The worst pain in life is when someone you know turns into someone you knew. - sweetygirl
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It's time for a revolution

User Thread
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
It's time for a revolution
We need to stop asking questions and start applying. If we wanna live in a society with complete equality, let's start living by example. Show people that being good is the right thing to do. It seems that all the people that tend to be more good than evil just don't do anything about changing the evil. Evil does what it thinks is right, shouldn't good do the same? If we believe that good is right, let's show it. Help out those that are in need, show them by example. If you see a woman walking down the street late at night, maybe pick her up and drive her to her house. If someone asks you for genuine help and you deny it, that is what evil is. Selfishness is the source of evil, so let's get rid of it and show people that living a righteous life is the path to happiness. Are we all equal or aren't we? Are we all blank canvas' that have been painted on by our environment or aren't we? I'm sick of just sitting back and letting selfishness win. I know that deep down inside everyone wants equality and to be who they truly are. Teach those that are selfish that their path is wrong, don't just tell them. Point them in the right direction instead of keeping them ignorant to their own demise. Someone who has lived a selfish life must face old age eventually and who will be there to care for them when the only person who ever did was themselves? These lessons of life are known but few actually go through with them. We can really change the world guys, now is the time for the next revolution. It starts with you. So who's with me?

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that heyjme1 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yes, Chris; the irony is is that under non-normal circustances by helping someone out, we take a risk, which requires bravery, and the best feeling is the feeling you've done something you normally wouldn't do. The worse you feel, or the more ill you are or whatever, the bigger the chalenge.

And we get a smile in return to...

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""No words""
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Why aren't most good people brave? Does being selfish make you a braver person? The risk shouldn't matter, let's look at the reward. I know we can all be united, but it takes some initiative and yes, some risk. The few who have done what I'm talking about are to be remembered forever. Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus Christ, Ghandi. These were all people that were humans and born into unjust societies, the difference between them and everyone else is that they had the courage to ignore the consequences to fight for what is right. What is stopping any of us from openly fighting injustices? The answer is nothing. Let's show that good is brave, that good is couragous, that good does not just sit back and take a stab from selfishness. If we would all work together to achieve this goal then there is no amount of evil that we could not overcome. Again I say, who's with me?

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that heyjme1 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Good posts here; the ideal and the real world.

Chris, your right in what you say; but reconsider how you say it (your quotes):

This works: "Let's show that good is brave"
This deosn't: "If we would all work together to achieve this goal"

see if you can understand why.

Decius, you speak truth, note though that if a cause is moral; then people will be inspired to do something which they already consider a moral issue (watch Al Gore in an inconvenient truth). I think most people want to be moral; the question for them is just takes one to have an effective answer.

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""No words""
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"The question is not for the moral to be brave. It is defined by making the immoral moral. Therein lies the difficulty, because it is easier to be immoral."

By the moral being brave, we would in turn inspire those moral people that might not be so brave to stand up for their beliefs. Moral people are just as immoral as those they disagree with if they let any injustices occur without criticism. I think people need to start leading by example. Humans have never reached a point in evolution that is more open than today (except athens in the golden age on some issues). I am just sick of everybody sitting back. When we see something wrong, we can't just not participate in it anymore, that's not enough, we need to try to change it. All the good out there needs to step up.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ignoring immoral behavior is not proactive, leading by example is not completely effective either. It does seem rather futile. What if we focus on the larger picture here. A society/civlization that holds itself in higher moral standings may very well be stronger. We strive for individual strength. If people understood that building up the community helped them on an individual basis, maybe they would strive to be moral.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"How does one motivate people to be moral in an age where it is so easy to be immoral?"

Easy and hard are defined by what you are conditioned to. Since we were raised to believe that selfishness is a possible solution for happiness, it is very logical to see that selfishness is the better choice, because you're right, it is easier. But what these selfish people are ignoring is that when you hurt another person for personal gain, it does not bring happiness. If we were all raised in a society that had its people teach children by example that being selfish is wrong, it would not be difficult to behave in a moral way, it would be natural. We can preach what is right and wrong until the universe contracts into a singularity but that will never change one's behavior. Showing people what is right and bringing it to their attention every time it occurs in your presence is what will change people. We are hypocrites if we don't.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that heyjme1 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Firstly, the thing needed is non-hating. Anger is a character flaw. Bitching is another. Its proof of being affected (weakness) by an environment.

