Do chicks like guys with huge muscles?
41 Posts • 37921 Views Talk Talk |
seems like most people enjoy the "moderatly in shape" type. you do have to be in shape enough to keep things up for a while without getting winded or all crazy sweaty *lol*
a nicely tone... |
How do we describe perfection
49 Posts • 20064 Views Philosophy Forum |
What if perfection didn't even exist and we presume perfection exists? How can we prove there is such a thing as perfection? We talk about Jesus being perfect in christianity. He wasn't perf... |
philosophy of friendship
31 Posts • 17945 Views Philosophy Forum |
[I will try not to write an essay but at least on one occasion I will answer this in under 10 words.]
Family is morally obligated to support you. Those that don't may as well be thrown away. T... |
17 Posts • 7577 Views Talk Talk |
Have I seen porn Chained wings? yeah
Honestly it used to turn me on for a few seconds but then after that it makes me feel sick.. That is because it makes me feel ashamed of myself, but i think tha... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15666 Views Philosophy Forum |
So then killing is wrong because "It makes others sad", and because it "deprives them of liveing". What then is wrong with makeing people sad, and what then is wrong with deprivein... |
Anarchy... don't you need a rule for that?
48 Posts • 11465 Views Philosophy Forum |
You dont convince the upper class to give up power you take it from them by revolutionary means. As for wealth heavy taxation of the rich and equal distribution of wealth amongst all the people narrow... |
IslamContradictions in the Quran
62 Posts • 17134 Views Religion Forum |
I tried reading the Koran (English). I just couldn't finish it. My whole purpose was to prove that it doesn't say that if you kill lots of innocent people for Ala you will go to heaven and l... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45442 Views Psychology Forum |
Sorry guys, but if he wanted Bekka's number then he should have just bought Bekka a drink. The fact that he bought drinks at all did not give away his intentions. I would tend to think, as a lot... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
I am not sure I am understanding your point?
the very thing which we are discussing: free speech and the want to be heard.
I see Free Speech coming from our more primitive culture, I was watching th... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17214 Views Religion Forum |
the concept of heaven and hell that i was taught growing up scared me to death as a child but now makes me wonder why once "grown up", people still fall for it! you are right about people bl... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29325 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Jon Stewart recently said something kind of interesting, he mentioned how terrorism and even more so gay's were such issues in this election, and how in new york which has taken the brunt of amer... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132047 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm lazy, so I let you guys and 'Wooly Bully' do the work. :)
Yo' Buddy (Wooly Bully), no way, no way, no way would I ever spend 'the coin of my life'
responding to.......
I'm too lazy. Thank... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51576 Views Philosophy Forum |
"...I think, without knowledge, and without other people to share your knowledge. Your life wouldn't have a meaning to it. ..."
If you strain your thoughts through some proofreading.... |
SocietySo, just what would you do...
2 Posts • 2123 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Just for a moment, ask yourself.
What would you do if you heard frank conversations from people in a posistion to know.
If you heard politicians, generals,CIA, FBI, scholars, media, actors, say... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23911 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
perhaps i'm in a easier place to judge seeing as i am english, but there does seem to be a great deal of hypocracy in america's foriegn policy. for instance we are told by america that iraq... |
Your Opinions Please
10 Posts • 3603 Views Talk Talk |
That's an interesting insight, wizard.
All cards being put on the table..
Although my experience dating someone who was older than me was actually quite nice, I dated one guy that was my age f... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe there are three requirements for a war to be just (which no major war that I'm aware of has ever fullfilled): right authority, just cause, and right intention.
As much as I normally... |
Ethics & MoralityInherently Good or Evil?
15 Posts • 12932 Views Philosophy Forum |
yea... i think people are inherently "good" and become "evil" or gain "evil" tendencies once they grow older and begin learning about the world around them. i sorta think... |
ChristianityGimme that Christian side hug
8 Posts • 3276 Views Religion Forum |
It looks like farce but actually it is real. These are real christians preaching.
Man I'm not tarnishing the image, these are real people who preach christianity, they tarnish themselves.
T... |
Biracial Children
18 Posts • 22670 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Bigots suck no matter what. They are wrong, they may be correct that a hardship will occur, but I know of no children that don't get harrassed in youth at some point, if they get popular then col... |
Religion & HumanityWhy I don't preach anymore
28 Posts • 7485 Views Religion Forum |
Decius: I don't think you read Summit's post correctly. Summit's arguement is that opinions do differ between all (and including preachers a-z) because they come from different contexts... |
Habits & Behaviorzoning out
6 Posts • 4348 Views Psychology Forum |
I heard masturbation was bad for your eyesight when i was growing up.
I never heard daydreaming was. And I'm not sure why it would be. Its like your eyes are taking a break because they are no... |
PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7207 Views Psychology Forum |
I'll post that voice story thing when I've the time. Been a bit busy.
Indeed, a lot of that made sense to me. And I agree that it's probably indeed the case regarding that... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"not true. you must be reading the new york times..."
People from both parties have accused their respective rivals, as they do in every election.
"that is also not true..."... |
93 Posts • 25444 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Here we are talking of cloneing. We can attempt all day to discover if it is wrong or right. Stem Cell (as far as I know) is for the betterment of indviduals. Obviosly that's not wrong. Or is it.... |