21 Posts • 10273 Views Philosophy Forum |
Regardless of killing being wrong, majority of die hard religious fanatics will abide and kill if God wants it. I mean, look around you, people are killing all over in the name of religion
That... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59385 Views Philosophy Forum |
right and wrong are always opinions. and opinions can not be considerd to be absolutly true. EVER. its just not allowed. so there really can't ever be any standard right or wrong, unless everbody... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This reminds me of two dogs each pissing on their own territory trying to claim their mark, rather than share it.
If you could both see that both your intentions are right here, but that the people... |
God in ReligionGod Is Greater Than My Understanding
18 Posts • 4528 Views Religion Forum |
I do not understand how a non believer would be threatoned by my statement.
I can assure you that I am not threatend by the idea of God, simply wanting the truth. And as summit said, your post wasn... |
Human Nature & EmotionMy Happiness Equilibrium Theory..What Do You Guys
22 Posts • 12047 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey people, I have a theory about Happiness which I will describe in a moment, I'd really like some comments on it please.
-There is only a certain amount of happiness put on this earth and it m... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24433 Views Religion Forum |
Here's two books and an author to check out for a more well presented case: Unshakable Foundations by Norman Geisler and Peter Bocchino, I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norman... |
do you ever?
18 Posts • 5915 Views Philosophy Forum |
You know, I used to. And then I realized, "Jesus, these people are talking about extremely stupid shit right now, I don't need to be going along with this when I could be doing something mor... |
televangelist-faith "healer"- Peter Popoff....liar and fake
5 Posts • 5747 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
No I was stating that he was enforcing a method of faith based regimen that is designed to presuppose the person to make them believe that they think they are "cured". But realistically they... |
Is Wal Mart Good For America?
7 Posts • 3478 Views Talk Talk |
I've worked at a Wal-Mart for over a year before, they constantly lay off people, constantly cut hours, while I was there restructured benefits to where health care you have to pay over a couple... |
Milgram's Studies
2 Posts • 1902 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Just an interesting experiment i saw on BBC4 (a indie channel in the UK). Stanley Milgram was a Jew living in America not long after the Second World War and subsequently, not long after the Holocaust... |
What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6592 Views Philosophy Forum |
We know for certain when we die that our bodies perish. Unless we freeze them - maybe. And that's food for thought isn't it?
Another way of thinking of this is to do experiments. The only... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
*sighs deeply*
So I think Decius was taking it into the social context of how Bush is like the Jesus Factor for thinking he can save people and whatnot, I mean that's a given and it�... |
DrugsChew on this..
14 Posts • 4879 Views Psychology Forum |
i have found that things like that happen when you look for them...
optimistic people always have plenty of reason to keep on being optomistic. the same with pesimistic people. if it works both wa... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11368 Views Talk Talk |
the impression that i get from attolia is an innocent one. she is a good girl. she never gets in trouble and she loves her daddy. she smoked weed one time at a party that a guy invited her to. he was... |
6 Posts • 3693 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
several people seem to be very over critical of this movie. whether it is the fact that they still cant accept that Keanu is a relatively decent actor or the fact that the special effects werent exact... |
War & TerrorismDemocrats are pushing for a draft as we speak
18 Posts • 7290 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
To your question, "True, but do they ever extend people beyond even those terms?"
No, they do not get extended beyond the pre-agreed term.
To your next comment, "An... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33998 Views Religion Forum |
Mr.T your missing the point, the point is that it doesn't matter if its her angel or if it was a damn unicorn the message is the same, it didn't happen. You have stated nothing proving the e... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44069 Views Philosophy Forum |
So true.
We need more compassionate influential figures. Better role models. People who arent so consumed by their own agenda.
Thats whats so terrible, some people work so hard to reach a place or... |
Freinds With Benefits, I Think Not
16 Posts • 6537 Views Talk Talk |
My scientific understanding is that humans are programmed for monogamy. That sex releases chemicals in the brain such as oxitocin that promote an imprinting effect. So simply having sex is going to al... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107414 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I want to make it clear I dont care what drugs people take, as it's their own body. I favor no drug over another. They all have their pros and cons.
But I have to disagree on a couple of points Mu... |
Religion & HumanityWhy?
9 Posts • 4055 Views Religion Forum |
My take on good. Subjective good (one often found in religions/law) differs from culture to culture. Things like wearing a full-body robe for women is "good" for Islam, but not other religio... |
Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9959 Views Psychology Forum |
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And they feel that walking their own path (being open minded)makes them superior
--------------------------... |
Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15360 Views Philosophy Forum |
one should jude all actions equally and all people seperatly, because we do not understand their motivation for the action, therefore i beleive it is impossible to understand the action. the only thin... |
Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9959 Views Psychology Forum |
Most open minded people will walk their own paths because they think it makes them better than others
hmm no. open minded people walk their own path because to be open minded is to have your own pa... |
SocietyYour Veiw on Society
6 Posts • 3424 Views Philosophy Forum |
As a whole, I don't like society. Stupid, ignorant, controlled zombies.
the few that are exempt from this are the few free thinkers out there who reason their way into a decision or a thought.... |