 57yrs • M
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Cops Beating up Strikers on the Picket Line |
The Orgy of Pigs & Elephants & Asses in Uncle Sam's Whorehouse Part five of a musical by Wolf Larsen Meanwhile, while the ass sings a group of striking workers & cops start having a melee on stage. The cops sing: "Oh how beautiful is the percussion of our nightsticks beating over your heads! BAM! BAM! BAM! This beautiful percussion is the sound of American democracy! OH WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Can't you hear American democracy as our nightsticks beat over the strikers heads? OH SLAMMY WHAMMY BAM BAM BAM!" Meanwhile, the horns are blasting and the drums are crashing and the violins & cellos & double basses are thrashing & thrashing about wildly. Then, while the cops continue beating up the strikers with their nightsticks, a union bureaucrat gets up and sings: "See what beautiful music the cops make with their nightsticks? WHAM BAM! WHAM BAM! Your union dues helped elect the Party-of-Asses politician that made this all possible! WHAM-BAM-BAM-BAM! The big ass in office is the one that dispatched these cops to make such beautiful music with their nightsticks and your heads. –" A striking worker screams out/sings as a billy club hits him: "I want more brands of deodorant to choose from at the supermarket! I want more free-market choices!" The union bureaucrat continues singing: "Today we workers & cops are all brothers in the wonderful harmony between the liberal democratic bourgeoisie and the workers. –" Another striking worker SCREAMS as a billy club hits her: "I demand more stock options and junk bonds with the childcare I can't afford!" The union bureaucrat continues singing: "Just know that the liberal democratic bourgeoisie in their penthouses feel your pain as these billy clubs split open your heads! Today we congratulate our Party-of-Asses friends in office, and these brother police officers –" Then the cops pull out cans of mace and begin shooting mace into the faces of the strikers. The workers SCREAM/SING out: "More potato chips! More extra strength laundry detergent!" The union bureaucrat continues singing: "And that's why we need to elect more asses to office, so we can make more beautiful music like this wonderful harmony between brother workers & cops –" The trumpet & clarinet screech out mockingly: "wOndeRfuL harmOny! MOre harmOny!" And then the elephant at the podium begins singing: "Oh the evils of organized labor! So evil! Oh the evils of the minimum wage! So evil evil evil! Oh the evils of illegal immigrants that cause hurricanes to flood whole cities –" The saxophone plays: "Sooo evil! Soooo evil!" The flute & piccolo screech: "Mooore evil! Mooore evil!" The saxophone plays: "Delicious evil! Yummy evil!" Copyright 2012 by Wolf Larsen