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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD Internet Vulnerability
11 Posts • 2828 Views
Talk Talk
On the net there isn't a face to the words you say, and many behave like totally different people. The net makes things impersonal, and many a times we fail to connect with what we said, and what...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30383 Views
Religion Forum
Did every man woman and child who died in the tsunami sin and deserve to be killed for that? If not, then God is just punishing random people for humanity in general.
THREAD About You / IntroductionsWhats your name?
73 Posts • 18859 Views
Talk Talk
hah thats tragic! i actually dont mind when people comment about my name, its just that they think they are the FIRST person to come up with it... and that part gets annoying.... since its like the mi...
THREAD Who has a sick sense of humor?
6 Posts • 3110 Views
Talk Talk
i always laugh if some hurts themselves, or breaks their toe or something. i think must people feel the same way. evidence: jack-ass (t.v. show where they do stupid stunts just to hurt them selves)
THREAD Gmail Controversy
0 Posts • 2572 Views
Talk Talk
As long as you are plainly explained this before you sign up for it, then what is the big deal? People have to get there money somehow, and being that they already provide a great service free, then I...
THREAD Gender PsychologyHIghly dissatsified with sexual stimulus
0 Posts • 3263 Views
Psychology Forum
What is natural, awakend? How do I just ignore the dating ads on the train, at school, in people's conversations? Don't these have some kind of effect on my subconscious?
THREAD The Amazingly Long Yet Not So Hilarious Thread
147 Posts • 32393 Views
Jokes & Games
Iggy and Harry argued with that talking potato for 2 hours about blowing loads all over people and conviced the potatoe.....
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40626 Views
Religion Forum
And this authority has no power over you? Morals are standards for behaviour and they clearly do exist. You may think it is wrong to sexually assualt people, and that would be a moral.
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41028 Views
Religion Forum
Your ignorance of the Bible's more militant phrases is no excuse. Besides, again, just because love is in some of them doesn't make them God. People have an implicit definition of God the...
THREAD MIchael Jackson
0 Posts • 7487 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
...and there are some strange looking people we keep away from, who actually are quite... ..reminds me of Edward Scissor-hands hehe.. innocent till proven guilty...
THREAD GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14687 Views
Philosophy Forum
no-one ever knows anyone the same as someone as someone else knows them. you will always look at someone differently to everyone else. god is just the ultimate friend, but the same still applies, no t...
THREAD Backing into a parking spot
5 Posts • 10914 Views
Talk Talk
Every day I see people trying to manuver their vehicles and every day it blows my mind how they have no fucking idea how to. How did they ever pass their drivres test in the first place.
THREAD Gender PsychologyFemale Superiority?
7 Posts • 3736 Views
Psychology Forum
I know what you mean zyphon. People become obsessed with god and religion. I believe there is a higher power, a god all spiritual energy. Making an obsession with god can be dangerous.
THREAD GovernmentStrong views on Bush
0 Posts • 1936 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
ALL pollitical people are well paid crooks and that is a known fact from day one. But the US is not the only one with the problem...just read about other countries that are suppose to be squeaky clean...
THREAD Human relationship with the 'Higher Power'
19 Posts • 5897 Views
Philosophy Forum
I must start off by taking a bow. Life is a stage and we are all actors. "What is a human's relationship to a higher power?" To some a higher power would be a god or such entity. T...
THREAD Relationships... or Lack Thereof
7 Posts • 3370 Views
Philosophy Forum
I just read the thread on having kids, and it brought me to another thought. I'm 26. I have a good, decent-paying job that I like (most of the time). I have money saved. I drive a nice car. I&...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't believe anybody dies for their country. They die because of it. They died because they did what they were told, or they weren't paying attention, or they were trying to save a friend...
THREAD SocietyWhat went wrong with America
9 Posts • 3621 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have decided to join the philosophy these forums, of being totally offense and inconsiderate, on the belief that this somehow makes people better human beings. For reasons I do not fully know, th...
THREAD Infinite universes from Matter and Anti-Matter
39 Posts • 10656 Views
Philosophy Forum
Furie, Nice - "The universe outside the universe." OK let me start by giving you a little advice: It is not easy to take you seriously when you have so many typos. Proof read before you pos...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30383 Views
Religion Forum
I'm frankly rather disturbed by some of the responses to this question. On the one side is someone citing the tsunami as one of many signs of the coming End of Days, and on another side is an app...
THREAD SpiritualityWhat if.....
36 Posts • 10464 Views
Religion Forum
Look, again your saying that the devil's influence has power over god's influence. The problem still not being addressed is that this is all god's work or he isn't all powerful...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
im confused . . . how is invading iraq going to help win the war on terror? in fact, how can anyone ever hope to win a war against an emotion? all jokes aside, really, the only reason people are so gu...
THREAD Comforting an atheist on their deathbed
11 Posts • 6178 Views
Talk Talk
I think many people misunderstand the meaning of 'atheist', I know I once did. People often think that atheists do not have a spiritual or moral side. The term 'atheist' is derived from the word '...
16 Posts • 15607 Views
Religion Forum
CTURTLE-- Please don't try and break down to me that the ONE God you speak of is being called by all the different religions. I know about the Tower of Babel. Furthermore, praying to Mohammed...
THREAD Life & DeathUnderstanding of life
13 Posts • 4106 Views
Philosophy Forum
Random Rantings That Actually Make Sense, and are Somewhat Valuable To People Who Need Some Type of Help of Understanding Why We Live In Such A Shitty World. Why can't people just understan...
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