of course u are....otherwise u wouldn't be here looking for answers to that lumbering question.... |
7 Posts 3491 Views |
are we in control?....this is the question, and I am giving u a scenario, one that requires u to ste... |
4 Posts 3386 Views |
"Human growth can be affected in direct connection to the level of competence in education and/... |
1 Posts 6669 Views |
Hey everyone, I'v just come up with a wako theory!
You know the commandment 'Thou shalt n... |
1 Posts 3381 Views |
"Anyone who has ever been victimized-and that includes victims of crime, accident victims, adul... |
16 Posts 7281 Views |
this is a note a wrote in my journal one day and i think it sounds pretty good, so i will print it o... |
1 Posts 3904 Views |
From the beginning of time, man has asked why? Why do we ask why? We ask why because we always want... |
11 Posts 6579 Views |
Worrying about the personally perceived dangers of prooven methods and technologies... |
3 Posts 6627 Views |
Alright, based on what I've read in the philosophy section, some of you have a pretty good grip... |
24 Posts 8938 Views |
What makes you succesful in life? Are you successful in life right now? why do you think that?
Do... |
26 Posts 13957 Views |
I have a question? I don't know if anyone can help me with it.
Now I know when I jump up not only... |
17 Posts 7462 Views |
Thought is processed on multiple levels...Most are only aware of the first 2 levels. Example: (1)You... |
2 Posts 3509 Views |
![[MiA]](/mediapush/usrimgmini_24796-1885_mini.jpg) |
What would cause you to go to hell?
This thread will not be about whether or not hell exsits. Foe... |
30 Posts 8371 Views |
If time moves in a cicle then our existence is bound to repeat. If this is ture then will our civili... |
3 Posts 4223 Views |
Think about living your life without the restrictions of belief, morality or legal consequence....wh... |
20 Posts 9481 Views |
![[MiA]](/mediapush/usrimgmini_24796-1885_mini.jpg) |
I have sought such a website because i have recently been blessed with gift or am losing my mind. No... |
3 Posts 6025 Views |
Have just finished a great book called quantum questions - not as high brow as it sounds, just a ser... |
2 Posts 3513 Views |
Anyone intersted in a new discovery that can prevent many of the atrocities that our world is experi... |
27 Posts 10058 Views |
I'm posting this in response to a discussion I saw on DaySide on CNN. It was about how Penn Sta... |
3 Posts 4241 Views |