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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD Is It Possible To Not Judge Someone?
20 Posts • 15899 Views
Philosophy Forum
THREAD A Thing Called Shame
19 Posts • 5944 Views
Philosophy Forum
Is there such a thing left? You have to be ashamed if you went against a cultural restriction. In other cultures, disrespecting parents, being a prostitute, not taking care of your kids, stealing, and...
THREAD PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7207 Views
Psychology Forum
Thank you for responding so quickly. First of all, I'll do that voice-post thing and try to over-come fear of someone judging/making fun of me, since English isn't my first language. I do ha...
THREAD SocietySocial Engineering
15 Posts • 3589 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
*mad*I am not a housewife. I am a domestic engineer.*cool* This thread blooms out of the 'meaning of democracy' thread. While social engineering is most certainly germane to the subject of democrac...
THREAD Illuminati
22 Posts • 11354 Views
Philosophy Forum
honestly i got most of my sources from the american history class i took in high school, my teacher was a rather large JFK fanatic she loved the guy, so naturally id hear all about his famous quotes,...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityRacism is Bad
0 Posts • 542 Views
Philosophy Forum
Imo I've always seen racism in the person who takes offence to it. Sure the meaning and connection to the word might be what is offensive. But the person who feels like they are victimized to i...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50313 Views
Religion Forum
Fact and allegory is not so clear-cut in the Bible...the reason people though left-handed people were evil is because they would not sit on the right-hand of the father. You will find that nowhere I t...
THREAD excellent quote
2 Posts • 3433 Views
Talk Talk
'wouldnt it be nice if schools had books and pens and the army needed to hold a jumble sale for guns'. I just wanted to add this to bring to the attention that billions of pounds is spent on...
THREAD ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10902 Views
Philosophy Forum
Are these levels of consciousness from a source, or did you come up with these categories. If from someone else, what is the source? Hi expansion, I tried googling that entire list with very poor r...
THREAD PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7207 Views
Psychology Forum
blankpicture, If you know what you want to do then that is great. When there is we something we really want, then in pursuing it we naturally start addressing the the insecurities and negativity�...
THREAD Kids Sing Portal "Still Alive"
3 Posts • 2808 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate My satisfaction. Aperture Science We do what we must Because we can. For the good of all of u...
THREAD SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13198 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
But if the US government was so good at brainwashing then why is it that so many Americans hate that which its government stands for (or doesnt stand for)? As of today, the US government has convin...
THREAD Alan's Philosophies
17 Posts • 7160 Views
Philosophy Forum
You are obviously reviewing "religions" in the wrong way. Saying religion is a "good idea" means you are completely missing the entire thing about it. Religion is not something tha...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25132 Views
Religion Forum
DumbTeen, now you have two arguments going on you. You try to defend evolution, and yet also, your own theory on the universe. I am sorry we are kinda being hard on you. I kinda wish some one would co...
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31810 Views
Talk Talk
There are people who must eat only veggies due to health concerns. But the Uber-Vegans who won't eat meat because 'it comes from living things' do bother me to a point. After all, even plants scream,...
THREAD 3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9945 Views
Philosophy Forum
I admit this may offend. If you don't like to be called names then don't read any further! I believe, and this is from a cynical point of view, that there are only 3 types of people in th...
THREAD War & TerrorismA Cry For Help From A Distraught Parent
5 Posts • 3122 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I believe this was originaly sent to Cindy Sheehan who posted it on the Veterans For Peace Yahoo Group and asked to spread it around. I know I have more than 4 blogs, but I loose track, so I posted it...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19203 Views
Philosophy Forum
Old people still party.Old people just think they can still party.just we aren't as hardy with our party.
THREAD Habits & BehaviorHumility
0 Posts • 1492 Views
Psychology Forum
Thank you Wyote, I see what you mean now... Decius. The fact that Chomsky knows how to do this is not being debated. And as you stated.. Very few people in the world are humble All that citin...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41008 Views
Religion Forum
What a desperate attempt, DumbTeen. LoL, God is so amazing, that he KNEW people would try to spin his words in the Old Testament, therefore, he gave us the New Testament.. try spinning that one! :...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityGood vs. Evil
14 Posts • 5998 Views
Philosophy Forum
I meant, if a person looks at a thing and says, "Hey look, a rock." and another person looks at the same thing and says, "Hey look, a tree." the thing does not change it's bei...
THREAD SocietyThoughts on the School Shooting in CT
11 Posts • 4847 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It's good to know that the youth can see through the bogus, guns don't kill, peope do mantra of the older people. Youth can say the same about drugs. Drugs don't kill, people do. Or you...
THREAD GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5471 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"You only hear about the failures, have you bothered to look at countries like France and Canada. Their national standard of living is higher then the United States (
THREAD Things That Bother Me
27 Posts • 7734 Views
Talk Talk
Your too fixed on the way things should be when realistically the things that bother you are just the way things are. Take for instance you being bothered by girls gaining responsibility. Your fixed o...
70 Posts • 22682 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
MiA - I don't really think of emo or Yellowcard etc. as punk. I, personally, hate emo and can't see how people listen to it, unless you are a fan of extreme whining competitions or something...
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