To teach people to be moral; you have to understand people. By this I mean its okay to recognise that a seed is a seed; but to keep this to yourself. The effect should be to see the potentials of the seed to become the plant it should be and to use the skills necessary to promote it.

Rome wasn't built in a day. And if your dreaming of even city-wide success; you'll fail. Moral efforts to help revolutionalise start with you first. Then family/friends. Then beyond.

The skills necessary aren't pretty for yourself. Others will see them almost in dazzled lights. But they aren't these are developed:

Social skills
An ability to put what is right in front of your own desires

I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones that come to my hand.

I'd say, above all, the key is to believe in the future, but live in the present.

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""No words""
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Black Gold is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If you've ever heard that saying that (can't remember exactly how it goes) 'A long journey begins with a single footstep...' and another that goes 'One small step for man... One giant leap for mankind.'...
I guess what I'm saying is you start somewhere, and as long as you're heading in the right direction, at times you may even go forth in 'leaps and bounds'.
I think Chris is right to suggest we do something... maybe concentrate more on some things we already do and just work on them a bit, for the good of the world.
Although, I think we may encounter more questions in our journey, by applying ourselves more...
And, selfishness is not always the source of evil, sometimes it's the selfless act of submitting to someone else with an evil grand plan.
Equality can be shown to be Universal, but at the same time people are different, and given the options, may favour their difference...
Much can be done by showing people the way, but you may need to understand, that, having a superior world-view may be necessary to reach some people. For example, when you mention key-words like 'God', 'Soul', and 'Morals', some people take these in a secular sense. And, the same people are not open to other's ideas, because to think of them would be different to how they have been told to think.
The answer here is just to keep working and be able to prove the kinds of things you're working with.
Another example, science is currently unable to confirm that reading minds is possible, whereas there are many people who make it their life in this field, and testimonies would show that it has been proven possible through personal experience.
Do attempt to show good is brave and courageous, it's worth it... If you're heading in the right direction.
In regards to starting a revolution, you may have more success with the inspired, and if they're not yet, they will become inspired.
I'm not sure that it's easier to be immoral, especially if you have a conscience. And yes, I think most people want to be moral, and an effective answer is the means.
I think people are still motivated by courage, just look at extreme sports!
Leading by example is fine, especially if it gets to the stage where a group, and then larger and larger groups come about and lead by group example.
My answer is, do what everyone else is doing, being:-
- Strive for Originality
- Do your Best
- If you find something cool, tell someone about it.
- Anything else where you can excel, and have the option to share.

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"There is no negative one..."
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"Additionally, nothing you are saying is practical. What are you going to do? Oppose Bush? Make speeches?

What is your suggestion in regards to "standing up".

You're not going to stand up against the police... they will beat the shit out of you and people will think you're an idiot.

What is your suggestion?"

I suggest a revolution to be about being good and you automatically assume it means bringing down the government and tearing down law and order? Come on now Decius, you're smarter than that. What do I suggest we do to stand up? Although this is a personal choice, I will give a few examples. If you see someone being bullyed or beat up for no reason, try to stop it and ask the bully why he is doing it (not exactly like that but use your own methods of inquiry). Pick up a lady walking late at night if you can. Just help people whenever it's in your power. When we ignore cries for help, we are just as unjust as those that would have never helped at all. Use your judgement and common sense to see when people need help, and when you do help them I guarantee they will remember you forever.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
[  Edited by ChrisD at   ]
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that heyjme1 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Decuis, again you speak the truth. And I can see the situation for how it is. Nonetheless, though your reasoning is sound, there is a bigger picture here.

To address the points:

1. In most cases yes; you're right because anger is rife. The problem is that unfortunately most business people show their emotions; or there weakness to overcome a situation. If a person knows someone who is never sacred, who can take an insult on a chin and smile and just laugh maybe add 'I pity you' as human measure; they may recall the bad situation first but they're God-like figure makes all okay. I'm convinced that the god like figure of people is the figure of the person they most respect. Yes, 99% are what you say. Perhaps 1% are also bad examples. However, a tiny fractions are not. A tiny fraction is what holds these civilizations together. Albert (Einstein) said that in a time where people followed leaders with courage and hate; he was enthralled with hope in people that they should look to him as an example; as they did when he was alive.

