The trouble with ignorance is that it picks up confidence as it goes along. - Locut0s
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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD Gender PsychologyGirls Suck
16 Posts • 34886 Views
Psychology Forum
You know, it really is sad that so many people have so many mean things to say about women. They're the males equal half, and what that means is, instead of operating on means of physicality - th...
THREAD Society & SociologyMorality is a weapon in class struggle
5 Posts • 3475 Views
Psychology Forum
Boshevik Morality 1) Several years ago I wrote a short book (with 54 references) entitled 'Hell on Earth: Brutality and Violence Under the Stalinist Regime.' It is now freely available online. Let...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsPeers and religion
3 Posts • 3404 Views
Religion Forum
I was at work and I was listening to a girl talk about religion and god, and she asked me, "do you believed in god?" And, "Do you know if You're saved?" It took me a bit to an...
THREAD GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12654 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
As for W (he isn't a junior) he has repeatedly claimed to be a sinner - in fact those recently revealed tapes show that the private man isn't different from the public man - now that does re...
THREAD Lets learn a little #1
12 Posts • 4067 Views
Talk Talk
1. What is your biggest pet peeve? >> people who are not self-aware. 2. Is there something that you like to do that people find absolutely disgusting or hideous? (ie my friend likes doing l...
THREAD DrugsTry Marijuana - you shouldn't like it.
0 Posts • 2571 Views
Psychology Forum
for some people weed can cause psychosis if they have a predisposition towards psychosis in them or some trauma in their past. Weed also increases serotonin levels which is part of the reason people a...
THREAD Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6759 Views
Talk Talk
Quit a few parents today only worry about is appearance not wether they are doing the right thing or not. Yeah im 15 but that dont mean i cant have common sense. I mean some parents think that as long...
THREAD LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22178 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
lol. This is my opinion - not forced - just stated. Surely in a free democracy voicing your opinion is one of the most importat things? Or maybe not...perhaps if I don't like something I shou...
23 Posts • 26633 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Altruism" is what it may appear to be to others. But, in my view, everything we do is a product of self-interest Altruism or in other words to be selfless, Is to "chose" your...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42451 Views
Religion Forum
To DumbTeen: I cant understand where you get the idea that God causes all the problems that MAN CREATES FOR HIMSELF!! We make our own problems from the choices we make with the gift of free will that...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42185 Views
Religion Forum
Ah - some people just like to argue. If you believe something - you go forward with it You don't normally check first to see if everyone will agree first. You don't limit your discoveries...
THREAD Bad Thoughts in My Head
3 Posts • 3671 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have this recurring thought that everything is a dream. Maybe you've thought about this before. When I imagine this to be true (if it is true) I don't think that everyone in my life is a r...
THREAD FuturologyThe end of the universe
40 Posts • 18458 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ah, I must thank the thread starter for creating such a controversial and interesting debate. It was said once by Emerson, (roughly, don't hold me word for word) ''that it is the hu...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
If you knew what I was refering to, then why did you feel it necessary to "correct" me? I never knew you didn't know, I presumed you didn't know. And if your president stands...
THREAD GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34218 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The point is, democracy is meant to be a direct power of the people it governs. When financial OR cultural giants use their over sized sway to gain footing on personal agenda BOTH of them are taking f...
THREAD GovernmentPolitical Views, Obama, Glenn beck, Palin, Alex jones
10 Posts • 4177 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What are your views on Obama as a whole? That's the main and most important thing to respond to. Second to that is what do you think of Beck and Alex Jones. Please don't mention sean hani...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7988 Views
Philosophy Forum
Mathematically, I need my partner to be who I am. When so much of your existence circles around one individual, it is foolish to say that person does not shape you in any way. Its an impossibility. We...
THREAD ConsciousnessThe Divided Quantum and the Implicate Order
1 Posts • 3906 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have for some time been interested in what comes after quantum theory -- what is beyond it -- and how this relates to the human nervous system. Pilot Wave theory and David Bohm's "Implicat...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64108 Views
Religion Forum
THE REASON ALIENS(ANGELS) ARE RELATED TO JESUS BIRTH Do you all remember the Star the 3 kings followed to Jesus birth place? Well could this star actually be a UFO? Fire, light and other mea...
THREAD Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6307 Views
Talk Talk
Why are we allowed to give guns, bombs, WMD's, money, intelligence, sanctuary from war crimes, etc. to all these, well, war criminals? Oh look, a war is starting between two crazy people or ju...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73135 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I am a pedophile and I can say that, yes, we are born this way. I can still remember when I was a child and looked to little, nude children on the beach. I realized that I was pedophile during my te...
THREAD ArtworkDawn's Eye Doodles
8 Posts • 5576 Views
Art Forum
Why did you doodle eyes? I don't really know. I think when I was younger I really connected to the whole 'eyes are the windows to the soul' idea. So perhaps subconsciously drawing...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30385 Views
Religion Forum
Patrish, Bugger Off and get a life. I find your particular brand of rhetoric offensive, and indicative of a small, easily controlled mind. Believe what you want, but don't pretend to project your idea...
THREAD GodBecome Your God
11 Posts • 3501 Views
Philosophy Forum
What happens when you try to become your idol? Given enough time, don't you eventually become them? What happens when you try to achieve an ideal? Don't you embody it? What I'm wonde...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67595 Views
Philosophy Forum
lol. Idealism. To the above posters- understand girls. They want pretty things. They like being pretty. They like being spoiled. Yeah they want a guy, but the first guy to get them a flower will be...
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