ElectionsReasons Why Hillary Clinton Will Not Be The Democratic Nominee for President
1 Posts • 2164 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
When Bill Clinton came to Microsoft to give a speech, he was received warmly by a crowd who were impressed by his wisdom and his view of a better, more helpful and compassionate world. People naturall... |
STAR WARS New Series or Classic
10 Posts • 4596 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I think it became popular to dislike JarJar because he represented the wrong direction, or the overdo, but that he wasn't as bad as people tend to say, after watching it again.
I never liked D... |
ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6711 Views Religion Forum |
Pope John Paul II has passed. I offer my deepest and heartfelt condolences to all of the Christian Faith. He was a great man, devoted to his church and faith, and exhibited great wisdom and compassion... |
Relationships & Lovenobody loves me!
0 Posts • 31969 Views Psychology Forum |
I grew up in one of those retirerment communities where children were few and far between so friendships formed ran deep.This friend was king of the cutdown always jumping in with a quip if you left a... |
DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141052 Views Psychology Forum |
Yeah, hating to be around people...I know how it feels like. I feel like I have to pretend like I care, and why? so that I wont be considered a freak. It's not that Im hiding it so much but...I j... |
28 Posts • 7167 Views Philosophy Forum |
the problem IS in us as one.....that's why I included myself in the equation...it's not a single person thing, or group thing.... it's an us thing, that's what i've been tryin... |
IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16016 Views Religion Forum |
i dislike ppl who dont know the first thing about the prophet muhammed, and jus chat and mock him. recently therez been disgusting pictures drawn of him. he was drawn as a ugly man, with guns cumin ou... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39645 Views Philosophy Forum |
I fear this was mentioned somewhere throughout this topic. I have not read all posts. This topic has gone way out of topic, but this post is on topic.
Thinking about the big bang has always led me... |
How Do I Tell Him I Need A Break?
9 Posts • 8477 Views Talk Talk |
If you tell him that you need a "break" where he sees other people, this will basically ruin your relationship alltogether I would think.
Talk to him about it, problems don't go away o... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41032 Views Religion Forum |
Joshua 24:19 - And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve the LORD: for he is an holy God; he is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins.
Exodus 20:5 - Thou shal... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39752 Views Science & Technology Forum |
there is a few bullshit theories about deja vu and why it hapens, i don't believe any of them. i think that our level of understanding things is waaaaaaaaay too low and there is a million more th... |
War & Terrorism"Terrorism": Does Anyone Really Understa
22 Posts • 7563 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am muslim. I have endured the veiled racism in america today.
well im not a brown sand nigger, im not a terror... |
God in ReligionKeeping God in the Pledge
30 Posts • 8396 Views Religion Forum |
notice that america is the strongest country, other islamic countries like iraq have alot of problems and other third world countries are not as fortunate as we are because we are blessed because majo... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11376 Views Talk Talk |
The impression I get from mindfields is that she has always been an outwardly calm person who chooses her friends carefully. She is very intelligent, and casually disregards those who are selfish and... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12455 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hey at least we are taking some stabs at the thing, I want the max tax rate to apply to the top 15% while scaling down throught the rest going from 75% at the highest bracket to 14% at the lowest brac... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46417 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
It would be interesting to conduct large-scale experiments that measure people's sexual preferences over time and see how they change.
Also I know that there are different percentages of the p... |
Your ISP (Internet Service Provider)
10 Posts • 4323 Views Talk Talk |
My Fiancee and I go through People PC. Yeah it may be dial up but so far no real complaints about it he can get to the Online class no problem for ITT unlike when we had AOhwell its features are bette... |
The ultimate and first beginning
28 Posts • 7255 Views Philosophy Forum |
OK so WHAT WAS THE BEGGINIGN (FIRST ) EFFECT?? thats what the person who made this thread (i cant see as im typing who it is) point he was trying to make! what was the forst effect then?
or wasnt... |
Science vs ReligionMiracles
9 Posts • 3618 Views Religion Forum |
kgb; miracles only happen when someone looks for them. Perhaps this was adrenaline mixed with a shut down of logical conciousness making a push seem like a pull; I think this because you say the word... |
War & TerrorismWAR CRIMES
20 Posts • 6930 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
but I'm sure you were a HUGE supporter of Clinton, who actually broke the law SEVERAL times while in various offices, not just the presidency, and also John Kerry has been found to have broken a... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Monolouges & Though processes
14 Posts • 12853 Views Psychology Forum |
I see what your saying Windup- when I am writing I will compose sentences in my mind first and then write them out so they are deliberate and sometimes slow- however at work I have to speak to people... |
Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8937 Views Religion Forum |
Uneasy - I agree. That's why it is important that those of us who do believe in God do not hide in shame but make ourselves known so that people can see the difference. But the unfortunate thing... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainLaws of Stupidity
0 Posts • 2393 Views Psychology Forum |
This is the first time I have seen one of your posts and wished I could High Five you Decius.
Bear in mind that while a few truly special individuals have pushed mankind forward throughout the mill... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11376 Views Talk Talk |
Your childhood was a great struggle and still you find it difficult to associate with others. People have treated you harshly but you can now brush it off. Your a sucker for fads and find it... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeEnilightenment
23 Posts • 7751 Views Philosophy Forum |
no, Enlightnment is not simply a 'ascension of matter to pure energy', although yes, many people have a chance to experince a little bit at the time of death.
Basically, it is based upon... |