2. and 3. I will answer together. Why do you think about physical appearence so much? As someone said to me; take the four who caused the most destructiona and gained more of the land masses than any other four: Alexander, Napolean, Ghengis Khan , and Hitler, add up the heights and weights of these 4 men and take an average. On appearence, ask yourself what it is in them that you would seek to fear. Think more on this.

All these men hated something for sure. But, don't be fooled by what is now. Churchill, for example, gave the respect to Hitler he deserved, but never showed to the people of Britain that he was weaker than him. Leadership is what people follow for sure.

However, whilst it is fear people will follow the most due to being scared; it is only because someone somwhere has at some point fallen themselves prey to fear that nobody knows any different. If you want to be the best; there is a goal to be achieved. I believe, strongly, that people do want to have a figure they can look up to who is genuinely passionate about their beliefs.

A man once sold bagels to employees in America; he still does. He puts a box out and asks the people to pay for their bagels. They do; and they could easily cheat. More than half of business executives do too. People are kind; but people also have bad times too: and its these that cause hate.

good old Rudyard:

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

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""No words""
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"3. Asking a bully (in whatever way) why he or she is picking on someone else will lead to nothing unless you yourself can beat up the bully, in which case they will cower away without learning anything."

I never suggested beating the bully up, that would defeat the purpose. But why not stand up for the one being bullyed and put yourself on the line to show that what they are doing is wrong? That wouldn't inspire someone?

"Thus far your intentions are wonderful but any feasible suggestion you've made that is meant to inspire people to be courageous is not convincing."

It is not my argument that is the means of inspiring people, it is the actions that it insinuates. When you have the option to ignore an injustice and stand up for what you believe in instead, therein lies the inspiration of this method. If you let your beliefs get walked on some of the time but stand up for them other times, then they will always be walked on. If you make a point to stand up for your beliefs every time something goes against them, that is when a change will occur. We are believing at 50%. We need to believe at 100%. If we never sacrifice what we believe in, people will be proned to imitate. We can no longer be summer soldiers or sunshine patriots, it has gone on for too long. It is time to give the good in us some backbone and believe that the little we can all do will slowly change the whole. Beliefs caged in a skull are wasted beliefs. Why not let them sing their glorious song without any restraint or limitation. I have long since craved to hear their sound but so many have forgotten how to sing it. Let us remember what we have had all along, what we thought was weak, but proved so strong. I am so tired of this ruthless reign of liars. It is only so much the peasants can take before an overthrow occurs. We moral people are not alone, there are more of us than we think. The overthrow can happen now or it can happen fifty years from now, the choice is up to each and everyone one of us. I do not like to waste time, I'm ready now.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Alright, I'll agree to give you my results in a week's time but it should be understood that I live on a college campus now which is obviously more liberal than 'the real world'. Decius, do you agree that what I'm saying is right? If you do then you obviously have reasons as to why it is right. Can you explain these reasons? If you can then why would it seem so absurd to challenge the beliefs of those that are unjust? To bring their beliefs to the surface might just prove that they in fact are not very clear on their own beliefs. We need to get people thinking and to achieve that we have to ask questions. Leaving them ignorant to their own behavior helps no one.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Black Gold is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You only really need one ideas-man, to find the answer...
You only really need one voice, to speak to the world...
You only really need one opportunity, to act...
You only really need one person at a time, to join you...
You only really need one plan, to act on...

I could go on...

Basically, a lot can start to be done with minimal resources. And, if you're lucky ideas may catch on. The person that speaks to a nation may choose your topic and stand-point.
Things always start small anyway...
The time (as always) is now...

Be that ideas-man...
Be that voice...
Take that opportunity...
Talk to people about you ideas and plans...
Make and hone that plan you have, and follow it...

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"There is no negative one..."
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Thanks black gold, you see that this is a job for everyone because it is a change in human behavior. If all the people that agree become 'that ideas-man' 'that voice' then we've got something. We can all make changes that are within our power. This is not a task for one person to fix, it is a task for all to fix.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
It's time for a revolution
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