Atheism & AgnosticismRichard Dawkins - Skip to 8:06
0 Posts • 344 Views Religion Forum |
I've been stupid so many times it's not funny so I can't call other people stupid. But, surely, people should learn from experience, however, the God delusion is almost impossible to sh... |
93 Posts • 25443 Views Science & Technology Forum |
no whole cloning should happen. The worlds already overpopulated. People fuck enough now as it is. And then think about the people who are clones. They'd feel like shit since they're fake an... |
Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 20496 Views Philosophy Forum |
what do i fear about death?
not knowing whether i led a good life or not.
whether i helped the people i could or was i a dick and passed people by that needed help.
did i do all that i could.
were... |
Society & SociologyDo You Use Your Turning Signal????
17 Posts • 7839 Views Psychology Forum |
People always blame the cops for everything. If people were taught right it wouldn't happen as much. Blame the teachers not the officers!! |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12985 Views Religion Forum |
Anyway I know I am a spiritual enigma to most people.
Well, you aren't to me, any more, you just confuse people when you call yourself christian. |
a question
21 Posts • 6934 Views Philosophy Forum |
so basically if wisdom is opinion then no one is wise.. at times i see people as intelligent other times i see the same people as clueless |
Writing AdviceSong
5 Posts • 2937 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Can someone on this site please inform me, I've been posting for about 5 months now and I can't figure out why people come on here and ask people on this site to write them songs? |
We all talk about a better way
13 Posts • 3044 Views Talk Talk |
your not afraid of turning people off by "pushing" to much?
i would guess you just read people when your talking to them, thats what i try to do. |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35956 Views Psychology Forum |
and not all ppl are willing 2 go out there and see we aint all lyk dat.
And the ones who are willing may not be able. It works both ways. If people don't want to be hated then they shouldn... |
SocietyWhat one quality would make the world better?
51 Posts • 21152 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can we get rid of a quality instead of adding one? If so it would definitely be stupidity. God, I really hate stupid people. They annoy me to no ends and I wish stupid people would just die. |
About You / IntroductionsProblem with knowledge.
3 Posts • 7266 Views Talk Talk |
I have very little interest in other peoples personal lives, some exceptions exist and that as well I have learned well.
The problem is I can not find something, any kind of knowledge that interest... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
morality doesn't need to have anything to do with religious belief. a person could be completely atheist and still be a moral person. the only difference is that they may not abide by some of wha... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23091 Views Religion Forum |
I would say that strapping a bomb on yourself and walking into a crowd of people and blowing them up is a bit forceful.
Ofcourse war will not stop terrorism, but I believe pier pressure will.
D... |
Should the US become the next major empire?
40 Posts • 8264 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ya, right the Only countries accepting capitalist control in their sovereign states are allowed to exist?
Sounds like a goal of world domination to me?*clown* What I can't figure is how people... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
Free speech is a bit limited by the listener's ability to understand. Stupid, ignorant people will cause harm and affect the freedom of others by just listening and believing what they hear.
i... |
War & TerrorismFreedom fighters, or terrorists?
22 Posts • 11251 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You should of told me from the start, then I would of understood. You aren't talking to highly intellegent people.
I usually talk to my friends who for the most... |
Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11603 Views Philosophy Forum |
If your added point is at all true then these people aren't deserving of your wisdom and or are only denying themselves the bounty of your years. I'm sorry there seems to be such insecurity... |
EconomyWhy not tax the Rich?
52 Posts • 23567 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
[If you are rich, you are not an idiot.]
You've obviously never read a Dilbert comic strip? Have you ever attempted to climbed the corporate ladder? Ever heard of nepotism, or good old boy hir... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12228 Views Religion Forum |
So when you have people saying that religion is the only way to go. I say, why?
And when people say that there is no such thing as a god?
I say 'can you prove that?'
When people say th... |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14684 Views Philosophy Forum |
There was this episode of star trek on the other night (no im not a trekky nerd, i was bored) in which there was a primitive race, one of the people then stumbled onto an advanced outpost set up by Je... |
War & TerrorismDemocrats are pushing for a draft as we speak
18 Posts • 7288 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
True, but do they ever extend people beyond even those terms? And its also a problem to tell troops they are doing one thing and leaving at one time then not, worse for moral than anything, but trust... |
philosophy of friendship
31 Posts • 17944 Views Philosophy Forum |
....Well it all boils down to what sort of person you are, how strong you are mentally and about how independent you are. If you can manage life without others around you, then thats great, infact its... |
IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3833 Views Religion Forum |
Tazzlyn. i read that article long ago. After reading it i did a lot of research on Gerin Oil. There are no 1st hand accounts of the drug and there are no pictures or articles on it other than the one... |
Emotions & FeelingsWhy Are You Angry
25 Posts • 6655 Views Psychology Forum |
i can identify with that, i cannot stand watching people doing stupid and hurtful things without knowing that they are doing it. there is one girl in particular that i have the misfortune of knowing,... |
The Blair Witch
4 Posts • 3441 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I saw this movie not too long ago and think it's one of the greatest horror movies ever made. Having read some reviews on the internet, and hearing the opinions of the people in my school, I real... |