15688 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
"(which is stupid, because god apparently created everything, so what are homosexuals? a sick joke to him?)"
We are not debating the legitimacy or logic of a religion. We are debating peopl... |
IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16015 Views Religion Forum |
Respect for you and respect for things you choose to believe in or cherish are two different things.
I think if people were able to see the life of both Jesus and Muhammed, they would most likely b... |
Science vs ReligionThe "What if I'm Right?" Argument
0 Posts • 1274 Views Religion Forum |
I was answering logically. God is not logically possible.
Maybe psychologically you could point out why people believe in God.
Lack of understanding to how the world works, God is an easy answer... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44912 Views Philosophy Forum |
Oh my God! I am glad I am not alone! Since I remember myselfe 3-4 years old and older I had that feeling that everything is not real but just me.I remember being like 4 years old and go back to a room... |
Rehab & AddictionI need a cigarette
18 Posts • 19404 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Not weird, you are in fact addicted. You just have a low level addiction.
The proof that you are addicted is the fact that you keep going back to cigs!
You are just in denial about it. They... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34103 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001 In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of te... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8406 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree with what you are saying here. Maybe I haven't been clear about that but what you have said makes allot of sense and I can now see what you were trying to say from the start.
I have a... |
Age relevency on CC
23 Posts • 7203 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't doubt the knowledge of the younger crowd. I have a 9 yo step daughter who can create web pages in Java Script and I can't do that.
But there are mountains you have not yet climbed... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23050 Views Philosophy Forum |
i know i feel or see or think etc wether its(the percieved) really there or not, weather i really have a brain or not (i never cheked) and " i think therefore i am" i s the most ignorant sta... |
68 Posts • 15270 Views Religion Forum |
I presume Chelsea was saying that you could listen to other opinions in a constructive way, instead of always turning a cold shoulder.
Of course she was telling me what I should do. But my point... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25444 Views Psychology Forum |
Decius, so its ok to kill yourself if your in a bad position compared to someone else? i agree that no one can fully understand someone elses views on life, but you dont have to have an awful life to... |
Sexual PsychologyA backlash against sexual attitudes?
25 Posts • 6918 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
In fact already sexuality is already being controlled and its getting worse.
I think a certain amount of control is required. Aids has caused a rethinking of sexuality, but before that the sexual r... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46413 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
the way i see homosexuality is that it's wrong not that it isn't possible or that it's not a legitimate issue that people have to deal with in their lives just that it's not right... |
26 Posts • 7990 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey I agree with parts of the last two statements-
We must educate in order to avoid these situations indeed that is the absolute best way to go.
but also we cannot dictate to women how to run their... |
Society & SociologySchool girl frustration
19 Posts • 7458 Views Psychology Forum |
Yea i got the same problem. When people look at me they think "Oh! NO! another high school reject!".
They dont know me! Everyday when i go home i read a different book. Sometimes philoso... |
Random Questionswhat makes someone a douche bag?
16 Posts • 11604 Views Talk Talk |
I don't know what makes others feel the urge to take cleansing showers or want to hit the people in those pictures
in an odd way, "douche" in french means shower, hehehe
where does... |
Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13701 Views Philosophy Forum |
because it is clearly light hearted and meant to be a freindly remark.
and you pretty muched just helped my point out. its not that they are insulted, more that they think we are trying to insult the... |
When is Drinking a problem?
4 Posts • 2551 Views Talk Talk |
I disagree- "need" is a term subjective to circumstances and personal belief.
When I'm at the bar, I need to drink to alleviate my inhibitions, because I know I'll have a much b... |