SocietyHolocaust Survivor Leaving U.S.
18 Posts • 6568 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I hate some aspects of the U.S.; the most hated is how ignorant some people are. Prejudice is caused by closed minds. The only bad thing about the first ammendent is that some radicals are out there. |
SocietyAuthority or Love
1 Posts • 1944 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Politics is made so complicated, the interaction of people.
Living a life of following instructions and reward or following your heart. |
BooksThe Perks Of Being A Wallflower
22 Posts • 105937 Views Talk Talk |
This book was exceptionally good...though it always amazes me, if you read people's booklists on Myspace, for example, that one usually sees both Catcher in the Rye and The Perks of Being A Wallf... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23050 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, if he is infinity, which is a whopper of a concept, then there can be no nothing, for he is everywhere and everything, this would mean we would really have to be a part of god, because you canno... |
99 Posts • 21737 Views Philosophy Forum |
granted. pills were one of many examples that people don't do work nowaday's for the soul benefit of advancing mankind.
it is done to double, again and again, their net-worth.$$$$ |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
I love to debate, or at least give an opinion.
I like people.
I have children.
I distrust internet involvement.
I am vague about my homelife now.
Thank you for listening. |
Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6307 Views Talk Talk |
Mexico like other central & south american nations don't take the usa view toward pot. It was our intervention to promote our values upon these people to begin with so what do you expect. |
ChristianityHappy in heaven... alone?
20 Posts • 7634 Views Religion Forum |
Welcome to UG Colin, Its always good having new users here to keep things interesting.
As for your question.......
I would not be happy, I need certain people in my life/afterlife. If they are... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77303 Views Psychology Forum |
Everyone has a right to be stupid, but some people abuse the privelidge =O
ROFL, personally i think that smart leaders are a dying breed >.<
lol, so many funny expamples =D |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24755 Views Religion Forum |
My mark is visble but not for ordinal people! Our world conatians many things which can't be visible for human's eyes!
You qualified to be my monkey! |
Re: Chinese People
9 Posts • 2519 Views Talk Talk |
Its impatience and irritability that is the problem here and not whether you or your peers approve of the way Chinese people drive.
Get used to it! They are all set to be the next economic world po... |
War & TerrorismThese Recent Smoking Attacks.
9 Posts • 5408 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
People are going to smoke no matter what so that's not the problem but I know the government's making some dough doling out the fines and collecting the taxes on cigarettes. |
Friend Help
11 Posts • 3956 Views Talk Talk |
Ok on the friends thing. Sleeping like the day he broke his ankle.
Anyways back to the topic at hand. Just give people a chance and they will resurface. |
Random QuestionsLittle annoying things
42 Posts • 17000 Views Talk Talk |
That WURSH is totally bothering, lol.:D
It's not cul-in-ary? It's cue-lin-ary like cue ball inary? I never heard it pronounced that way. Shoot, I learn something new every day. ;)
I... |
What Bad Trait Do you most condemn
15 Posts • 3399 Views Talk Talk |
thats a good one.
i think over opinionated people are some of the worst, those who have an opinion on everything, and will not change their mind no matter what you say. (though reading some of the st... |
Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24977 Views Philosophy Forum |
Forgiveness, you already posted that. I understand you want people to read it. I think it's a good message but do you think throwing it in someone's face repeatedly is the best way to go abo... |
SpiritualityThe Curse Of Faith
2 Posts • 2532 Views Religion Forum |
I believe he is absolutely right, and you have made an amazing discovery of this video.
This is one of the prime examples why I love youtube, because people like him can tell you what the world is... |
y is 90%
6 Posts • 3018 Views Talk Talk |
i gotta agree with neutered, it probably is because some people are ashamed to admit to likeing porn, therefore, they go on the internet because it is impersonal, so no-one knows that they are viewing... |
War & TerrorismThe Iraq War
34 Posts • 11939 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
of cousre people are going to get hurt what do u exepict the united states is not god the shit hole a counrty we should not even care what happen over there im in a hurry got to go |
Sigfried and Roy
18 Posts • 12400 Views Talk Talk |
Well damnit! That pisses me off. How can you say that you're a good person/group of people, and then say and do crap like that?!
Sounds contradictory to me. Have you seen the mansions that the... |
Poetrymy poem
12 Posts • 4719 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I also know (somewhat) what I'm talking about. I've been writing poetry for lots of years, and most people who have seen it agree that it's more than decent.
This poem here might not... |
Reality & MetaphysicsOut of Body
14 Posts • 3569 Views Philosophy Forum |
yeh, i do that all the time. Walking down the street, I see random people, and I try to see how they see me, and then what they're thinking at the moment, whats going through their head, what the... |
GovernmentGovernment better than Democracy
3 Posts • 3024 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
it doesnt matter what type of govt you have because its the people who are corrupt. essentially if WE all go to vote on everything, every law, every case, etc. but you can already see the problems wit... |
SocietyA Liberal against immigration
12 Posts • 6853 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Squatteam with your idea of forgettin the matter of borders, would you agree with thsoe who think there should be just one world country, ( i have no opinion on it myself) where people can go where th... |
God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13392 Views Religion Forum |
The truth is that I am certain of the fact that Christianity is more right than anything else. You won't understand it because you've never been there. And because of your uncertainty you wi... |