ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43058 Views Religion Forum |
That there comes a point in time that the teachings of the Bible serve of little use and that you can help people without a manual. Just like true inventors don't do everything by the book but op... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDark City/Matrix theory
22 Posts • 9612 Views Philosophy Forum |
Finding our own answer I agree is very important.... So many people point to this philosopher or that book whatever- it is great to read but I think it is important to explore these issues for yoursel... |
Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13694 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would have to say my opinion is that people shouldn't use racist terms.
First of all whats the point?
Second of all why take a chance of insulting someone.
Third of all, if you use the words... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50311 Views Religion Forum |
You seem to have the belief that all people know what good is. However, it is very clear to me that people see good very differently from others.
i disagree. all people have a knowledge of what goo... |
SocietyA New Discovery
27 Posts • 10061 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Knowing in advance that you will never be blamed for what you are about to do (ex. killing for inheritance) prevents your desire to do it."
It might lower the satisfaction in some cases, b... |
Religion & HumanityReligion?
21 Posts • 7197 Views Religion Forum |
yes.i do agree that many people have been give hope by religion.but an equal number of people have been killed in the name of religion and their religious beliefes.look at the Revolutionary war.the wh... |
Genetic engineering
40 Posts • 18548 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Hmm, I think you are missing my point. How could you put people who are very "gifted" in with normal people? It wouldn't work. The GM people would be better at sports, thinking, and pic... |
Society & SociologyLabeling
17 Posts • 6921 Views Psychology Forum |
Stress relief for some. But realistically how can yet expect to know everyone well enough for them to have their own category? You can't, so for practical purposes people are put into groups.
A... |
My opinion... by me.
3 Posts • 3119 Views Talk Talk |
You have nothing to fear from us, unless you are too sensative for the occasional heated rant that can get personal, but I think you will find you fit right in here, and with most thinking people, you... |
ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15989 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Stepping back a second, it seems awfully odd and chilling to see local and presidential election campaigns using near slogans that profess an undying will to go out and kill people. Terrorists. Killin... |
God posts
3 Posts • 1896 Views Talk Talk |
I guess people want to try and resolve the matter as much as possible, so that we're all on the same page...
It's just an important concept...
So many are religious, and often their de... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42430 Views Religion Forum |
I'm back guys...
sorry I was soooo BZ ...
anyway..let me answer you...and maby ask u..
NevaEndin...-if u were GOD..and if I were GOD..and I believe anyothere human if were GOD..we would stop 9... |
Selflessness vs. Selfishness
14 Posts • 15654 Views Philosophy Forum |
Extreme Selflessness is in my opinion higly self distructive, people dont take what they deserve, giving it over to undeserving ungrateful fools. I believe that we as human beings need to be both self... |
Society & Sociologyimpulsive society?
9 Posts • 4413 Views Psychology Forum |
i know many people who are impulsive with a lot of their actions, but im thinking about people getting tattoos. It is something 'permanent' that represents what you stand for, how you want t... |
ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12644 Views Art Forum |
Sometimes I think about what it would be like to be someone else as well.
Like being one of the Bronte's.
I always imagine the 4 of them sitting around a large stone that acts as a table, d... |
ConspiracyDid the government create AIDS?
26 Posts • 32180 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Don't you think that if the government doesn't regulate the people and busy them with distractions, the people would spend more effort changing the government?
I've been reading inte... |
Conservative Today VS Liberal Today
31 Posts • 7824 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I see where you're coming from Wyote.
I love idealsim - if only it worked!
As I grow older I start to see things. But before I explain them I think its important to set some perspective. Se... |
Why try to understand what we can't change?
18 Posts • 5565 Views Talk Talk |
you said that the only way to positvly change the world is by answering a qeustion as if that is the undiniable truth. how can you be so sure. maybe your wrong. i hope you are. i dont think god has an... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I think in thez circumstances we shud adopt the policy of ''I ll c it b4 I believe it''
The one problem I have with this is that most people aren't actively seeking a... |
Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11603 Views Philosophy Forum |
Mystic, reproducing is not the only thing that you can do to help ensure the continuance of the species.
Kraytilius, the only things I've been able to come up with for peoples feeling of a nee... |
Conditon of the average American
36 Posts • 9096 Views Philosophy Forum |
i have been alienated everywhere i go as well. but not right away, is it the same as gollows for anyone of you guys? at first when i meet new people my heightened sense of being(well call itt that) re... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38020 Views Psychology Forum |
I acknowledge it, because I came up with it. It made the realization before you did.
And I don't want to blame the rapists so that the rapists feel bad. I want to blame the rapists so that the... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9213 Views Psychology Forum |
"Did you not say that a change in attitude is what the world needs? I think that looking at things from an optimistic viewpoint helps, more so than cynicism."
I do believe the world needs... |
258 Posts • 67439 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I Think I Gave The Wrong Impression
im terrible, im hopeless
im fucked and i know it
i cant seem to stop all my pain
im a bastard and an ass-hole
im wrong and im a big joke
and i cant seem to... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41007 Views Religion Forum |
"I can't pretend to know all Christians but I personally haven't met any who condone hating."
You said yourself religous people dont do what their books tell them to do. And histo... |