I just read the thread on having kids, and it brought me to another thought.
I'm 26. I have... |
7 Posts 3368 Views |
In a sense, this is not a theory at all.
See, when you see things, when you hear, feel, or at all... |
9 Posts 3354 Views |
Think about what our future offspring, and societies will think of us, when they reflect on our cult... |
4 Posts 3047 Views |
Can we as human beings when exposed to the same stimuli actually feel the same kind of emotion in re... |
9 Posts 4186 Views |
this post would probably fit better in either the psychology or politics categories, but since it ha... |
3 Posts 3054 Views |
I think the trouble with all the debates we have here is that I think we disagree on what it takes t... |
19 Posts 6688 Views |
Is upward (or downward) mobility possible? This is a question referring to societies with a capitali... |
15 Posts 5422 Views |
I had this posted on a different site...but hardly any replies. Hopefully I'll get some here.... |
14 Posts 4666 Views |
here are some questions: would it be possible for the universe to not exist? similarly, would it be... |
4 Posts 3195 Views |
Alright, i have been pondering this question for a while. What color or colors is a mirror? does the... |
11 Posts 4532 Views |
http://www.panix.com/~clays/Un a/ |
3 Posts 3436 Views |
does anyone have a theory on life involing circles:? cuz i do and i wanna relate soo plz reply if u... |
4 Posts 3231 Views |
I was watching monty python's meaning of life, and they had a wonderful theory, not really theo... |
5 Posts 4675 Views |
Why is it that women are so intimidated to admit that they are attracted to other women??
There... |
24 Posts 15041 Views |
here's something that's been bugging me for a very long time, just kind of in the back of... |
9 Posts 4080 Views |
If we were to one day disover alien life forms, outside of our galaxy they have a planet in hich the... |
4 Posts 2989 Views |
Ok this may seem complicated but it makes sense if ya think about it. Go back to the cave man days,... |
15 Posts 4703 Views |
The Dharma of Self-Effort
Quest for Harmony- self-effort does not mean blind effort. The Dharma of... |
1 Posts 3008 Views |
I've been writing an Artificial Intelligence theory for nearly six years now. Soon, I think I m... |
15 Posts 4623 Views |
Hye, since this is a philosophy thread, I figured I'd actually post something on philosophy. I... |
17 Posts 7158 Views |
Ive been troubled lately with the issue of feelings and emotions. There are non stop scientific expl... |
10 Posts 3743 Views |
Not to bias anyones opinion before this begins I'm not going to write anything. I just want to... |
5 Posts 5099 Views |
a complicated Question for me..!
What would happen if i was not born...
I mean just imagin you wer... |
14 Posts 3554 Views |
I saw a recording of "The Magic flute" from mozart(very charming and funny opera)which has... |
4 Posts 4077 Views |
The tuning of instruments dates back to the greeks. The Pythagoreans came up with a ratio 2:1 the go... |
4 Posts 3713 Views |