Tagged > Beautiful places |
1 Posts • 4196 Views Jokes & Games |
This is my favorite game. I have been waiting for this game to come out for months and I am not dissapointed. If you like fantasy or rpgs, then you should try this one out. There is so much to do and... |
ChristianityTwo more Popes shall reign and the End is come
33 Posts • 14291 Views Religion Forum |
Patrish I do not understand you.
You believe in the bible and you believe things the bible does not tell you.
Anyways nature is God's creation. Beautiful and perfect. God gave us the garden... |
Why has my life turned out this way?
10 Posts • 4311 Views Talk Talk |
Poor me ahh poor me look at me give me some love help me look what life has given me. Look at me im creative I come up with beautiful poems to make more of an impact. This is what your poem sounds lik... |
Building a newspaper
1 Posts • 2442 Views Talk Talk |
okay. I am building an underground newspaper, and i have some questions. I really need help. I am using QuarkXPress and i want to know what place or generic places would print copies off of a quark fo... |
some theories I have stuck in my head
10 Posts • 3011 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think your theories show good insight, however I do have some comments, I hope they will be useful...
Part One (1) I think you're right about things having contrast, but not that all contrast is of... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160018 Views Talk Talk |
Also when I'm nervous my foot shakes uncontrolably!! And i hate the noise a drink makes when you pour it into a glass. It makes me crazy like I wanna pull my har out of my head. Large crows and s... |
Akiane - child prodigy
3 Posts • 4072 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I have just found this website about the most amazing girl called Akiane, at 8 years of age she painted a picture of Jesus and it just took my breath away. Her self portrait at the same age is just be... |
Gender PsychologyHIghly dissatsified with sexual stimulus
0 Posts • 3263 Views Psychology Forum |
That appears to be the problem.
We do, in fact, have to fuck.
lmao*lol* *lol* , I'm sorry, but it's early and Just the way I imagine him saying that makes me literally 'lol'... |
Habits & Behaviorzoning out
6 Posts • 4347 Views Psychology Forum |
maybe if you zone out a lot you start seing things in the real world that are not there =P...as in seing the invisible in the visible. now this is too *sleepy** O.o mehem
maybe it's not a matt... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160018 Views Talk Talk |
i read...a lot
i love cartoons from the 80's
i've overcome a drug addiction
sometimes i look at my boyfriend and think he's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen
my d... |
4 Posts • 3228 Views Talk Talk |
reincarnation...well, in a way i belive in it.......i belive that when we die we become one with the "collective soul" that we becaome that feeling you get when your looking at a sunset or s... |
Mellowdrone - Fashionably Uninvited
3 Posts • 1905 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This song is pretty awesome if you ask me. I've never heard such a beautiful rant. :)
Mellowdrone - Fashionably Uninvited |
Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25123 Views Religion Forum |
From WHAT WE KNOW of the elements, the Earth materials (being heavy and rocky) MUST HAVE BEEN created in a high pressure and high energy area. The only places like that are stars.
Yea, and the fac... |
War & TerrorismSo...
9 Posts • 4353 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Don't believe everything you see on TV. Contrary to usual belief, the LONG RANGED television companies are controlled by industries that want the public to see controversy.
In other words, the bigg... |
258 Posts • 67425 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Needless I spoke
To myself and to the ceiling
In my mind and
With out feeling
Just do the right thing.
Do what works.
Be honest be happy
And live like you should.
Live free.
Live proud.... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62333 Views Jokes & Games |
Oh Crap!
A little old lady went to the grocery store and put the most expensive cat food in her basket. She then went to the check out counter where she told the check out girl, "Nothing but... |
Creative MusingsCops Beating up Strikers on the Picket Line
1 Posts • 4666 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Orgy of Pigs & Elephants & Asses in Uncle Sam's Whorehouse
Part five of a musical by Wolf Larsen
Meanwhile, while the ass sings a group of striking workers & cops start having... |
93 Posts • 30404 Views Philosophy Forum |
well if we die and thats it, just think of the worst times in your life and say at least wont experience that so it balances out with worrying about loosing the good times, just think you were once no... |
Human Nature & EmotionHappiness
58 Posts • 13914 Views Philosophy Forum |
It would appear that the majority of the opinionated find themselves having a field day with "analytical's" threads. Which i find interesting, seen as how we're all desperate to sh... |
124 Posts • 33716 Views Talk Talk |
I wish that resturants were open 24/7. Now I know alot of cities have all night places but where I live everything closes at like 10. I am a night person and I want food to! It's 2:30 right now a... |
Brooke Langton
1 Posts • 6001 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Man, that Brooke Langton is one beautiful woman. I wish she did more films or TV work. Is she still acting? I haven't seen her in anything recently and the websites are all reporting that she is... |
Gears of War
10 Posts • 2577 Views Talk Talk |
Definitely a sequel, they are in works on the movie as well, we'll see how that turns out, but no real word on release dates for the game yet, but it sold so many copies they would be retarded no... |
Art AppreciationFractals
2 Posts • 3774 Views Art Forum |
I guess this goes here because the website is made by an artist.... and the fractals are truly beautiful. A fractal is "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can b... |
SocietyNewsweek's latest cover, by geographical region
3 Posts • 2110 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
International Cover story
Excerpt: The Rise of Jihadistan
Five years after the Afghan invasion, the Taliban are fighting back hard, carving out a sanctuary where they-and Al Qaeda's leaders-c... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70944 Views Psychology Forum |
People in general should just wear less revealing clothing. Some of the most beautiful people I have ever seen just wore regular clothes nothing fancy or revealing.
People talk about confidence being... |