Tagged > Beautiful places |
0 Posts • 10186 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I guess this is another of those 'horses for courses things'. Nickole Kidman has always left me cold. The only American TV/film personality thats doing anything for me at the moment is Amand... |
Serial KillersGary Ridgway vs Ted Bundy
0 Posts • 7070 Views Psychology Forum |
I think you are right that it has to do with America's modern day celebrity sickness. The superficial and shallow are glorified, and because Ted Bundy is attractive and charismatic as well as rut... |
Beretta Vs SIG SAUER
3 Posts • 2937 Views Talk Talk |
I think I will stay away from any highschools or crowded malls in your area for now on.
Seriously. I dont know anything about guns. I love swords.
There is nothing so beautiful a... |
After effects of Grieving
4 Posts • 3150 Views Talk Talk |
I'm grieving over a loss. I know I will get it over it, but I'm afraid of the effects of this grief. Deep emotional and psychological wounds will find their places in my body. But I notice t... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38014 Views Psychology Forum |
this is a reply to all. I have done a lot of research on this topic because I was one of those girls that dressed conservatively and got raped by my boyfriend. When looking at what most rapists choose... |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13335 Views Philosophy Forum |
well i rather just live than keep reminding myself to live or think a certain way. if i have an emotion, im not going to go oh man.. and throw it away. sadness/hapiness/death whatever are beautiful th... |
DreamsMy Metaphysical Experience
17 Posts • 9574 Views Psychology Forum |
^^I liked what you said......and yeah life is heaven....living is hell!....well living in this society right now is....life is beautiful though and free ....... |
Apricot - Short Film By Ben Briand
1 Posts • 3569 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
It's an Australian short film. I love the cinematography in this, I just think it's so beautiful. |
EconomyPeak Oil - Are we heading for a oil shortage
11 Posts • 3972 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
its scary on whats going on. From what ive heard today the price for oil might get even higher to an even new high as it has this entire week so far. In San Fransico prices for gas are as high as 3.41... |
ArtworkAn old project
14 Posts • 4280 Views Art Forum |
Acutally, I'm pretty consistent with wearing glasses when I have to. I sit far from the tv and without them I can't see...
They call her Barbie because her names Barbera, so it's a n... |
0 Posts • 475 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
It is only those that seek to love themselves above all else that hold trust in this world, for they place at the top of the mountain their conscientious reaction, the emerald of energy within humanit... |
late nights
8 Posts • 2632 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Well, its the kind of writing that drives us girls nuts, well some of us atleast. and all we can think is damn, is that going to ever happen to me. is someone going to ever want us that much? so, uh,... |
112 Posts • 27048 Views Talk Talk |
OKCITYKID: No I am not a teacher. It was parent teacher conferences for my 11 year old. Thank God it went well.
I went to the dentist yesterday, and I am overly infected. Right down to the jaw. Wha... |
War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18062 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I usually don't try to justify myself, which means I seldom feel the need to explain my actions but my tour in Nam was cut short. If asked I will tell others that I was down south. i was selected... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeKnowledge and illusion
1 Posts • 2572 Views Philosophy Forum |
How can people tell what they know from what they think they know.
I like to think I know my self, but thats always challenged by new experiences. When I go abroad people ask me whats it like living... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20630 Views Psychology Forum |
the situation is unlikely to improve. and with the communication pattern we have fallen into, life may not improve either.
First off. The situation WILL improve once you do certain things.
If y... |
12 Posts • 4470 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think everyone is the same. its hard to find the motovation to do something when you have to do it, or when you think you have to do it. Let your ideas flow naturally. Then all of a sudden bam a won... |
Human Nature & EmotionWhere did love come from?
5 Posts • 3614 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think Socrates -- not Plato -- gets the credit for the comment about an "unexamined life". But, whoever said it, it still raises a question. The comment implies that the author of the comm... |
An intresting Question handed to me
12 Posts • 3389 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think it depends on what you find out. If the purpose of our existence is horribal than perhaps you wouldn't want to exist anymore. But, if the existence is beautiful then it will only fuel the... |
2 Posts • 6858 Views Talk Talk |
check out Mexico, Chile, Oman, and some other places. That's how it was in the caveman days, And if by "sick" you mean "HOT", then yes, it's sick.:
http://www.ageofcon... |
Serenity of a New World
6 Posts • 2417 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
that was a truly beautiful poem.it was the amazingly vivid descriptions.i actually felt at ease while reading that
A land that is so serene,
It grows roses without thorns,
And every passing win... |
Society & SociologyCuteness- inborn or bred?
29 Posts • 7516 Views Psychology Forum |
The definition of beautiful and cute are subjective. But each society has its own definitions. In our culture, big eyes and a big head can make a baby look cute. If people base their lives entirely on... |
0 Posts • 10186 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
daisygirl's fault! I swear! Besides Naomi Watts is incredibly, too, ya know.
I dunno daisygirl I've always had the impression that Nicole Kidman might be bitchy in real life, but I am als... |
7 Posts • 3087 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Dawn: It's a lot cheaper than one thinks. I come across horses for pleasure ridiing ni the $1000-$2200 all the time. You can pay any price really, but anything really, really cheap will probably... |
Music VideosWheres Music going?
9 Posts • 4252 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
music is entirely cyclical. record labels spend all kinds of money projecting where things will go next. i would say a new genre is on the rise. metal is gaining some slight popularity, traditional ro... |